
Contests for the New Year 2013 - contests for children and adults

  • Contests for the New Year 2013 - contests for children and adults

    Competition is always a game. And an interesting game should cheer up, which means it's fun. We offer you contests for the New Year 2013. It would be nice to put Santa Claus( well, or another character from a fairy tale, enough of a character's mask) to lead the role.

    Children's contests

    Contests for children


    By the way, this competition is loved not only by children, quite often even grown-ups do not stand up and are accepted to play along. Now such a contest sometimes offers at weddings a toastmaster. The essence of it is to divide all the guests into teams. There can be two or more teams. Fun is guaranteed! The team determines who will be the mummy, and who is the mummy. Work on the speed: "mummy" wrapped in "bandages"( in this case - paper).Prosvetov should not be( except for the nose).The one who wins faster will win. The competition can be diversified by winding the paper back. And also for a while."Bandage" should not tear!

    Hold the snowflake

    You will need cotton wool from which you need to tear off snowballs. And again we are divided into teams. At least two. There is a relay race. The bottom line is to blow on the "snowflake", not letting it sink to the floor. As soon as the snowflake falls, the next player from the team starts. Win those whose "snowflake" will last longer in the overall standings.

    instagram viewer


    Choose two people( anyone who wishes).In the middle put a chair( or table).He puts candy on him. According to the gesture of the host, you need to quickly put your hand on the prize. And the winner will be the one who puts his hand first( he is given to the child).

    Christmas trees

    Competition for attention. The task of the facilitator is to confuse the participants. The children are explained: "We have one Christmas tree, and there are a lot of them in the forest, they are all different. Show them." With the word "high" raise your hands up, with the word "low" sit down and lower the knobs, with the word "wide"hands ", etc. Anyone who is mistaken( confused), gets out and receives a consolation prize( for example - a candy);the one who stayed, gets a bigger prize( for example - a chocolate bar).

    Robin Hood

    For the game you will need: a pair of hats, boxes, buckets, rings, chair. Actually, the game is designed for agility. Only examples( ideas) are given, and you can make it more interesting, diversifying with new ideas. And the options are as follows:

    1. throw the ball( you can also a lump of paper) in the basket on the chair;
    2. throw rings on an inverted chair( on the legs);
    3. bring down the object( or objects).

    Crumble newspaper

    Each participant gets a newspaper( or part).At the signal, you need to crumple it so that it fits in your fist. The brightest will win, well, and do not forget to give the rest to consolation prizes.

    Snow queen

    Ice cubes are laid out before the participants( the ones they take for the cocktail).At the signal, each participant takes a cube and melts. How they do it - their imagination, the main thing - to make faster than others.


    Before each player put a ball and tie his eyes. Task: crush the ball with your foot. By the way, it will be quite amusing game for adults, if after tearing their eyes, remove all the balls.

    The circling hoop

    The hoops must be as many as the participants. The winner will, of course, be the one who will get better rotation. Variants:

    1. rotation of the hoop( around the arm, neck, waist, on the legs);
    2. sending the hoop forward( who's next);
    3. start the hoop around the axis( rotation in place).

    But contests are interesting not only for children. Why not participate in adults? It is possible in the competitions just offered, or it can be in adults. ..

    Competitions for adults


    The contest is repeatedly tested. Laughter - to tears. For participation to choose better than men. Before each on the floor put a bottle( empty).A lace is attached to the belt( all laces are the same).One end of the lace is attached to the waistband, the other is tied with a pencil. The goal is to drop the pencil right into the empty bottle.

    Turnip New Year's

    Rather, it looks like a mini-presentation. How much fun it is, you can understand only when you see in reality all that is happening. The script is like this. The number of players corresponds to the characters in the good old and well-known "Repka".Each player needs to remember words and actions.

    Turnip - hits the knees alternately and, clapping, exclaims: "Both-on!"

    Grandfather - rubs the pens: "So-so-a-ak-s. .."

    Babka shows her grandfather a fist and, shaking them, yells: "She would have killed!"

    Granddaughter - coquettishly twitches his shoulders: "And what am I? I'm ready!"For a greater effect on the role of granddaughter, it is better to choose a man with solid dimensions.

    Beetle - constantly scratching behind the ear: "Bloody fleas!"

    Mouse - shakes his head and squeaks: "Well, that's it!"

    The host begins to read "Repka".Slow. With the arrangement. With an expression. Each player who has heard the mention of himself inserts his phrase, accompanying it with the action: "The grandfather( Grandfather - rubs the pens:" So-so-ah-ak-s. .. ") turnip( turnip - hits the knees alternately and,clapping hands, exclaims: "Both-on!"). .. And so the whole fairy-tale, the evening will be remembered with bursts of laughter, this is already guaranteed

    Time for toasts

    The hostess( or host or presenter) recalls: the celebration is in full swing, but forfeasts need toasts, guests fill up glasses and each one utters a toast, but here there is already some condition. Toasts go strictly in alphabetical order: "I absolutely agree that we have the best company, we'll drink to it! "," To be all in the new year. .. "Well, this is for example: The most ridiculous toast will point to the winner.

    Drunken checkers

    For the game take a real boardOnly checkers are replaced with glasses, black checkers - wine glasses with wine( well, or with a ridge), white glasses with vodka. The game goes as usual( by the same rules). If you "cut down" the enemy, you drink his glass.full yet it is not necessary, and the party is enough, perhaps, one.

    High sensitivity

    Only men or only women play. Participants turn their back on the chairs placed behind them. For each chair are placed the same items. Participants can not look and touch. It is necessary to determine the object, but only sowing it.

    Be sure to include New Year's 2013 contests in the celebration program!

    Author: Tatiana K. /Favourite/