
Clothes for nursing mothers: how to choose comfortable and beautiful clothes for the time of breastfeeding

  • Clothes for nursing mothers: how to choose comfortable and beautiful clothes for the time of breastfeeding

    Being attractive woman always wants, regardless of her status. Nursing mother just wants to look beautiful, as well as a catwalk star. Moreover, she got rid of her tummy, the figure begins to bounce back.

    But during pregnancy, women do not think about what they will wear after childbirth, therefore from the closet they get old dresses, gowns. And if my mother is slightly stout, then in the course are old shirts and T-shirts of her husband. But is this clothes for nursing moms?

    On the recommendation of the World Health Organization, breastfeeding is necessary for up to two years. And all this time the woman should walk in old T-shirts?

    Of course, no, now there are quite enough firms and shops that produce clothes for lactating women.

    Requirements for clothing for nursing women

    What should be clothes for nursing?

    First of all, this clothing should have a simple and free access to the breast so that the mother can feed her baby on demand and imperceptibly for others. In this case shoulders, axillary cavities and chest should be covered from drafts.

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    Materials from which such clothes are made must be natural and hypoallergenic. After all, the mother applies the baby to these materials. And, naturally, all things for nursing moms should be fashionable, comfortable and beautiful.

    How to choose the right clothes for feeding

    Let's start with the selection of a bra. He must reliably support the chest. When buying a bra, you need to take into account many nuances.

    First, the size of the cup. Many women do not take into account the fact that with the onset of lactation, the breast increases in volume, and acquires an unusual size for itself. Therefore, before you buy a new bra, try it on.

    Secondly, the presence of a hole for feeding. Here, mothers have the right to choose independently, which design is more convenient for her: a clasp on top or a pocket.

    Third, no foam and "pits."The bra for young mothers should be made entirely of cotton, without the addition of synthetic fibers, and have no tabs. And the presence of the so-called "bones" can only harm the nursing mother.

    So, we choose clothes for nursing. Choose the right size for your clothes. Do not take smaller clothes, especially if it squeezes the chest. It is better to give preference to models of loose cut: flyers, tunics.

    Choose clothes for the weather. For the summer heat models suitable for linen and cotton. For winter colds, choose models that protect the chest from the cold.

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