
How to celebrate the year of a horse - How to celebrate the year of a blue wooden horse 2014

  • How to celebrate the year of a horse - How to celebrate the year of a blue wooden horse 2014

    Do you already think about how to celebrate the Year of the Horse? Let's define for the beginning with a choice of the place of celebration. For those who have many relatives, the options are presented in a great variety.

    In the family circle

    New Year in the family circle

    You stay in a cozy apartment and spend this New Year's Eve in the closest, "own", family circle. This is both convenient and economical. First, you do not need to spend money on travel;secondly, you will not "throw off" on the general table;thirdly, you will remain masters of your own time and, if you wish, you will go to bed not when the hosts of the party get tired of the noisy fun, but when it pleases you. Pluses - a lot. The main thing is that you will not be obliged to anyone and nothing. As they say, everything is just your will.

    Reception of guests

    Reception of guests for the New Year

    Stay at home and invite guests. Pros, in fact, the same as the first option, but keep in mind that you will have much more to cook, there will be less time for yourself, and you will not be able to escape from the bustle of vanity in a warm bed. Well, at least because of good manners - do not leave the same guests, in fact. .. In addition, on your shoulders will also lay down the script of the evening( and the night, too, as you understand).A good hostess should meet guests and spend dinner so that the guests have not only a pleasant memory, but also a desire to return to her house again. Not every hostess is smiling at the prospect of cleaning and washing dishes after the door is closed behind the last guest. Although, I must admit, not every hostess is frightened of such an opportunity.

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    At the city tree

    You can count in the voice together with the gathered last seconds of the year departing and meet the new year at the central Christmas tree, installed on the main square of your city. Let the general merriment pick you up with a surging wave and take you to the world of childhood, reflected in Bengal lights and bright constellations in the sky. The special energy of happiness and universal fun that reigns in these minutes will soak through you and leave a positive charge for a long time.

    In the restaurant

    This option is especially suitable for fans of a noisy holiday outside the house. Table( or even a large "round table") in a decent restaurant with the New Year's program. Many reputable restaurants are preparing for such holidays in advance. And it's not just about tasty, delicious dishes and beautiful furniture, but also a pre-planned entertainment show with leading, invited artists, clowns, musicians and, of course, jokes and contests. Ideal for those who want to see the maximum number of friends and relatives, and do not burden themselves with jogging through shopping, general cleaning, cooking a variety of dishes, etc. It's enough to gather everyone in one restaurant. By the way, every guest can pay for the dinner himself, you do not have to do it for everyone. Your only concern will be your own New Year's decoration and a taxi, which you can order in advance.

    Escape from the city

    There is an option "to escape" for the city, to retire from the city hype and people's eyes, for example, in the country. A smart spruce, sparkling with Christmas balls and garlands, quietly crackling in the fireplace firewood, creating a special comfort, and more - candles, a couple of glasses of champagne, a collection of favorite romantic music. .. Such a New Year will remain in memory even without a table breaking from the dishes. Comfort, tranquility and true bliss. ..

    Away from the country

    New Year in another country

    You can leave the country. The blessing, the countries and permits at travel agencies is great and for any pocket. The main thing - there would be funds for such a trip.

    For those who like a lot of snow and who are not afraid of frosts, you can go to Lapland( in the northern part of Fennoscandia), according to legend, home to Santa Claus himself) and, perhaps, even ride in his famous sleigh, harnessed by reindeer.

    Fans of exotic, hot sun, golden sand and warm salt sea can choose countries more plush: Italy, Bahamas, Turkey, Japan, China, Israel, Greece, Egypt, Bali, Indonesia.

    While others will be wrapped up in their fur coats, you will be able to lay out your deck chair and surrounded by palm trees with pleasure to sunbathe. And then - for shopping. Just imagine what gifts you can bring to your loved ones! And taking into account the New Year discounts!. . The main thing is that you will have very pleasant memories, and relatives will be pleased with the imported overseas surprises.

    Lovely snowman

    But the disadvantages are even in such a pleasure: a ticket( and even better - a tour with a full package) you have to buy a month for three( or even four) before the New Year. By tapping to the eve of the holiday, you run the risk of staying at home, as marking the Year of the Horse away from home is not only about tours that "capture" the gap from December 30 to January 2, they are simply using incredible demand. It is for this reason that the prices for all tours literally soar. The best options would be a New Year's Eve, spent at home and Christmas weekends abroad - prices at this time begin to fall significantly, and you will be able to save considerably( especially if the trip is planned for several people).

    Regardless of the place chosen, celebrating the Year of the Horse is too noisy not recommended: the animal is cautious and rather timid, despite its contactness. Die this time the love for noisy fireworks, too loud music and too noisy companies. Let the Year of the Horse bring you only good luck!