
How anomalies develop kidneys - splitting of the pelvis of the kidney and ureter

  • How anomalies develop kidneys - splitting of the pelvis of the kidney and ureter

    Anomalies in the development of kidney and ureter's kidneys account for about 22% of all malformations of the urinary system. In practical medicine, all such anomalies are classified into the following groups:

    1. Quantity pathologies - digestion of the renal pelvis, doubling, etc.
    2. Pathology of the position of organs.
    3. Pathology of organ form.
    4. Pathologies associated with organ structure.

    Splitting of the pelvis and ureter

    This pathology is noted in 0.2% of patients suffering from renal and urinary tract defects. If the urethral rudiment develops abnormally, the congenital absence of the ureter or pelvis or the development of renal tissue can be provoked.

    In this situation, the blindly terminating ureter is the source of the formation of a large cyst that causes oncology in the organs of the abdominal cavity. The diagnosis of such an anomaly is established after the organization of excretory urography through abnormalities in the work of the kidneys.

    With the implementation of cystoscopy, the mouth can be severely narrowed, point-like. In the form of a blind depression or terminate blindly. Cystography makes it possible to confirm the detected deviation and establish the absence of the kidney or its degeneration.

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    In the presence of pain in the groin and ileal zone, with fever, symptoms of chronic intoxication, it may be necessary to remove a part of the tube.

    Duplication of the ureter and renal pelvis

    This pathology occurs quite often, sometimes combined with a complete doubling of the kidney, in girls it is found five times more often than in boys. The development of doubling is explained by the simultaneous growth of two ureters from two blastema sprouts at once, or by the cleavage of a single ureteral sprout.

    Because of this, the ureters in the double kidney can have two mouths in the bladder, that is, it is doubled or split with one mouth and one trunk, the upper part can be combined with two pelvis - bifurcate. When forming a full doubling, the ureters from the pelvis are directed to the bladder.

    Before reaching the bladder, the ureters cross each other. When it is bifurcated, the development of complications can often be provoked in children. For example, the tube of the lower segment has a more elevated position of its mouth, which can cause the development of vesicoureteral reflux.

    When doubling the ureter, no symptomatic manifestations are present. Therefore, the anomaly is asymptomatic.

    When accompanied by an anomaly with complications, symptoms are characterized by the results of urography and other examinations.

    Tripulation of the ureter and pelvis is a very rare anomaly, determined by the same methods of diagnosis. With the development of complications and the lack of results from conservative therapy, a surgical operation is required, the variety of which depends on the degree of disruption of the kidney segment.

    According to the indications, the doctor may prescribe an endoscopic intervention or the introduction of collagen substances into the submucosal cavity.


    Hypoplasia in the ureter often combines with a hypoplasia of the kidney or its half, and in children at an early age - with neuromuscular dysplasia, hydronephrosis, ureter reflux. Sometimes the pipe becomes partially obliterated, but mostly throughout. When the morphological examination of its walls, the development of smooth muscle cells is manifested in an incomplete manner. Sometimes development is diagnosed during excretory urography and cystography.

    Surgical intervention involves the removal of a part of the tube with the application of anastomosis. In the postoperative period, the organization of complex therapy is required - hormonal treatment, which involves strengthening the recovery of smooth muscle cells.

    UDT valves

    This anomaly manifests itself in an anatomical formation, which consists of two layers of lamellar structure. Sometimes the valve is made up of all layers of the ureter. In newborns, this anomaly does not affect the retention of urine.

    This disease is relatively rare and is diagnosed during the organization of excretory urography or retrograde ureteropyelography. Treatment of pathology consists in conducting an operative intervention - endoscopy or ureteroanamastoza. From the doctor during the operation requires special accuracy and care.

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