
Symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment of kidney cysts

  • Symptoms, methods of diagnosis and treatment of kidney cysts

    The kidney cyst is a thin-walled formation in the shape of a ball that is filled with liquid. The internal walls of the ball gradually expand due to filling with liquid and this can provoke a disruption of the normal functioning of the kidneys.

    This neoplasm is benign in nature and occurs in approximately 2-4% of people with urological diseases.

    Treatment of the kidney cyst requires an integrated approach: dieting, the use of certain groups of medications, and following all the instructions of the treating doctor. If the patient's state of health worsens, surgical intervention is required.

    Manifestations of the disease

    Symptoms of the kidney cyst in most cases are not associated with the development of pain syndrome. This is due to the fact that there are no pain receptors in the cyst walls. However, if the cyst increases in size, it can help stretch the kidney capsule, resulting in:

    • Feeling of discomfort.
    • Feeling of heaviness.
    • To a non-intensive pain syndrome in the lumbar region.
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    Cystic lesions can be accompanied by the development of dull, aching pain in the kidney area, increased blood pressure, the development of infectious diseases of the urinary tract. In the event that the localization of the cyst is observed in the middle and lower segments of the kidneys, the patient has urinary disorders.

    Arterial hypertension on the background of the cyst develops due to:

    • The pressure of the neoplasm on the kidney vessels.
    • Cyst pressure on the intrarenal vessels and the development of parenchyma atrophy.
    • The pressure of the cyst on the ureter, which prevents a normal outflow of urine.

    At the first signs of illness it is recommended to seek medical advice.


    Patients who are asking themselves how to treat the kidney cyst should understand that both medical and radical therapies can be used to solve the problem.

    Diagnosis of the disease is as follows:

    • X-ray - allows you to identify the symptom of the "sickle".
    • ultrasound - allows you to identify the cyst, which manifests itself in the form of a new oval or round form. Using dopplerography, one can observe how the blood supply of the kidneys is carried out. The implementation of this meta-study is very important if there is an arterial hypertension in the patient's history.
    • Computed tomography: today is not the most reliable diagnostic method for detecting kidney cysts.
    • Laboratory tests reveal anemia, increased creatinine and urea. Urine examination can reveal a decrease in the number of leukocytes, erythrocytes, and a decrease in the specific gravity of urine.
    • The presence of polycystic is determined by the method of palpation.

    The selection of the further treatment strategy depends on the diagnostic results.

    Medication therapy

    Drug therapy for cystic neoplasms may not have the proper therapeutic effect. The use of medications corrects the overall well-being of the patient, but does not have a direct effect on cyst removal.

    It is advisable to conduct symptomatic therapy aimed at:

    • Reduction of blood pressure: ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers.
    • Pain relief in the lumbar region.
    • Elimination of the inflammatory process.
    • Normalization of the level of urine.

    In the absence of timely therapy, the risk of complications increases. Complications of cystic neoplasms include the development of the process of infection, hemorrhage or rupture.

    If the diameter of the cyst does not exceed 5-5.5 cm and it does not contribute to the violation of urinary outflow, the patient is simply under the constant supervision of doctors.

    When is surgery required?

    Surgical treatment of kidney cystosis is advisable in the following cases:

    • In the young and middle age of the patient.
    • Rapidly increasing cysts, which provokes progressive atrophy of the kidney parenchyma.
    • If the cyst contributes to impairment of urine outflow.
    • In the event that blood is observed in the blood( development of hematuria).
    • When infected with cysts.
    • In the event that the neoplasm began to provoke the development of pain syndrome.
    • With the development of arterial hypertension.
    • When the cyst is ruptured and if there is a suspected development of a tumor.

    Timely removal or emptying of the cyst helps to save the kidney.


    In the case of simple cysts without complications, it is advisable to conduct a drainage procedure( devastation).This procedure is performed using an ultrasound machine. In the neoplasm, a needle is introduced, which carries out the sampling of serous fluid. Further, the cyst is treated and a sclerosing agent is introduced, which promotes the adhesion of the walls of the neoplasm.

    This procedure increases the risk of serous fluid entering the kidney tissue, followed by the development of infection of the infected organ and sepsis.


    The procedure of laparoscopy is a low-traumatic, modern method that completely removes pathological neoplasm.

    If the development of the cyst has occurred in the area of ​​the parenchyma, then the risk of developing damage to individual kidney systems is increased.

    After the laparoscopic procedure, the patient is prescribed broad spectrum antibacterial drugs, as well as analgesic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Sutures are removed after a week.

    During the recovery period, it is recommended to perform respiratory gymnastics, as well as adherence to a special sparing diet with limited salt intake.

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