
Why develop multicystosis of the kidney, which promotes development and how to treat

  • Why develop multicystosis of the kidney, which promotes development and how to treat

    Multicystosis of the kidney or multicystic dysplasia is the birth pathology of kidney formation, in which the kidney tissue begins to be replaced by a large number of cystic formations of various sizes. In this case, the body stops working normally. The size of the multicystic kidney can vary from a few centimeters to a huge diameter, when the organ can occupy half of the abdomen.

    In those situations where the patient is diagnosed with a simple cyst in the kidney, the reasons usually remain unclarified. According to doctors, this process can be of an acquired nature. Cysts can form after trauma, infectious pathologies of the urinary tract, or kidneys. Also, this pathology often becomes congenital or develops in patients with poor heredity.

    Classification of cystic kidney neoplasms

    In origin cystic neoplasms are divided into acquired and congenital. Congenital forms should include:

    1. A solid cyst is a benign neoplasm of a round or oval shape filled with serous fluid. Such a neoplasm does not have constrictions and does not have connections with the ducts. Usually only one kidney is affected, and serous contents contain blood or pus. To half of all cases of lesions on the kidney, several cysts are formed at once.
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    2. Multi-cystosis is the defeat of one of the kidneys, but this disease is very rare. In severe cases, the kidney looks like one large cyst and can not work properly. At the same time, a small area of ​​a healthy area can be preserved in the organ, producing a small amount of urine accumulating in the cavities of the cyst. This pathology is typical for men and mainly reveals multicystosis of the left kidney.
    3. Polycystic is a condition in which two kidneys are damaged immediately - in appearance they resemble bunches of grapes. In general, this pathology develops in patients with poor heredity.
    4. A spongy kidney is a congenital anomaly in which a stable expansion of the collecting renal tubules is made, followed by the formation of small cysts.
    5. The dermoid cyst is a congenital pathology when cysts forming in the kidney are filled with elements of the ectoderm. Such elements can be fat, bone components, teeth, hair, epidermis, and the like.
    6. Cystic neoplasms formed due to hereditary syndromes.

    In the course of diagnosis, it is required to indicate the location of the pathology - multicystosis of the right or left kidney.

    Acquired cysts are formed against a background of other organ pathologies, such as tuberculosis, glomerulonephritis, heart attack, necrosis, pyelonephritis, parasitic infections.

    By nature, acquired pathologies are classified into unilateral or bilateral, and depending on the number of cysts can be multiple or single.

    To the acquired forms for its localization should be attributed:

    • Cysts located in the parenchyma of the kidney - if during the diagnosis of the cyst it is located in the parenchyma.
    • Cortical cyst is formed in the cortical layer of the kidney.
    • An anterior cyst is formed near the renal pelvis, but does not communicate with it.
    • Multi-chamber cyst.

    By the nature of filling, renal cysts are classified into hemorrhagic, serous, complex and infected.

    Symptoms of the disease

    Symptoms of renal multi-cystosis for a long time can not be claimed. If the inflammation does not develop in the damaged kidney, then the pathology is diagnosed completely by accident, on medical examination. Attachment of the inflammatory process causes strong pain sensations of a dull character in the lower back and an increase in body temperature. In this case, urinalysis remains normal, because the cystic fluid does not penetrate into the bladder. Formation of suppuration in the cyst causes a pain in response to palpation of the abdomen.

    Ultrasound examination or angiography allows confirmation of diagnosis.

    If the cyst begins to press on surrounding tissues or urinary canals, the following signs may appear:

    • Blunt aching pain in the lumbar region from the side of the affected kidney.
    • When adherence to renal failure appears, a strong thirst, an increase in urine output, an increase in blood pressure, and a detection of blood in the urine.
    • When joining infection, there are signs of pyelonephritis, febrile condition, frequent urge to urinate. The withdrawal of urine is accompanied by cuts, the patient feels impotence.

    With a strong growth of the cysts, it gets an opportunity to squeeze not only the urinary canals, but also the blood vessels of the circulatory system, and this in time provokes a gradual atrophy of the kidney tissue.

    When cysts are suppurated or ruptured, there is severe pain and various inflammatory processes.

    Categories of cystic formations

    • Category 1 are the most common benign lesions in the kidney that are easily diagnosed by ultrasound examination.
    • 2 category - benign cysts, for which there are some changes and inclusions that can be infected, calcified or hyperdense.
    • Category 3 are those cysts that are prone to malignancy processes, so there is a thickening of their membranes and membranes. Such formations are poorly diagnosed during an X-ray examination. Such neoplasms require urgent surgical intervention.

    Diagnosis and treatment of the disease

    Ultrasound examination allows you to determine the size and number of cysts, their localization, as well as the relationship with nearby tissues and organs.

    Treatment of multicystosis kidney depends on its manifestation and on the presence of concomitant diseases. In the event that a patient with a survey of another pathology has a small cyst, a treatment process is most often not required. In this situation, the physician recommends that you annually revisit such an examination, namely ultrasound, and also prevent hypothermia and infection.

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