
Drugs from pressure( medicines and tablets from high blood pressure) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

  • Drugs from pressure( medicines and tablets from high blood pressure) - Causes, symptoms and treatment. MF.

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    Increased blood pressure is one of the most common symptoms that can indicate both the cardiovascular system, kidney problems, and a host of other diseases. A significant number of complications of uncontrolled pressure increase, such as a heart attack, stroke, end deadly. The disease develops imperceptibly, many of the symptoms are like normal fatigue and do not pay attention to them for a long time. And, unfortunately, more than half of the patients find out that they have arterial hypertension only with the development of serious complications.

    Approximately one in ten people have high blood pressure. In this hypertension for a long time may not have external manifestations. But in conditions of high blood pressure the whole body works with excessive load. And sooner or later this overexertion will manifest as an attack of angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, stroke, vision loss, kidney failure.

    Currently, there is a large number of effective and relatively safe drugs that allow maintaining blood pressure in the right range. About some of them we will tell in this article.

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    Drugs for hypertension

    Treatment at increased pressure is selected individually, and only under the guidance of a specialist. The most common groups of antihypertensive drugs are:

    1. Diuretics( diuretics). Arterial pressure is reduced by removing excess fluid and certain chemicals from the body.

    • Furosemide( Lasix, Furon) - has a pronounced, but not a long-lasting effect. The drug starts to work after 15-20 minutes. The diuretic effect lasts up to 6 hours. Furosemide is contraindicated in arterial hypotension, myocardial infarction, diabetes mellitus, systemic lupus erythematosus, liver and kidney disease, as well as during pregnancy and lactation.

    • Hydrochlorothiazide( Hydrochlorothiazide, Hypothiazid®) is a milder and weaker diuretic effect. It is used, as a rule, in combination with other drugs to lower blood pressure. The drug starts to work in 50-60 minutes. The diuretic effect lasts up to 12 hours. Hydrochlorothiazide is contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, absence of urine, severe diabetes, Addison's disease, gout, in children under 3 years old, during pregnancy and lactation.

    Diuretics are indicated to reduce the volume of fluid that circulates in the cardiovascular system. If the patient does not have diabetes or gout, treatment of hypertension is initiated with drugs of this group. When they are taken, the content of salts and water in the body decreases, due to which the pressure decreases.

    • Indapamide( Indap, Ravel, Arifon) - long-lasting action. Diuretic effect develops after 6-8 hours, lasts up to 24 hours. Contraindicated with hypersensitivity to indapamide, severe renal or hepatic insufficiency, pregnancy, lactation, age under 18, with hyperparathyroidism.

    2. Beta-blockers( BAB). The hypotensive effect is developed due to a decrease in heart rate, a decrease in the load on the heart, expansion of blood vessels. Beta-adrenoblockers are contraindicated for individual intolerance, blockade of the conduction system of the heart, a rare pulse, arterial hypotension, bronchial asthma, pregnancy and lactation.

    The use of beta-blockers is preferred in young people. The drug from the group of beta-blockers is prescribed for 2-4 weeks. After this, in the absence of effect, a combination of a beta-adrenoblocker with a diuretic or calcium channel blockers is appropriate. For long-term therapy, preference is given to celiprolol, metoprolol, or bisoprolol.

    • Celiprolol - the maximum effect is expected 2-4 hours after the first dose. The duration of antihypertensive action is 24 hours. This allows you to prescribe the drug once a day, which is very convenient for long-term admission.

    • Bisoprolol( Aritel®, Bidop®, Biol®, Biprol, Bisogamma®, Bisocard, Bizomor, Concor®, Corbis, Cordinorm, Coronale, Niperten, Thyrez) - the maximum effect is expected 3 hours after the first dose. The duration of antihypertensive action is more than 24 hours. It was found that with prolonged use, an effective correction of blood pressure in 90-95 percent of cases. Also this drug can be recommended as part of complex therapy after a heart attack.

    • Metoprolol( Betalok®, Betalok® ZOK, Vazocardin, Corvitol®, Metokoz®, Metocard®, Metocor Adipharm, Metolol, Metoprolol, Egilok®, Emzok) - the hypotensive effect develops 15 minutes after taking the drug, the maximum effect after 2hours. The duration of the action is 24 hours.

    BAB with a vasodilating effect, such as Carvedilol( Vedicardol ® ) and Nebivolol , have a less pronounced negative metabolic effect, are preferred in the treatment of patients with obesity and diabetes mellitus. The administration of carvedilol is preferred in cases where the BAB is necessary in the treatment regimen of patients with arterial hypertension and metabolic risk factors.

    3. Angiotensin converting enzyme( ACE inhibitors) inhibitors. The main effect of these drugs is the dilatation of blood vessels. Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors are contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy, breast-feeding, in childhood, with renal dysfunction.

    • Enalapril( Bagopril®, Berlipril®, Vazolapril, Corandil, Myopril, Renipril®, Renitec, Ednit®, Enazil, Enalacor, Enam®, Enap®, Enarenal®, Enipril) - the effect develops 1 hour after the first dose, the maximum hypotensive effect after 6 hours, the duration of the action is about 24 hours. Treatment begins with a minimal dose of drugs, assessing the effectiveness of treatment for the level of blood pressure.

