
Contests for the New Year 2015 for adults - Adult New Year Games 2015

  • Contests for the New Year 2015 for adults - Adult New Year Games 2015

    On New Year's Eve, not only restless children want to have fun and frolic, but adults too. The coming year, according to astrologers, is the year of the Goat. Judging by the eastern horoscope, the symbol-goat is a very capricious person, adoring all sorts of celebrations, entertainment and festivities. Therefore, if you really intend to attract luck to you in the coming year, then spend the upcoming New Year's Eve gay competitions for the New Year 2015 for adults, who, in general, will help you meet the requests of such a demanding symbol of the year. Funny contests can be held in both small and large companies.

    Please note! For them, there is absolutely no difference, you will meet the New Year in a cafe, a night club, at home or somewhere outside the city.

    The main thing that was not boring and interesting. Winners of competitions, of course, should be awarded with prizes - therefore, take care in advance for small Christmas gifts from Father Frost.

    Funny "Guess"

    Funny contests
    instagram viewer

    Everyone wishing to participate in this contest should be divided into two teams. Team members are in two rows opposite each other. To participants of one of the teams, the Leader tightly closes his eyes with pre-prepared bandages( you can use handkerchiefs or scarves).After that, the participants of the other team put on their heads various funny hats, paper festive hats, or carnival hoops, for example, with hare ears. Once everyone is dressed up, the Leader randomly swaps the participants in funny hats, and then gives the command "start".The essence of the competition is as follows: the participant with blindfolds is only to use hands to identify the person hiding under the hat. The leader counts the number of guessed people. Further, the teams change the items issued to them, and the first team is already dressed in hats, and the participants of the second are blindfolded. The host announces the second round of the competition. The team wins, in which more people from the opposite team are guessed.

    Tyutelka in the tunic


    Prepare the following items in advance:

    1. three blank sheets of A4 size;
    2. three simple pencils;
    3. three pencil sharpeners.

    Three men( guys) and three women( girls) are invited to participate in the competition. Men are given pencils, and women - sharpeners. Participants are divided into pairs( man and woman).At the signal of the Leader, each couple should try to sharpen their pencil very quickly and then write on the white sheet "Happy New Year!".But not everything is so simple!

    Please note! Partners in competing pairs should sharpen pencils, holding only the object given to him.

    The pair that wins the task faster than the other two wins.

    Competition with balloons

    Competition with balloons

    Pre-inflate four balloons. Invite to participate in the competition of men and women to create four pairs. The presenter gives out one balloon to each pair. At the command of the Leader, a man and a woman should crush their ball, but without the help of their hands, only with their own body. The couple, who was lucky to crush the balloon for the first time, is awarded the winning prize!

    Dancing on the newspaper

    Dance competition

    Perhaps it is the oldest contest from all existing, but very popular with schoolchildren and with a more adult audience. Young people and girls form dance couples, which are issued by the newspaper. Firstly, couples freely and easily dance on the unfolded sheet of newspaper under a beautiful slow melody, which the Leader begins interrupting periodically for the dancers to fold the newspaper in halves during the musical break. With each pause the size of the newspaper dance floor is decreasing. From the competition begin to drop out couples who have stepped outside the folded newspaper. To stay in the contest to the finish, you need good coordination, ingenuity and resourcefulness.

    Please note! Men are even allowed to dance with a partner in their arms, but at the same time he should always be on the folded sheet of the newspaper during the dance.

    The winners are those who have protested the longest.

    Draw a friend

    Friendly cartoon

    This is a joke contest. To conduct it, you only need sheets of white paper and pencils( felt-tip pens).All those wishing to paint on New Year's Eve are offered clean paper sheets( A4 size) and pencils. In addition, each participant is given a personal paper with the name of the contestant, whose portrait he should draw or at least draw a sketchy outline of the main features of his face. At the command of the Leader, everyone starts drawing together. One minute is allotted to the drawing. At the end of the time, the Leader collects friendly cartoon-portraits, mixes them, then begins to extract the drawings in turn and show them to everyone present so that they can guess whose portrait it is. The author is not allowed to participate in the discussion. The public chooses the winning artist whose drawing fell on everyone's liking. And then the Leader announces the second winner - the one who guessed most, who exactly is portrayed.

    Gluttonous monkeys

    Competition with bananas

    Prepare for competition two bananas and two ropes. To participate in it, two brave men are invited. The leader ties his hands behind each participant to the rope. After that he puts on two plates untreated bananas, but necessarily well washed. Competing companions are invited to clean and eat their banana without hands. Who was the first to do it - he and the winner!

    Show witty

    New Year's competitions
    Please note! This quiz is not only cool, but also perfectly developing logic with savvy.

    And once the creative thinking is now in high esteem, then on New Year's Eve it will be absolutely not superfluous to train in ingenuity. Collect various household items in the center of the room, for example: a broom, a crystal vase, a porcelain cup, a mop, a pen, etc. The presenter selects any subject and suggests that all present present him with some unusual application. Any original, but not absurd options are welcome. Wins in the quiz, of course, the most savvy - the one who came up with the largest number of non-traditional options for using familiar items.

    We wish you a happy New Year!