  • Video hairstyles with elastic bands for girls, girls and women

    Clearly, in cold weather, long hair warms the head perfectly and looks good from under the hat, but what to do with them when the temperature has exceeded +20?Here already with loose hair you can go crazy, and there is only one way out - to get lost. Therefore, in this article, we'll look at various video hairstyles with elastic bands and find out what kind of exterior hair style suits one's hair.

    And here are other types of weaving. Fast pigtail:

    A sophisticated holiday hairstyle:

    Another nice braid:

    photo-compilation "Upper and medium beam"

    And the first hairstyle with the help of rubber bands, which we will consider, is the upper fascicle. Agree, the bundle itself is quite simple and convenient, it looks strictly and elegantly, and it is not so difficult to braid itself. But first of all, remember that the upper and middle beam does not fit all forms of the face, namely, a square, a rectangle and an elongated oval, a high beam can only do much harm. But if the shape of your face is a circle, an oval or a triangle, then bravely proceed to the weave.

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    The first way to

    In order to collect your hair in a beautiful bundle, we will need:

    1. Bagel( hairpiece) for hair;
    2. Elastic band;
    3. Varnish( optional);
    4. Comb.

    Well, let's start.

    1) We comb the hair and braid them into a high tail;

    2) Use lacquer to remove loose strands;

    3) Put a donut on the base of the tail;

    4) Raise the chignon almost to the tips of the tail;

    5) We distribute the hair along the chignon, and the tips are pushed under the bagel;

    6) Now roll the bagel towards the base of the tail, simultaneously pushing the bulging strands under the bagel;

    7) Repeat step 6 until the chignon reaches the base of the tail;

    8) Correct the hairstyle, if required. We fix invisible for fidelity.

    But this video lesson will clearly help you in creating a beam.

    The second way

    For this method, we also need a bagel, comb and two rubber bands.

    1) Comb your hair well and tie a high or medium tail;

    2) Put the donut on the base of the tail;

    3) Spread the hair evenly over the bagel, completely closing it;

    4) Pull the elastic on the base of the tail, fixing the beam;

    5) The hair that protrudes from under the bundle, fold and bundle around the base of the bundle, closing the elastic band;

    6) Secure the harness with invisible devices.

    And these video tutorials will help you to understand how to make a beam.

    Hairstyles with a rim

    Such a Greek hairstyle is used today by many girls with an angular face( square, rectangle) to emphasize the hair. However, hairstyles with a rim are quite simple in their creation, but they look pretty elegant.

    So, we will need:

    1. Bezel;
    2. Comb.

    Let's start!

    1) Comb your hair well and put a bezel over your head;

    2) Take a small lock at the temple and poke it under the bezel from top to bottom;

    3) Do the same on the other side;

    4) Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you hide all the hair;

    5) Correct your hair and fix it with varnish for fidelity.

    Also this video helps you.

    But this is such a strange, but fascinating way to make the same hairstyle.

    Complicated and unusual variants of

    If you are a fan of complex hairstyles, then I suggest you see the data below master classes.

    Unusual hairstyle with elastic bands.

    Hairdress «Basket».

    A braid of five strands.

    Three cute hairstyles for long and medium hair.

    For children

    And now we will separately consider haircuts with elastic bands that are more suitable for children. Note that the little girls are pretty active, and making them in the hair is something light and elegant - not an option. The hairstyle for girls should be tight and strong, so that you do not worry about your child's hair. Therefore, the most suitable for us are hairstyles based on braids.


    1. Take the strands from the center of the head and begin to weave a pigtail, grabbing neighboring strands;
    2. We move in a circle, gradually wrapping to the center to make a circle;
    3. We continue to move around the head;
    4. In the end, we already add a small pigtail and turn it under the main braid and fasten it with a hair clip.
    5. Done!

    Do not be discouraged if you do not get any haircuts. The main thing in any business is practice. It did not work from the first time, it will be from the second, from the third. The main thing is to believe in yourself.