
Haemorrhagic cyst of the kidney - its symptoms and causes of development

  • Haemorrhagic cyst of the kidney - its symptoms and causes of development

    The hemorrhagic cyst of the kidney is formed due to the penetration into the cavity of a simple blood cyst. The standard dimensions of this tumor, as a rule. Do not reach more than 3 cm in diameter.

    Cystic neoplasm in the kidney has recently become more and more diagnosed - even among males and among young people. The cyst itself does not pose any danger to a person, but it is important to constantly monitor its development process, undergo regular examinations to establish a change in the fluid inside the tumor to increase the size of this tumor.

    Basic etiological factors

    The causes of cyst formation in the kidneys are conventionally classified into:

    • Genetic factors - hereditary cystic formations are most often bilateral or multiple.
    • Cyst, as a consequence of the transferred infectious pathology, which caused necrotic changes in the tissues of the kidney and their subsequent resorption.
    • Consequences of an organ trauma.
    • Prolonged course of chronic renal disease.
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    This is important! The most common disease occurs without manifestation of symptoms, and the cyst is detected accidentally during routine examination.

    Complicated cystic tumors, including hemorrhagic cyst, exhibit the following symptoms:

    • Pain sensations.
    • Tumor feels. This is especially characteristic of thin patients.
    • The presence of blood in the urine.
    • The presence of protein and calcium in the urine.
    • Renal colic.
    • Frequent damage to the body by diseases of the urogenital system.
    • Increase in the size of the kidney.
    • Difficulties associated with urination.
    • Increase in pressure indicators.

    Implementation of diagnostic measures and treatment of

    Diagnosis is performed on the basis of clinical signs of the disease, revealing genetic predisposition to cyst development, blood and urine tests, ultrasound, MRI, CT and angiography. To exclude the oncological process, a biopsy is sometimes performed for the contents of the cyst.

    Conservative ways of treating hemorrhagic cysts have not been developed. Sometimes it becomes possible to prescribe medicines in order to eliminate the concomitant symptomatology. These include painkillers, neutralizing infectious disease, pressure-lowering agents.

    A well-suited, well-suited diet suitable for a particular patient, which relieves excess burden from the kidneys, and thus facilitates their functioning.

    In the formation of a hemorrhagic cyst, only a surgical operation is possible, namely:

    • Transdermal surgery is a simple procedure that is easily tolerated by patients and is performed with an endoscope with X-ray control.
    • Laparoscopy is the most progressive method in the treatment of cystic formations. Due to the laparoscope through the holes in the abdominal wall, the cyst is removed.

    This is important! In a neglected situation or with rapid progression of pathology, complete removal of the kidney may follow. Indications for such intervention are multiple cysts, which can not be excised without damaging the organ itself.

    Possible complications of the pathology

    The main complications and risks in the formation of hemorrhagic cysts are:

    • Vascular contraction and kidney parenchyma, causing malnutrition of the body, atrophy and renal failure work.
    • Squeezing the vessels and tissues of nearby organs - this significantly disturbs their work.
    • Suppuration of the tumor and the formation of an abscess - since after a hemorrhage into the kidney, pathogenic bacteria can penetrate with the blood.
    • Incorrect discharge of urine. With pressure on the renal pelvis, the ureters also suffer, and the kidney begins to accumulate excess fluid, increase and its tissues die off.
    • The cyst can be transformed into a malignant neoplasm - the process of malignancy.
    • Cyst rupture - when the shell does not withstand strong pressure and bursts, and serous fluid enters the abdominal cavity and causes blood infection.
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