
Treatment of infertility in men - the best methods

  • Treatment of infertility in men - the best methods

    According to the statistics, one in ten married couples are faced with a problem of infertility, that is, is incapable of conceiving a child without medical intervention. At the same time, the "culprit" of 45% of cases of impossibility to conceive a child is a man, and 40% - a woman. The remaining approximately 15% are attributed to cases of immunological infertility and other, more rarely detected forms.

    Symptoms and causes of the disease

    Male infertility is a specific condition that is caused by a large number of causes. If the exact causes of male infertility are known, there is a completely legitimate question about whether male infertility is treated and how to cope with this pathology. In other cases, when the cause of the pathology can not be identified, different methods of empirical nature can be used.

    It is possible to find out in detail about the cost of a test for infertility of one or both spouses in specialized institutions. To begin with, it is necessary to define the very concept of infertility.

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    Modern medicine believes that infertility in men is the inability for some reason of a mature male organism to conceive a child. In fact, the analysis of infertility in men can reveal exactly the causes of the pathology only in some cases. Moreover, infertility is not a disease, but rather a specific condition of the body, in which violations in various systems and organs of the body are possible. The result of such violations is this pathology, which leads to the inability to conceive a child.

    Effective and correct treatment of infertility in men is possible only in cases when the causes of the violation are clear. We are all used to the fact that any disease has some symptoms, but experts say that male infertility has no clear characteristic features. The question of where to test for infertility should arise in the couple in the case when during the year of active sexual life without the use of contraceptives, pregnancy does not occur.

    Male infertility is detected exclusively in the infertility test in a married couple, when a specialist has on hand the analyzes of both spouses.

    How to test a man for infertility

    Everything would be much easier if the ability to conceive depended solely on the male's sexual activity. However, it is not. The cause of male infertility can become illnesses, unexpected even for the man himself - for example, sexually transmitted diseases that have absolutely no manifestations, hypothermia or overheating, sedentary lifestyle, trauma and much more.

    There is also immune infertility in men, in which antibodies against its own spermatozoa begin to be released in the human body. Violations of this type are detected in about 15% of patients. The cause of its occurrence may be injuries, infections, a certain role in this can play a hereditary predisposition. In this case, even the most experienced specialist can not accurately name all causes of infertility in men.

    If there is a suspicion of the presence of such a pathology, do not expect to self-infertility treatment at home, as well as the opportunity to determine the cause of the disease. After all, this requires a thorough and comprehensive diagnosis under the guidance of an experienced specialist.

    Varieties of infertility treatment for men

    Any therapy should begin with general medical and organizational measures that are aimed at eliminating domestic and occupational hazards, normalizing the working and resting mode of the patient, etc. Therefore, do not expect that the specialist will simply prescribe to the patient a medicine for infertilityand let him go home.

    Drug therapy, as a rule, is used for violations of spermatogenesis caused by infection of the genitals, endocrine pathology or sexual-ejaculatory changes.

    For treatment, different groups of drugs are used: androgens, anti-estrogens, hormones, prolactin secretion inhibitors, angioprotectors, means for correcting sexual function, etc.

    With all questions about how to cure infertility in men, you should contact qualified specialists who will be able to identify the causespathology and prescribe adequate therapy.

    Treatment of immunological infertility

    The first stage in the therapy of immune infertility can be called the elimination of all possible factors that contributed to the development of an autoimmune process in the reproductive system.

    However, in some cases, carrying out such measures does not ensure the complete disappearance of antisperm antibodies, when their creation has already begun. Therefore, the second stage of treatment requires the use of a set of therapeutic measures.

    Treatment of male infertility with folk remedies

    In addition to traditional methods of treatment, it is also possible to use various folk remedies. It is worth noting that doctors recommend folk remedies for male infertility to be used only as additional measures, rather than basic treatment.

    Pretty good results are given by sagebrush with infertility in men. For treatment, use water tincture of plant seeds( a glass of boiling water for 1 teaspoon of seeds), which should be drunk during the day. For the same purposes, alcoholic tincture of wormwood can be used.

    Treatment of infertility with leeches also gives a good effect. The essence of this therapy is that the enzymes released by the leech come with blood flow to the human body, after which microscopically the doses of enzymes affect the necessary zones of the body.

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