
What is renal failure, why does kidney failure occur during pregnancy and its treatment?

  • What is renal failure, why does kidney failure occur during pregnancy and its treatment?

    Renal failure is a pathology that indicates that there is a severe deterioration in the filtration of products in the kidneys. In the absence of necessary medical care, the patient may die. But with a timely visit to a specialist, the chances of a successful recovery increase several times. Renal failure during pregnancy is considered a dangerous pathology, which requires immediate medical attention and appropriate measures.

    Causes of

    pathology There are several types of kidney failure, namely:

    1. Prerenal renal failure, which is formed due to circulatory disorders.
    2. Renal renal failure, which is formed due to impaired renal parenchyma.
    3. Renal failure of the kidneys, which is formed due to obstruction of the urinary tract.

    This is important!

    In order to know why the kidneys are being rejected, it should be remembered that acute failure can be triggered by severe burns, high potassium concentration in the body, dehydration due to prolonged vomiting or diarrhea, and other chronic kidney damage.

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    Symptomatology of the pathology of

    If you have even the slightest symptoms of kidney failure, a person should seek help from a specialist as soon as possible, because there are a large number of etiological factors, and self-treatment can lead to serious complications.

    The main and first symptoms of kidney failure are violations of normal sleep, headaches and severe weakness. Thirst and dryness in the mouth, dyspnoea due to the accumulation of fluid in the space between the cells and between tissues also appears. Lower limbs begin to swell, pain develops in the lumbar region of the back, severe complications can develop, for example, interstitial swelling in the lungs, which provokes respiratory failure.

    Kidneys are an organ. Which implements the most important functions in the human body - they are the conclusion of dangerous exchange products. In connection with this, disrupting the functioning of the kidneys provokes the accumulation of uric acid, urea and other harmful chemical components that begin to destroy the nervous system of man and his whole body. Thus, irreversible changes develop, leading to death in the absence of professional medical care.

    If the kidneys still stop working normally, these manifestations are supplemented with a decrease in the volume of urine or its complete absence, pulling or aching pain in the area of ​​the location of the kidneys.

    Any pathology, as well as an acute form of kidney failure, can not develop from an empty place. The symptoms that precede the disease itself are compulsorily formed, so you need to listen carefully to your own organism, monitor your health and visit the doctor on time.

    Therapeutic process of pathology

    Acute form of renal failure can be diagnosed by blood and urine tests. In special cases, a kidney biopsy is required. If it is established that the patient has had kidney failure, but the appropriate therapy is being conducted.

    This is important!

    Initially, the etiological factors of organ failure are eliminated, toxins are eliminated from the body. With a large loss of blood, it is transfused, and subsequently intraperitoneal hemodialysis or dialysis is performed with the aid of an artificial kidney apparatus until the organ's function is resumed. At the terminal stage, the kidney is transplanted from the donor.

    The entire treatment process is carried out in a hospital, and when discharged, the patient is shown to carry out drug maintenance treatment and additional treatment.

    Due to the achievements of modern medicine, acute kidney deficiency is considered a curable pathology, and functioning is fully restored about a year after initiation of therapy.

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