
Hogyan ünnepeljük a karácsonyt Németországban? Karácsonyi ünnepségek Németországban

  • Hogyan ünnepeljük a karácsonyt Németországban? Karácsonyi ünnepségek Németországban

    Christmas is loved by people all over the world, but Germany has a special attitude towards this long-awaited event. After all, on December 1, in this small but developed country, amazing and bright transformations begin: the facades of houses, streets, arches, shops, trees and other objects are decorated, which can be easily hung with a lot of flashing lights.

    In order to understand how Christmas is celebrated in Germany, it is enough to just come to this state in the middle of December. It is at this time in the main squares are installed large and elegant Christmas trees, which are the symbol of a magical and wonderful holiday.

    It is worth mentioning that it was Germany who came to our country to decorate the pine with all sorts of toys, garlands, tinsel, rains, etc. In addition, in this European state it is customary to decorate not only the facades of houses, but also windows with window sills, where various figures of animals and people, icons and other religious products are installed.

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    To learn how to celebrate Christmas in Germany, first of all it is necessary to understand how the Germans treat this fairy event. According to them, the birth of the baby Jesus should be celebrated with special preparation and on a wide scale.

    Christmas wreath

    It is commonly believed that if you do not decorate your house or street with traditional Christmas symbols, next year luck will not knock on your door. That's why most people in Germany get out of their suitcases various attributes that are hung out on balconies, windows, etc.

    The following products are traditional symbols, without which Christmas can not be spent:

    • Christmas star. If the Russian people imagine a Christmas star in the form of a red pentagon, which adorns the top of the spruce every year, then for the inhabitants of Germany this attribute is an ordinary houseplant with burgundy inflorescences. It is he who is exposed on the windowsills on the eve of the birth of the baby Jesus.
    • Christmas wreath. It is also worth noting that one of the brightest symbols of Christmas is a colorful wreath adorned with four candles. On the first Sunday, only one candle is lit, the second - 2, the third - three, and the fourth - all four. But on the Birthday of Jesus, most families can not do without candles in the Christmas wreath, as their homes are lit by hundreds of other lights.
    • Christmas Fair. No Christmas in Germany can be dispensed with without a colorful festival, the opening of which falls on the middle of November. In the process of such fairs the Germans have fun, drink traditional red wine with spices, prepare hot punch themselves, and also arrange various performances with the participation of such popular fairy-tale heroes as Nutcracker, Frau Holle and other characters.
    Saint Nicholas
    • Sweet calendars of Advent. For children, special sweet adventure calendars are being created for this holiday, consisting of 24 windows designed for a similar number of days. Every day a gift is hidden in the form of candy, chocolate or other confectionery.
    • Parish of St. Nikolaus. By tradition, on December 6th in Germany is celebrated the great children's holiday - St. Nikolaus. In the evening, every child tidies his shoes, cleans them of dirt, and then neatly places near the entrance to St. at night. Nikolaus and left for him personally a long-awaited and desired gift. Those children who during the year behaved well expect a beautiful and wonderful present, well, and those who constantly brought trouble to others, risk to stay with shoes filled with dry twigs only.

    Christmas Eve

    Christmas table in Germany

    Every year on the holy evening of December 24th, absolutely all German families go to church and then sit down at the luxurious Christmas table. Typically, in the course of such a dinner, all family members are obliged to try seven or nine dishes, among which there is a millet porridge with milk, seasoned with butter and honey, and a stuffed duck or goose with a crusty crust.

    It is also worth noting that at the Christmas table must be present such dishes as pork with sauerkraut, various snacks, Stollen pie, dried fruits, spices, etc.

    A good role in the celebration of Christmas is played by good wishes. After pronouncing warm words and instructions for the abundantly laid table, we create not only a pleasant atmosphere in the house, but we also drink everything said by a special force that will necessarily lead to the fulfillment of all the desires that are available.

    It should be noted that at this time in Germany absolutely all streets, shops, restaurants and cafes freeze, and only the dim light of numerous candles is reflected in the windows of multi-storey houses, where families and close people congratulate each other on the birth of the baby Jesus.