With Crohn's Disease
Diet for Crohn's disease: reviews and patient results
For any diseases of the intestine, especially with Crohn's disease, it is extremely important to adhere to a diet: it helps to avoid exacerbations and prolong remission.
Dieting specialties in Crohn's disease ^
Crohn's disease is an incurable bowel disease characterized by affection of its wall and ileum. In advanced cases, the lesion can affect all parts of the intestine, starting from the oral cavity, and ending with the anus.
On the question of whether a diet is necessary for Crohn's disease, any doctor will definitely give a positive answer, because the amount and frequency of exacerbations depend on the proper nutrition, as well as the duration of remission.
Therapeutic diet in Crohn's disease helps to avoid more serious complications:
- Abscesses and fistulas inside the intestine;
- Peritonitis;
- Infectious lesions of internal neighboring organs;
- Ulcers;
- Internal bleeding.
Since this disease is incurable, then the diet for Crohn's disease for life, you need to choose only after consultation with your doctor. As a rule, medical tables prohibit the following types of products:
- Any alcohol;
- Macaroni;
- Legumes;
- Spices;Sauces and snacks.
What kind of diet is needed for Crohn's disease
The severity of the menu directly depends on the severity of the disease: if only the rectum or only the ileum is affected - a not very strict menu is selected. With a combined lesion, the diet is drunk quite strict, and if the stomach and duodenum are affected - one must adhere to strict nutrition and give up all kinds of citrus fruits.
In the most severe cases, enteral nutrition is used for Crohn's disease, when the patient can not eat with the mouth: a tube is inserted into the nose and laid through the throat. This method helps to prolong remission.
What foods are allowed in the curative diet for Crohn's disease:
- Tea and cocoa on water;
- Uncomfortable buns, cookies, yesterday's bread;
- Curd and curd soufflé, kefir, milk and sour cream in limited quantities;
- Creamy, olive or ghee;
- Omelette and hard boiled eggs;
- Soups with low-fat broth;
- Vegetable mashed potatoes and puddings, boiled vegetables, fresh greens;
- Berries and fruits;
- Water-diluted juices;
- Salt( up to 10 g per day).
Diet for Crohn's disease: menu and features of therapeutic nutrition ^
Diet for Crohn's disease: therapeutic menu, dietary recipes
Diet - table number 4 for Crohn's disease: menu
In case of acute illness, it is recommended to use this diet, as it contains allnecessary vitamins, microelements and electrolytes. You are allowed to eat boiled eggs, lean meat, wheat bread, cottage cheese, acidophilus, boiled vegetables, buckwheat or semolina, apple puree, and you can drink green or herbal tea.
Sample menu:
- 08.00: eating manna porridge and yogurt;
- 10.00: we eat a pack of low-fat cottage cheese;
- 12.00: We have lunch with vegetable soup with meatballs, we drink tea;
- 14.00: have a snack with steamed omelette;
- 16.00: we eat a couple of fish cutlets, boiled buckwheat;
- 18.00: We eat rice pudding, we drink a kissel from blueberry.
Diet for Crohn's disease in remission of
To prolong remission, it is necessary to abandon chocolate, spicy and fried foods, fatty foods and spices.
Sample menu:
- We have a breakfast of fruit puree, we drink green tea;
- We are eating cottage cheese for lunch;
- Lunch boiled meat and steamed vegetables;
- We snack jelly and a slice of white bread;
- We dine with steam cutlets and vegetable puree.
Diet for Crohn's disease after operation
After surgery, it is necessary to switch to a liquid diet, and the patient is allowed to consume the following foods for several days:
- Low-fat chicken broth;
- Vegetable soups;
- Herbal decoctions;
- Green tea.
Diet for exacerbation of Crohn's disease
Do not eat solid foods during an exacerbation, and the patient's diet should consist of these products:
- Water-diluted juices;
- Acidophilic milk;
- Three-day kefir;
- Decoction of rosehip;Apple or carrot puree.
Diet for Crohn's disease with constipation
If the disease is accompanied by constipation, then it is necessary to remove from the menu bakery products, and focus on sour-milk products and boiled vegetables:
- Lunch boiled grated beets and 100 g unsweetened yogurt;
- At lunch we drink kefir;
- We have dinner with boiled vegetables and a cutlet;
- We snack with yogurt or cottage cheese;
- We dine with a piece of chicken breast and buckwheat porridge without salt.
Diet for Crohn's disease in children
For diarrhea and frequent exacerbations, a sick child should consume as much liquid as possible, chamomile or lime tea, as well as protein products.
Sample menu:
- Having breakfast with tea and a piece of cheese;
- For lunch we eat cottage cheese;
- Lunch boiled meat and low-fat soup;
- We snack 100 grams of yogurt;
- We are having dinner with a steam omelette.
Recipes for a diet with Crohn's disease
Carrot casserole recipe
- Rub carrots, stew in a frying pan with water;
- Mix 120 ml of milk with cottage cheese( 400 g), add egg, semolina( 40 g) and sugar;
- We mix with carrots, bake in the oven.
Recipe for meat with steamed vegetables
- Cut tomatoes into cubes, mix egg and milk( 20 ml), salt and whisk together;
- Cut the finely cooked chicken, spread it on the oiled frying pan with the tomatoes, pour the substance from the egg and milk;
- Cooking for a couple.
Recipe for stewed carrots in milk
- Cut into circles carrots( 200 g), pour water, add 30 ml of milk;
- Stew until cooked.
Results, feedback and recommendations of doctors about proper nutrition in Crohn's disease ^
According to doctors, with the maintenance of a proper diet, remission can last a very long time - several decades. As a result of a diet with Crohn's disease, exacerbations calmed down, the frequency of their appearances decreases, and the spread of the disease to other internal organs is prevented.
At the moment, any prophylaxis of Crohn's disease has not been developed, and the causes of its appearance may be viral infections, heredity, smoking, or a viral infection.
Tips on how to avoid Crohn's disease:
- Properly eat;
- Maintain a healthy lifestyle;
- Keep an eye on hygiene.
Reviews of the diet for Crohn's disease from doctors are very good:
Irina, 33, gastroenterologist:
"Of course, a lot depends on nutrition, including the frequency of exacerbation of the disease. In order to prolong remission, it is necessary to abandon bad habits and adhere to a diet »
Alina, 39, gastroenterologist:
"The best prevention is a healthy food. Those who are sick need to monitor their diet more carefully and prevent violations, as they can provoke exacerbations. "
Catherine, 43, gastroenterologist:
" The diet for Crohn's disease is the main component of the treatment, because without its adherenceno medication and surgery will not help. Adhering to a healthy diet, you can significantly increase the duration of remission and prevent possible complications »