
How to learn to type on the keyboard quickly? Ten-finger method of printing.

  • How to learn to type on the keyboard quickly? Ten-finger method of printing.

    Computer has long been an integral part of our lives, most of us spend a lot of time behind it. But one of the most popular issues in the past has not lost its relevance and still - " how to learn how to quickly print? " I think, it is not necessary to explain in detail why this is needed. As you know, the most expensive resource a person has is time. And high speed printing on the keyboard can help save you a lot of priceless hours and even days of life.   

    Let's now try to understand in more detail how to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard? In fact, there are no incredible difficulties here - you need a little patience, perseverance and discipline, as in any other new "beginning."Of course, this takes time, someone will learn how to quickly print in two weeks, and someone and two months will not suffice. We are all different, but if you do it regularly, then you can do it all - you can not doubt!

    How to learn to type fast?

    Actually, there are many ways to learn how to quickly print, but the most effective and therefore most common is the
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    blind ten-finger method of printing .It is easier to master it, using special programs for training. To date, of course, the most famous and popular program to learn how to quickly print is " Solo on the keyboard " Shakhidzhanyan V.V.She certainly has many merits, and most importantly - "Solo" really helps to learn the blind ten-finger method of typing and learn how to quickly type text. Although the program "Solo", like everything in this world, is not ideal - some do not like the monotonous and boring process of learning, others have something else. But there are other alternative programs that you can use, perhaps they will be better for you - "VerseQ", "Stamina", "TypingDr" and others.   

    It's worth mentioning one more thing. .. Most people want to achieve quick results right away, but you really should understand that in a few days it's impossible to significantly increase the speed of printing on the keyboard. But constant and diligent training will help you to improve your performance significantly. By the way, it encourages regular monitoring of its intermediate results, for which a test is used for printing speed, which, as a rule, is embedded in each tutorial. In addition, now on the Internet there are a lot of services that provide an opportunity to pass the test for the speed of printing online.

    As for the other teaching methods, I would like to mention one more experimental and rather radical method to learn how to quickly type on the keyboard. To do this, you need to glue, and better - erase, all the inscriptions on the keyboard keys - this eliminates the temptation to look at the keyboard during training and normal work. Thus, with some discomfort and a reduction in dialing speed in the first time, in the future another effect is achieved - you will have much more chances to learn how to quickly print and finish the training, rather than abandon it and again look at the keyboard. This method will be very good in addition to those who do not have enough willpower to bring the case to the end. But most likely it will be a blind, but not ten-finger method of printing.

    I hope this article helped you find the answer to the question: "How will you learn how to type quickly?".Are you still looking at the keyboard? Then do not tighten and start training! After all, now you know a little secret that will save a lot of precious time!