
Why does the kidney ache during walking, how to correct subsequent actions

  • Why does the kidney ache during walking, how to correct subsequent actions

    The kidney is exactly like all the internal organs of the human body is securely fixed inside the body thanks to the renal peduncle and the bed. In the normal state, the amplitude of the mobility of the kidney does not exceed 1 cm. An omission, characterized by the fact that the kidney is aching while walking and other active movements are in a state where the organ is displaced from the habitual position on more than two vertebrae. It turns out that on inhalation the body deviates by 10 cm or more, and then can remain in the new position or return to its original position.

    Why a person starts ovulation of the kidneys

    The omission of the kidneys can occur under the influence of many aetiological factors:

    1. A sharp decrease in body weight.
    2. A shock on the waist provoking the formation of a hematoma in the cellulose near the kidney.
    3. Heavy physical work, which involves lifting weights.
    4. Infectious organ damage.

    Women are several times more likely than men to complain of ovulation of the kidneys, they almost always have kidney problems after running. This is due to the fact that the connective tissue is too elastic, the abdominal press is too weak, and the fatty kidney capsule is shorter in comparison with the male body.

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    What is the omission of the kidney

    In general, the described pathology proceeds without obvious signs of organ damage, and is diagnosed completely by accident on a routine examination. If the disease is not accompanied by violations of hemodynamics and urodynamics, then the symptoms are very weak.

    The degree to which the symptomatology manifests itself will depend on the extent of the lesion.

    • 1 degree of lesion - when the lower part of the organ feels only when inhaled.
    • 2 degree of damage - when the kidney begins to feel almost completely, but only in the vertical position of the body.
    • 3 degree of damage - the kidney begins to go beyond the borders of the hypochondrium entirely, which becomes noticeable regardless of the position of the body and the posture taken. At times the organ reaches the pelvic area.

    Initially, patients complain that the left kidney hurts when moving or in the upright position of the body, during a cough. The same goes for the right kidney. The pain is explained by the tension of the organ and the tension of its nerve branches.

    Urinalysis at this stage of the disease does not show pathology, and the pain quickly passes in the prone position on the affected side, or lying on the back.

    This is important! Pains can be amplified in the second stage of the disease and spread throughout the stomach, radiating to the back, into the bladder or into the stomach. Pain in nature resembles renal colic.

    In the third school of descent, the intensity of pain sensation increases sharply, they become permanent, and as a result, the ureter may bend. Patients almost always lose their efficiency. These signs are almost always accompanied by mental disorders and loss of appetite. The patient complains of exhausting headaches, severe fatigue, rising pressure, tinnitus and irritability. The pain is often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

    How effective diagnostics are implemented

    The diagnosis of ovulation of the kidney at an early stage is based on data obtained from an anamnesis or on the basis of clinical manifestations. Patients are concerned about back pain, which develops under physical stress. In general urine tests, there is often an increase in protein concentration and the presence of blood due to strong physical exertion.

    When collecting the history of the disease, the physician should pay attention to the transmitted infectious diseases and possible mechanical damage to the body in the past.

    The main method of diagnosis is X-ray examination with the introduction of contrast, which is realized both in the vertical and horizontal position of the body. The degree of mobility is established relative to the vertebrae in the lumbar region. This diagnostics makes it possible to reliably determine the signs of omission.

    At a late stage of the disease with the presence of erythrocytes in the urine, diagnostic tests such as examination of renal vessels in the vertical position of the body give good results. This diagnosis helps to establish very precisely the degree of disturbance of blood flow in the kidney vessels.

    Carrying out of treatment and at the diagnosis of kidney deafness

    Treatment of pathology can be carried out conservatively or operatively. Conservative therapy involves preventing the development of complications from the omission of the kidney, but not the elimination of the disease itself. The patient is required to wear a special bandage, perform a set of physical exercises, strengthen nutrition with a sharp weight loss.

    A person should not care negligibly about what the kidney is aching when moving, as this symptom often indicates the formation of the omission. Operative intervention at omission is organized only with specific indicators - severe pain, chronic form of inflammation, partial loss of kidneys of their functions, arterial hypertension, bleeding, hydronephrosis transformation.

    This is important! If omission accompanies the process of inflammation in the kidney, then a course of antibiotic drugs will be required. To return the organ to its usual position three days before surgery, the patient is recommended to sleep on a bed with an elevated lower edge.

    The main goal of the surgical operation is to fix the organ in the correct position near the muscles of the abdominal wall. Doctors have developed several ways to carry out the operation. After its completion, in order to successfully restore strength and health, the patient is shown bed rest also with a raised bottom edge for several days. Subsequently, the bed is lowered, and the doctor allows the patient to begin walking. After successful operation and correct recovery, recovery occurs in almost all patients.

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