Diet on Vinaigrette
Diet on vinaigrette: reviews and results of those who lose weight
Diet on vinaigrette is a special diet, created for those who love this traditional salad for the countries of the former USSR, which is its basis.
Diet with vinaigrette: essence, use, special features ^
The essence of weight loss in vinaigrette is the low calorie content of this salad: one serving weighing 160 g contains only 90 kcal.
It is due to this that weight loss occurs quite quickly, as the body feels a lack of energy, and he has to draw it from fat deposits.
It is not necessary to talk about whether a vinaigrette is useful for losing weight: the products in it contain vitamins, iron, potassium and beta-carotene - elements that favorably affect the intestines and stomach, strengthen hair and nails, improve the skin condition,normalize blood pressure, lower the cholesterol in the blood.
Pros and cons of the diet on the vinaigrette
The consumption of vinaigrette on a diet has many advantages:
- This salad quickly quenches the hunger, so there is no special discomfort during weight loss;
- In winter, this technique is very relevant: on the shelves there is little choice of vegetables, but those that are required for the preparation of vinaigrette are always present;
- The power system is suitable even for pregnant women.
The drawbacks include the monotony of the menu: in some cases one has to eat only one salad, but thanks to its satiety, the mono-diet is easily transferred.
How much can you lose on a diet with vinaigrette
In this case, everything depends on the duration: for example, a fast diet on salad vinaigrette, lasting 3 days, allows you to lose 3-4 kilograms. Other options take longer, but the plumb on them can be up to 10 kg.
The daily calorie diet with vinaigrette varies from 700 to 1200 kcal, so losing weight loss is fast and safe for health.
What products are used for the preparation of vinaigrette:
- Potatoes: it is advisable to add it to the salad in the least amount, and it is best to exclude it altogether, since it contains a lot of starch;
- Carrots;
- Boiled beans;
- Onion;
- Sauerkraut;
- Beet.
During weight loss, it is allowed to eat other dishes, but with one condition: they should not contain sugar or flour, be non-fat and non-calorie, otherwise the effectiveness of the diet on vinaigrette can be reduced to zero.
Vinaigrette diet for weight loss: menus, recipes, rules ^
Diet on vinaigrette: menu, recipes for weight loss
Rules for a diet for vinaigrette:
- For dressing a salad instead of sunflower oil, it is best to use olive oil;
- When observing mono-diet, vinaigrette can be eaten in unlimited quantities, but in reasonable limits for the body;
- To avoid the feeling of hunger, and quickly cleared the intestines, you must drink plenty of water: from 1.5 liters per day.
Diet with vinaigrette: a menu for 3 days
A more or less mild version of the technique involves the use of this menu all three days:
- We have breakfast with vinaigrette and a glass of kefir;
- We ate the fruit for lunch;
- We have lunch with vinaigrette;
- We snack any fruit;
- We dine with vinaigrette and low-fat yoghurt;
- We drink kefir for the night.
Vinaigrette diet: minus 5 kg for 5 days
To achieve the best effect, the following menu is recommended:
- In the morning we eat fruit, drink kefir;
- At lunch we eat a salad;
- We have lunch with the same salad and fat-free yogurt;
- We snack an apple;
- We are having dinner with vegetable broth.
Diet on vinaigrette for 10 days
For 10 days you can throw off up to 8 kg, if you adhere to these restrictions:
- On the day we will eat no more than 50 g of vinaigrette;
- Have a snack 3-4 times with fruit;
- We drink 400 g of low-fat kefir.
Monodieta on the
vinaigrette This variant lasts from 3 to 5 days:
- We eat only vinaigrette( up to 1 kg);
- Drink as much water as possible.
Diet "hot vinaigrette"
The essence of this technique is reduced to the use of hot veggie for dinner:
- We have breakfast oatmeal with the addition of raisins;
- We have lunch with cereal soup and vegetable salad;
- We have dinner with hot vinaigrettes, we drink a cup of green tea.
Diet on vinaigrette and buckwheat
All known mono-diet on buckwheat can be diversified by including vinaigrette in it. Use this menu can be no more than two weeks:
- Daily eat 500 g steamed buckwheat and the same amount - vinaigrette;
- Observe the drinking regime. Only green tea and water are allowed from drinks.
Diet of vinaigrette according to Mikhailov
The nutrition system of dietician Mikhailova can be practiced for no more than 5 days:
- In the morning we eat cereal cereal with dried fruits;
- We have lunch with vegetable broth and salad;
- For dinner, we leave one vinaigrette.
Vinaigrette diet for pregnant women
During pregnancy it is very important to include in your diet healthy dishes, which is vinaigrette. To lose weight, in addition to this salad you need to eat the following foods for two weeks:
- Meat and fish of low-fat varieties;
- Curd and yogurt;
- Fruit;
- Vegetables;
- Berries;
- Nuts;
- Groats.
Recipes of the vinaigrette diet
Vinaigrette recipe:
- Boil potatoes, carrots and beets, cut into cubes, add canned peas;
- Sprinkle with chopped onion, greens and salt;
- We add sauerkraut, we fill with low-fat kefir or olive oil.
Recipe for oatmeal:
- We bring 1 liter of water to a boil, throw 1-2 tablespoons.flakes;
- Cook on low heat for 20 minutes;
- Add the washed raisins, after 7 minutes we remove everything from the plate.
Recipe for vegetable soup:
- Pour 2 liters of water into the pan, place the same potatoes into the pan;
- Shiny carrots and onions, cut broccoli, put into broth;
- Solim, sprinkle with spices and herbs, boil until cooked.
How to lose weight on a diet with the help of vinaigrette: reviews, the results of losing weight ^
Despite all the benefits of vinaigrette, doctors do not recommend limiting their food to them only for more than two weeks. If you adhere to this advice and apply the method no more than twice a year, then there will be no harm to the body.
It is also important to perform the correct way out after a hard diet on vinaigrette:
- The first week additionally introduce other vegetables that are not present in salads;
- From the second week it is allowed to eat a little meat and boiled eggs.
The results of the vinaigrette diet will only benefit if you adhere to all the rules:
- Hair and nails become more sturdy;
- Body mass and volume are reduced;
- Metabolism is stimulated.
Reviews about the diet for weight loss with vinaigrette of our regular readers are also very positive:
Yana, 28 years old:
"I love the vinaigrette, and stayed on it for a week. During this time, I successfully threw off almost 8 kilograms, so I have no reasons for displeasure. "
Julia, 35:
" I lost 3 kilograms on a diet for Mikhailov, when I had to prepare for my sister's wedding. I am glad that it gives a quick effect, otherwise I would feel at the celebration not very comfortable with the bulging tummy. "
Natalia, 38:
" I can not say that vinaigrette is my favorite dish, but, in my opinion, it grows thinmost convenient: it is hearty, contains a lot of vitamins and, most importantly, it has few calories ยป