
New Year 2013 script - New Year scenario 2013

  • New Year 2013 script - New Year scenario 2013

    Snake does not like to miss, she likes fun and courage. Therefore, New Year's Eve should be spent in a noisy and cheerful company. Gather friends in the club, restaurant, cafe, on the recreation center. Prepare in advance an interesting and exciting scenario for the New Year 2013 with games, jokes, prizes. Satisfy the needs of the Serpent in humor and excitement.

    New Year 2013 meeting at

    The time flies inexorably and the festive event is rapidly approaching. People are puzzled by ideas and thoughts about the meeting of the New 2013 year. As a rule, festive events begin with collective corporate parties. To this event passed really fun and at ease a good celebration scenario is necessary.

    There is a great variety of options, how to celebrate the New Year 2013 in a warm and friendly company, they are all different and fascinating:

    1. The traditional and familiar option is the celebration of the New Year by the whole team in a restaurant. This is the most common type of holiday, it is enough just to choose an institution, specify a menu and book a place in advance. This type of corporate leisure is the most popular, it does not require any difficulties and special skills for its organization. With small expenses for organizing a banquet, a toastmaster or a leading holiday with your program, presents and souvenirs for colleagues and colleagues, you will perfectly meet the holiday in a cozy and incendiary atmosphere. The time allotted for this event, everyone chooses himself. Someone will want to stay longer at the festive table, and someone will hurry back to the family and children early. The beautiful half of mankind has a good reason to demonstrate their evening attire, to deface their colleagues. Young people can qualitatively relax and rest from worldly affairs. This variant of the holiday is good if it does not flow from year to year, from event to event, otherwise subsequent restaurant feasts will be perceived by employees without due enthusiasm.

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    2. A non-trivial way to celebrate the New Year will be to travel to nature. You can enjoy all the good things and gifts of winter fun - skiing, plush and sleigh rides, playing snowballs, lightning, making a fire and preparing shish kebabs. For young people with body and spirit, this option will do just fine. This kind of recreation for many members of the team will like. Games in the team contribute to the unity and unification of the team, relieve the situation, give a charge of vivacity and good mood. Will only choose a picturesque place, negotiate with transport and purchase products and festive attributes.

    3. You can organize an unusual New Year 2013 according to the original script, for example, in the genre of a detective. All employees to distribute roles( according to the drawn lot) and conduct criminal investigation with logical tasks and interesting competitions. Here everyone can show their acting, intellectual and creative abilities. To the one who will cope with the task faster and solve the problem by prompting the prize and the title of "Best Detective".If there are a lot of conservative people in the team, then we should limit ourselves to the first variant of celebrating the New Year.

    4. The most affordable and budgetary way to celebrate the New Year with the team is the corporate in the office. In this case, you can not even bother with the actual preparation of meals, and in advance order the delivery of food from a cafe or restaurant. The script of the evening can also be written independently or invite a facilitator.

    The options for meeting the New Year are a lot, the main thing is to show desire and imagination. If the task is to save time on organization of the holiday, then you should contact the companies that are engaged in complex corporate services.

    New Year 2013 Scenario for Children

    New Year 2013 Scenario for Children

    New Year 2013 should be fun and memorable not only for adults, but first and foremost for children. Parents can feel like wizards who fulfill children's dreams, reincarnated in fairy-tale characters. Make an original holiday for children with prizes, gifts, toys, entertainment, sweets and fireworks will help you carefully thought-out scenario for the new year 2013.

    Prepare a colorful box stylized for a New Year's mailbox in advance and write letters together with the children and draw pictures with wishes for the New Year. And on December 31, make children's dreams a reality, then the children will certainly believe in miracles and fairy tales.

    Parade of costumes for children

    Organize a costume parade. In stores a large selection of holiday attributes: horns, glasses, masks, wigs, magic wands, wings, rhinestones and paints for the body. Stock up on these small but important details for the New Year. All this will be placed in the New Year's box, add the same items of wardrobe - hats, scarves, ornery accessories. Invite participants to draw lots - the name of the future character and dress up according to the task. Who will most like your hero, whether it's Santa Claus, snow queen, fool or snowflake, he won.

    Short contests for children

    After reincarnation, you can organize short contests for children, so they are not overtired. Children love to cook, as an option you can hold a contest cook. As an attribute, aprons, caps, plates( for safety reasons it is better to take disposable dishes).On the table, place the products, and let each child prepare a salad for himself. Set the timer, and after the time, whoever tastes better will win the dish. In breaks, you can triple the tasting of juices, sweets, baked goods, fruits. At the end of the children's party invite all the participants under the Christmas tree for New Year's gifts. The old good tradition, when for the prepared number( New Year's song or verse) children are given presents from Father Frost, of course, do not forget.