
Fashionable haircuts for boys: photo hairstyles for children of different ages

  • Fashionable haircuts for boys: photo hairstyles for children of different ages

    Boys also want to be fashionable and beautifully combed. If a child has good and thick hair, he can make an interesting fashionable haircut. A large number of photos of fashionable haircuts for boys can be found in this article just below .

    Modern children's haircuts for boys amaze their diversity even professionals in the field of hairdressing. Here are just some examples of such haircuts: a bean, a beaver, a caesar, a pot, with pointed ends( a hedgehog).It all depends on the age of the child and the density of the hair.

    From two to five years

    For small boys between the ages of two and five years, complex haircuts are extremely undesirable, even if they look very stylish. The fact is that in 2 years, baby hair is very soft and extremely negatively react to all kinds of styling and fixing means. At this age, it's better for a boy to choose a simple hairstyle that matches the structure of the hair. For example, the so-called cap, when the crown remains long, and the hair on the temples and the back of the head are cut short. If the child has curly hair, do not constantly cut the curls. In the end, this hairstyle looks rather unusual.

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    Haircut with lengthening at the back of the head - another very popular haircut for boys of younger preschool age. When doing this haircut, the hair is made short throughout the length of the head, and a few long strands remain on the crown of the head. Such hair does not climb into the eyes and is very suitable for active children.

    Another haircut for small fidgets is called a bean. It is very desirable for her to have thick and strong( but soft!) Hair.

    Advice from the hairdresser: little boys under three years old should not be cut with a machine or shaved "to zero", as was customary in Soviet times. It is noticed that after such procedures hair in the future becomes too hard.

    Before school

    For boys aged 5 years and up to 6-7 years, a variety of hairstyles are suitable. At this time, you can already accurately determine the structure of the child's hair and do a haircut, starting from these data.

    If the hair is hard, the beaver's hair will be ideal. Haircut make a hair clipper with the help of various attachments.

    Variant of a hairstyle - a hedgehog - a hedgehog, or a hairdress with the pointed ends.

    Another interesting hairstyle model called Caesar. It will suit the owners of thick hair. Once such a hairstyle was worn by the legendary Roman commander, by his name, she got her name. By the way, for the festive events for such a hairdo, you can make an amusing styling.

    For more relaxed children, a haircut of a bean or "under a pot" is suitable. The latter received its name from the ancient method of haircuts, when a client was put on the head of a pot and cut off all the hair sticking out around.

    By the way, even at such a young age with the boy's hair you can experiment. For example, slightly curl or shear only half the head.

    From 10 and older

    After 10 years of boys, you can cut, firstly, as they themselves want, and, secondly, as dictated by the density of hair itself. In any case, the child is free to express his own wishes about his favorite hairstyle. Here are just a few options for haircuts for teenagers.

    For example, a la Harry Poter( disheveled hair, bean):

    Or sporty:

    Or the same hedgehog, but in different versions:

    Or so that it was a bit like Elvis Presley( with coconut on the vertex):

    Be stylish - it's easy!

    And you can try to make the boy a very stylish haircut. Let it be creative asymmetry. For example, an unusual bangs covering the eye, or a haircut with a thick and unshagged bangs, which is not milled or combed on its side.

    Well, very extreme versions with a carved temples temples and long locks on the crown. The degree of shaving of the hair can be light and extreme.

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