
On how to treat infertility in men. Methods of struggle and prevention

  • On how to treat infertility in men. Methods of struggle and prevention

    To date, every tenth couple is barren. In our country, given the severe environmental situation and some other unfavorable factors, the frequency of infertility in marriage is somewhat higher.

    In this case, infertility in men began to be considered relatively recently, since in the inability to conceive a child, it was customary to blame women. Over time, the absurdity of this opinion was proved statistically.

    Modern specialists have proved that in about half the cases the impossibility of having a child is to blame for a man. At the same time, statistics show that over the past 50 years the concentration of spermatozoa in the semen of men has decreased by half.

    Unfortunately, today most men still prefer the position of "non-interference", considering infertility a purely female problem. Moreover, most representatives of the stronger sex believe that since they do not have expressed problems with potency, then there can be no problems with conception.

    However, in reality, the state of things is different and one should know that infertility in men does not always depend on the potency of

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    . Causes and peculiarities of the pathology of

    . Among the main causes of male infertility, several most common ones that are well known to specialists are distinguished. In addition, there are reasons for infertility in men who cause this pathology is very rare and less known to doctors.

    The most common causes of male infertility include infectious and inflammatory diseases, trauma and tumors of the pelvic organs, obstruction of the vas deferens, varicocele, congenital diseases, hormonal disorders and psychosexual disorders.

    Separately, immunological infertility is also distinguished in men, which is an autoimmune process. This pathology occurs in about 15% of patients. With this type of infertility, the patient's body releases antibodies to spermatozoa, thus destroying their reproductive capacity.

    Regardless of the causes of the disease, experts distinguish its various degrees. Thus, male infertility of the first degree is diagnosed in the event that for a lifetime a man could not conceive a child.

    Secondary infertility is diagnosed in patients who already have children, but are unable to conceive in a particular case.

    Symptoms of male infertility

    It is believed that each specific disease has its own characteristic features, by which you can determine its presence. In the case of male infertility, everything is not so unambiguous. In fact, the signs of male infertility may be different, depending on the cause of the pathology.

    However, even experienced specialists are not able to determine its presence or absence only symptomatically, without conducting clinical analyzes.

    It is important to note that infertility in men is not considered a separate disease, but rather a certain condition in which a man is incapable of conceiving.

    The test for infertility in men, as a rule, is carried out as part of a couple's test, in order to ascertain the cause of the inability to conceive. It is very rare to reveal the male infertility of the tests handed over by the alleged patient.

    The test for male infertility is advisable to go in the event that during the year of active sexual life without protection, the pregnancy of the sexual partner has not occurred even once. Determine the amount and level of activity of spermatozoa allows a simple analysis called spermogram.

    If the proportion of active spermatozoa is less than half, more detailed tests should be performed to identify the cause of the pathology. Details of how to determine infertility in men can be learned by consulting with an expert.

    How to treat an ailment?

    To date, doctors consider all forms of this pathology curable. Very important in the treatment are surgical techniques that are used in the presence of indications in the patient. Particularly complex are operations on reconstructive plastic - restoration of the vas deferens.

    In fact, there is no single answer to the question of how to treat male infertility. Depending on the reasons that provoked this pathology, the specialist selects the desired therapy option.

    So, in the presence of infectious and / or inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, antibiotics are prescribed, with the endocrine nature of the pathology - hormone therapy.
    As an additional treatment technique, phytotherapy is often recommended for infertility.

    As practice shows, complex adequate treatment with medicinal preparations in combination with herbs from infertility gives very good results.

    It is important to understand that herbs in male infertility can give a tangible result only when used as an auxiliary, and not the main treatment. In addition to herbal medicine, as part of a comprehensive treatment, a physician may be prescribed physiotherapy for infertility.

    It is important to note that with careful implementation of the recommendations and appointments of a doctor, the recovery of patients and the conceiving of their children by natural means occurs in 75-80% of the total number of cases.

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