Grape Diet
Grape diet helps to lose weight, normalize acid-base balance and accelerate metabolism
Grape diet is very effective and is loved by many slimming, although it is quite tough and refers to short-term dietary programs.
It will easily help to get rid of extra pounds, unnecessary wrinkles on the body, cleanse the body, and most pleasantly, all this will happen in the total absence of hunger.
Advantages of weight loss and purification with grapes ^
The grape diet program is very popular among women due to the healing power of grapes, due to its rich composition:
- The ripe bunch contains enough sugar and glucose, organic acids( salicylic, amber, lemon, etc.)minerals and vitamins.
- The sugar is easily digested, which has a positive effect on the heart and muscles.
- Glucose promotes better absorption of oxygen, calcium and phosphorus by tissues, strengthening of bones.
- In addition, the use of this berry is useful for the normalization of acid-base balance, the acceleration of metabolic processes, lowering cholesterol.
Grape diet for weight loss is very effective, because, despite the high content of grapes in fructose, it perfectly quenches the feeling of hunger. A cleansing of the body is due to a simple component - water. Water, the percentage of which is very high in grapes, perfectly cleanses tissues, flushes out toxins and toxins, and also strengthens the body as a whole.
There is a scientific hypothesis that some restorative and tonic substances contained in grapes can not only dissolve fats and inorganic compounds, but also reduce malignant tumors. It is believed that the grape diet against cancer will be particularly effective if you start it with a 2-day fast, and then every day at an interval of 2 hours to consume the grapes for 2 months.
Certainly, the diet program based on the use of grapes, has its drawbacks, and also does not fit all. It is contraindicated for people suffering from obesity, diabetes, stomatitis, pulmonary and gastrointestinal diseases. Therefore, this dietary method should be treated with caution.
Deficiencies of the grape diet:
- Peel, which in large quantities is difficult to digest by the body, can lead to constipation. To prevent this trouble, you should move more and give preference to grapes with a thin skin and pitted.
- This diet program will be useful for the body only in the autumn period, when fresh grapes appear on the shelves of stores.
- If there is a lot of slag in the body, purification with the help of a grape program can provoke a bad state of health.
- Before the beginning of the program for weight loss the body needs preparation. To achieve a better effect, at least 2 days before the beginning of the initial purification of the intestine should be abandoned alcohol, coffee, fast food and chocolate.
Grape Diet: Menu for 4 and 7 days ^
The first variant of the grape diet is strictly designed for four days and consists in a gradual decrease in the energy value of food consumed per day. During this period, nutritionists predict a loss of 3 to 4 kg.
Menu for 4 days
Day 1( 850 kcal)
- Breakfast: a small portion of muesli with orange and grapes, a glass of yogurt.
- Lunch: salad from cubes of fried pumpkin, chopped lettuce leaves, sliced grape berries and a tablespoon of walnuts.
- Dinner: fruit salad of white grapes, fresh pineapple, pieces of papaya and lemon peel.
Day 2( 780 kcal)
- Breakfast: low-fat yogurt must be mixed with lemon juice and pour this mixture of berries.
- Lunch: a serving of rice with shrimps, a bunch of grapes.
- Dinner: mashed potatoes without butter with celery, onions or carrots.
Day 3( 700 kcal)
- Breakfast: an unusual sandwich with cottage cheese and grape berries.
- Lunch: a slice of fish stewed with cabbage and onions, a small bunch of dark grapes for dessert.
- Dinner: jelly, cooked with the addition of grape berries, grape juice and apples.
Day 4( 850 kcal)
- Breakfast: a sandwich with low-fat cottage cheese and greens.
- Lunch: pancakes with cottage cheese and grapes, sprinkled with cinnamon.
- Dinner: turkey meat fried with broccoli cabbage, carrots and mushrooms, a bunch of grapes.
This variant of the grape diet helps to cleanse the body and lose weight by eating tasty and satisfying.
Menu for 7 days
The duration of the second variant of the diet is 7 days. This method is considered more stringent than the previous one, therefore not everyone can withstand it.
The essence and rules of the seven-day diet:
- Daily diet, whose energy value should not exceed 700 kcal, should be supplemented with 1.5 kg of grapes.
- Light snacks should include rice, porridge, cottage cheese and yogurt.
- Meals should be taken at intervals of 2-3 hours.
- The break between supper and sleep should be at least 3 hours.
- The daily dose of grapes is: 300 g for breakfast;100 g for the 2nd breakfast;400 g for lunch;Afternoon snack: 100 g;Dinner: 200 g.
Grape Unloading Day
People who are not ready for the aforementioned variants of the grape slimming program, but longing only for purification and restoration of the correct activity of the organism, can spend a grape-picking day. During such unloading per day you need to eat 1.5 kg of grapes according to the scheme outlined below.
- Breakfast: a little grapes, diluted with water grape juice or green tea without sugar.
- 2nd breakfast: green tea.
- Lunch: juice, as for breakfast.
- Snack: unsweetened green tea and a handful of grape berries.
- Dinner: similar to breakfast.
- Before going to bed: herbal tea.
Results, testimonials of grown thin and doctors about a diet on grapes ^
Nutritionists warn that after the termination of the dietary program it is important to get out of it correctly, so as not to hurt your health and do not gain lost pounds again. On the first day of release, eat fruits and vegetables, on the second - add yogurt and chicken egg, on the third - chicken meat. Then you can return to your usual diet.
To the grape method of weight loss is not harmful, you do not need to abuse it. How often you can carry out a grape diet, it is better to consult a nutritionist. In addition, be careful, because the use of large amounts of juice and berries can lead to the destruction of tooth enamel. After eating carefully rinse the oral cavity with water and drinking soda.
On the effectiveness and easy portability of the positive results of the grape diet. Depending on the chosen option, you can get rid of 3 to 5 kg of excess weight and cleanse the body as a whole.
However, reviews about the grape diet are different from doctors and those who have lost weight. Doctors refer to this food system with caution, as the level of sugar in the blood rises. A rave reviews of women who tried this program for weight loss on themselves, are proof of its effectiveness and positive effects on the body.
We also recommend you to watch a video on video with useful advice of dieticians on the three best days of release that help you lose weight fast and effectively: