
How to care for petunia: planting, caring for seedlings, fertilizer, flowering

  • How to care for petunia: planting, caring for seedlings, fertilizer, flowering

    Petunia - a familiar flower in flowerbeds, in flowerpots and balcony boxes. Petunias are very diverse in color, in the shape of a flower and in the form of bushes. Petunia flowers are colored in a variety of colors, ranging from white to dark purple, almost black flowers. And the most pleasant thing is that the petunia blossoms all summer and almost all autumn, almost to frost.

    Florists tend to grow petunias on their flower beds or balconies, which delight the eye with a lush bloom until late autumn. There are many petunia hybrids: ampel and erect, small bushes with double and simple flowers, with falling shoots or wavy ruffs. But all of them require proper care.

    With proper petunia care, you will have a flowering flower bed for a long time. How to take care of petunia at home so that it blooms all summer?

    How to plant a petunia

    In order to accelerate the flowering period, petunia is planted with seedlings.

    When the seeds are sown, we remove the box with the seeds in a warm place and cover with a film. After the appearance of the first shoots, we put the box in a bright place, and we do not remove the film. To water young seedlings is better from an atomizer, so as not to wash off the shoots. Closely monitor the moisture of the soil. A heavily moist land destroys petunia.

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    After the appearance of the first pair of these leaves, petunia is planted.

    Seedlings are well fed.

    In early May, the seedlings can already be planted in the ground, of course, if the weather is warm.

    It is better not to plant seedlings on a hot day. The plants are planted at a distance of about 20 cm from each other.

    Care for blooming petunia

    What kind of care does petunia need during flowering? To petunia blossom well, you need to regularly loosen the soil around it. Make sure that the earth is wet. Plants are well fed every 10-15 days. Complex mineral fertilizers are usually used.

    If petunias have too long shoots, they should be shortened, then the bushes will be more magnificent. Remove the faded flowers - this will give the opportunity to appear new buds.

    Petunias, like all other plants, need good nutrients, minerals and trace elements to grow their green mass and create a lot of strong flowers, regardless of whether these flowers grow in the open ground in the garden, in balcony boxes or in hanging pots and baskets.

    In order to provide the plant with all necessary nutrients, special long-acting fertilizers can be mixed with the soil, which will continuously provide petunias with all the necessary minerals and trace elements.

    Since June, plants should be fed with complex liquid fertilizers for flowering plants, adding them to water for irrigation, this will increase the abundance of flowering and the intensity of coloring of flowers and leaves.

    Petunia is unpretentious and the smallest care for it will give an opportunity to enjoy beautiful flowering. Petunia is very thermophilic and light-loving, consider this when planting. Petunia calmly tolerates drought, but stops flowering in this case, so do not forget to water it, but do not fill it, otherwise the plants will be ill.

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