
Kalikopyleloctasia of the kidneys - diagnosis or abnormality

  • Kalikopyleloctasia of the kidneys - diagnosis or abnormality

    The pathological condition, characterized by the expansion and expansion of the renal tubular system, is called hydrocalicosis( kalikopileloectasia).The advanced cup-and-pelvis system compresses the kidney tissues, leading to atrophy of the renal papilla and partial overlapping of the urinary tracts that cause the outflow of urine.

    It should be taken into account that renal kalikopyleloaktasia is not an independent disease, it is just a symptom of other pathological conditions of this organ.

    Causes of development of kalikopyleloektazii

    Factors provoking the development of the disease can be:

    1. Hereditary predisposition
    2. Congenital malformations and structure of the kidneys
    3. Various arterial organ defects
    4. Injuries, including various surgical procedures
    5. Pathological processes occurring in the urinary system - tuberculosis, syphilis, nephroptosis, nephrolithiasis, benign and malignant neoplasms of the kidneys
    6. Pathologies of neighboring systems and organs are a neoplasmAnia, located in the retroperitoneal space, inborn errors of structure and development of the arteries and veins, pathology retroperitoneal lymph vessels
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    7. late pregnancy could trigger the expansion of renal pelvis and cups.

    Regardless of the cause of the disease, the patient develops a violation of the outflow of urine leading to its accumulation in the bowl-calyx segment, resulting in compression of the functional kidney tissue, the occurrence of circulatory disturbances in it, and the development of inflammatory processes in case of infection. According to the statistics, right-kidney kalikopyleloctasia develops much more often, in about 65-70 cases out of 100, bilateral lesions may occur in 15-20 patients, the remaining cases are left-kidney kalikopyleoctasia.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Without carrying out a special examination, it is impossible to detect kalikopyleloctasia in a timely manner, as the clinical manifestations of this condition are similar to the symptoms of many other diseases of the genitourinary system. The severity of symptoms depends on the rate of development of the outflow of urine - the faster they develop, the more pronounced the symptoms of the disease.

    Symptoms of the disease include:

    • Sudden occurrence of severe chills - body temperature rises sharply, reaching 40 degrees, and also falls sharply when recovering outflow.
    • A sharp localized pain in the lumbar region, extending to the lateral areas of the abdomen and groin from the side of the lesion.
    • Palpation in the lumbar region is very painful.
    • Nausea and, not bringing relief, vomiting.
    • Rapid painless urination, portions of urine are small.
    • Urine turbid with an unpleasant odor.
    • It is possible that impurities in the urine appear in the urine( the amount of blood depends on the cause and degree of development of kalikopileloectasia).

    Quite often there is hydrocalcosis of the right kidney during pregnancy, the cause of this process is the anatomical feature of the location of the organs of the urinary system. Normally, the right kidney is located below the left and more mobile. During pregnancy, the deviating right to the right, increasing in size, the uterus squeezes the ureter, causing the expansion of the cup-and-pelvis system. After delivery, kalikopyleloaktasia usually passes by itself.

    Diagnosis of Kalypylesterectasia

    Only specialist can determine the presence of calypyl ectasia from the findings of the examination, the clinical picture and the results of additional examinations. To confirm the diagnosis it is necessary to undergo the following tests and examinations:

    1. General analysis of urine and blood
    2. Determination of biochemical composition of blood and urine
    3. Contrast radiography of blood vessels supplying pelvic organs and abdominal cavity( excretory urography, retrograde pyelography, renal angiography)
    4. Ultrasonography of kidneys andother small pelvic organs
    5. Computer multispiral and magnetic resonance imaging as needed.

    Principles of treatment of the disease

    This is important! Complex therapy of the disease should be assigned by an experienced qualified specialist on the basis of examination, clinical picture, test results and additional examinations. Optimal to start treatment of the disease at the time of the appearance of the first symptoms.

    Most often for the treatment of a disease, it is necessary to surgically remove the cause that caused the difficulty of outflow of urine. Before the operation, it is necessary to carry out antibiotic therapy of the infectious process, often occurring against the background of stagnation of urine. Antibacterial drugs are prescribed after determining the sensitivity of infectious agents to them.

    Surgical intervention can be performed from open access( abdominal surgery) or endoscopically using special equipment through two punctures in the abdominal wall. The choice of the method of surgical intervention depends on the cause of the development of the outflow of urine.

    The prognosis of the disease also depends on the cause that caused calypyyloectasia: if the development of the disease is caused by the formation of stones, then their elimination will lead to complete recovery, congenital malformation can be eliminated operatively. In the event that the cause of KALP is neoplasm, the prognosis depends largely on its type and the possibility of removal.

    Possible complications of

    In case of untimely diagnosis and treatment, the following complications may develop:

    • Chronic renal failure
    • Urosepsis is a highly inflammatory, infectious process that can lead to death,
    • Very often, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys( pyelone and glomerulonephritis)
    • Stagnation of urine can provoke the formation of stones
    • Hydronephrosis - with this disease all pathological processes inthe kidney progresses, the patient's condition deteriorates sharply.
    • In pregnant women, kalikopyleloectasia is dangerous because it can cause the development of pyelonephritis.

    Prevention of disease development is the timely diagnosis and treatment of diseases that cause difficulty in outflow of urine. It is also necessary to pay attention to trauma and inflammatory processes in the organs of the urinary system.

    To avoid the development of all sorts of complications when the first symptoms of impaired kidney function appear, you should urgently consult a doctor and go through all the necessary tests to find out the diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

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