    • Perindopril( Arentopres, Hypernik, Parnavel, Perineva, Perinpress, Prestarium®, Stoppress) - after a single dose, a significant pressure reduction is expected in 6-8 hours, the duration of action is 24 hours.

    • Ramipril( Amprilan®, Vazolong®, Dilaprel®, Corpril®, Piramil®, Ramigamma, Ramicardium, Tritace®, Hartil®) - the effect develops 1 hour after the first dose, maximum hypotensive effect after 4-6 hours, durationactions - more than a day.

    4. Calcium antagonists. These are drugs that also dilate the blood vessels, but, unlike angiotensin-converting-inhibiting agents with a slightly different mechanism of action. Calcium antagonists are contraindicated for individual intolerance, hypotension, cardiac blockade, rare pulse, arrhythmia, pregnancy, breast-feeding.

    Preparations of the group of calcium channel blockers are especially recommended for the combination of arterial hypertension with rhythm disturbance or with angina.

    • Verapamil( Veracard, Isoptin, Kaveril, Lekoptin®, Finoptin) - a decrease in pressure is observed 1-2 hours after the first dose, the duration of the effect in the prolonged forms is 24 hours.
    • Amlodipine( Agen, Acridipin®, Amlovas®, Amlodak, Amlong, Amlotop, Calchek®, Cardilopin®, Karmagip®, Corvadil®, Norvasc®, Normodipine®, Omelar Cardio, Stamlo® M, Tenox®) 1-2 hours after taking the first dose, the duration of the effect is more than 24 hours.
    • Diltiazem( Altiazem, Blocalcin, Dilren, Diltz, Zilden, Cardil, Cortiazem, Tiakem®) - observed 2-4 hours after the first dose, the duration of the effect in the long-acting forms is 8-12 hours.

    5. Angiotensin II receptor blockers( valsartan, losartan, eprosartan). All drugs in this group have the ability to control blood pressure within 24 hours, which makes it possible to take 1 tablet a day. To develop an antihypertensive effect, it is necessary to take the drugs for at least 4-8 weeks. The ARB refers to Candesartan, whose antihypertensive effect lasts 36-48 hours.

    Drugs for high blood pressure in pregnancy

    Treatment of hypertension in pregnancy is a very difficult task and it is solved only under the supervision of a doctor, often in a hospital. The drug of choice in this case is Methyldofa. Even with a single increase in blood pressure, a pregnant woman should consult a gynecologist. Untreated hypertension can lead to the development of eclampsia in pregnant women.

    Use of pressure medication

    All of the above drugs are prescribed by the doctor after a thorough and thorough examination. Many patients believe that an adequate and persistent antihypertensive effect will develop after taking the first pill. This is not true. Sometimes, in order for the drug to come into full force, it must be taken for weeks. Another common misconception is that, with a good effect, the dose of the drug can be reduced independently or completely eliminated. This is very harmful, because many drugs have a so-called "bounce" effect. This effect is that when the medicine is canceled, the blood pressure is significantly increased. Therefore, adjust the dose of the drug should only a doctor. Another "myth" is the statement that those medicines that help a neighbor, friend, colleague, relatives will help me. This is not true. At best, they will not help, but at worst they will bring significant harm. Therefore, the treatment of hypertension must be strictly individual.

    First aid for increasing pressure

    But what to do in case of a sudden rise in blood pressure before the arrival of emergency medical care? In this case, drugs such as corinfar( nifedipine) or capoten( captopril) can help. Both preparations must be kept under the tongue for a prompt action before dissolution. A good effect is a single dose of 1-2 Furosemide tablets. After the drugs are taken, it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

    Treatment for chronic pressure increase

    The diet in hypertension, of course, does not lead to a complete cure, but along with taking medications and folk methods, it allows more successful control of blood pressure. It will be useful to introduce into your diet walnuts, jam from chokeberry and sea-buckthorn. Caffeinated drinks, alcohol are completely excluded, it is recommended to quit smoking.

    The following folk remedies can also be recommended:

    • add a glass of mineral water and a tablespoon of honey to the juice of half a lemon. Stir. Use in the morning on an empty stomach for 7-10 days.
    • Mix honey and beet juice in equal quantities. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for 7 days
    • Mix in equal amounts honey and rubbed cranberries. Take 1 tablespoon 3 times a day for 7 days
    • Mix 2 tablespoons of nettle and dill, pour a glass of milk, heat, but do not boil. Infuse for 10 minutes. Eat once a day.

    Before using any herbs, it is advisable to read the contraindications to them.

    Modern medicine has a wide arsenal of medical drugs for the treatment of blood pressure. Therefore, it is not important, accompanied by hypertension with some unpleasant sensations or not, sit and wait for the development of complications still not worth it. It is well known that the risk of developing a heart attack, stroke and other serious lesions increases several times even with a slight increase in pressure. Therefore, even with a single episode of increasing blood pressure, you need to see a doctor.

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