
How to teach a parrot to talk - teach a parrot to talk

  • How to teach a parrot to talk - teach a parrot to talk

    Along with cats and dogs, parrots share square meters with us and sometimes become full members of the family. It is well known that parrots remember and reproduce human speech. Some parrots are so talented that they learn a decent vocabulary and are able to use the words "on business", while creating the impression of an unusually intelligent bird. Such a bird-imitator is not a sin to boast before the guests, however, to teach the parrot to speak with us in one language, you will have to work hard.

    How to choose a student?

    Parrot is hot

    Knowledgeable people believe that the youngest males at the age of a month or two are most capable of learning. The most trained representatives of the world of parrots are Jaco, cockatoos and wavy parrots. Jaco is the most talented among all, but at the same time even more capricious. He can flatly refuse to reproduce human speech, quenching the thirst for imitation, copying various sounds. And besides these parrots are quite expensive.

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    An excellent alternative to the hot are the familiar wavy parrots, they can also remember and reproduce a large number of words. Not all birds have the same learning ability, so be prepared for the long term lessons. Choose a parrot that is initially interested in people, since it will be easier to teach a parrot to talk in this case. Probably more talented is the individual who watches you and listens to the voice.

    Some content conditions

    The content of parrots

    The most important condition for ensuring the success of the whole enterprise is the absence of other birds in the cage. This can become a distraction, becausea parrot is easier to communicate with his congeners than to learn a new, unexplored. The future talker should be kept in a separate cage of small size, so that the parrot had nowhere to hide from contact with the person.

    Having bought a parrot, you need to let him get used to the new situation. Let a few days live quietly, remove all unnecessary cells from the cage, all toys - mirrors, bells, swings.

    Training method

    Talking parrot

    To begin with, try to teach the parrot to say one word, for example, its own nickname. When he learns to confidently pronounce his nickname, you can move on to more complex tasks. Well, if the first words contain growling and hissing sounds, it will allow the parrot to learn how to pronounce them faster.

    Training should be conducted in a relaxed environment, where sharp sounds and the presence of strangers are excluded. First, you should limit yourself to fifteen-minute daily lessons. Ideally, classes with a parrot should take place in the morning and evening at the same time. Over time, you can increase the learning time to forty minutes. If you feel that the parrot is tired or losing interest, take a break or work out the remaining time later. You can motivate the parrot to the learning process, giving it a treat for diligence.

    When teaching a bird, try to time words to a certain situation, then the bird will have the right associations, and she will say the phrases "in the fall".For example, a phrase like "Kesha wants to eat" should precede the feeding process.

    For the training of birds it is possible to successfully use a tape recorder. This method is suitable for learning poems and songs. However, living human speech causes the parrot more interest. Words must be pronounced clearly, with an expression.

    Opinions about who should teach the parrot, vary. Some believe that the parrot is more willing to learn, having a teacher of the person who likes it more or is more used to it. But others note that the parrot is more susceptible to women's and children's voices.

    And remember, a parrot can be a silent witness of your actions for the time being. Therefore, in order not to have to blush before the guests, avoid using strong expressions in the presence of a parrot.