
How to train a dog? Commands and principles

  • How to train a dog? Commands and principles

    Agree, because many dreamed or dream of having a dog. But to take a puppy for himself is a big responsibility and a rather complicated process. The dog itself is quite large, therefore, it will take up a lot of space. The dog needs to be fed and fed well. In particular, we should not lose sight of the fact that a dog needs to learn how to behave properly and obey commands. At the moment, small decorative dogs are not taken into consideration. This type of doggie is acquired mainly by fans of cats and dogs, such dogs are considered dogs, but in view of their small size they make life easier for their owners.

    Article plan:
    • Why do I need training?
    • The most important thing that a dog needs to know is
    • What commands does a dog need to know?
    • Teaching and training

    Why do I need training?

    Everyone loves dogs that know how to behave in a society of people and dogs. Dogs that are well-trained, enjoy absolute freedom. They are trained to wait when they are told it, respond to the nickname and perform a number of commands that the owner gives. Walking with such dogs is just a pleasure, so the owners and release them from a leash and with a clean soul give them the opportunity to run and frolic in the park. Trained dogs may well be full participants in family picnics, traveling and hiking. They can be called full members of the family.

    With regard to directly undressed dogs, they do not enjoy such advantages. Before the arrival of the guests, they are mostly closed in the distant rooms, because they behave too ill-mannered. During dinner they beg, so they have to be kicked out. If you walk with them without a lead, they can escape and not return for a long time, even completely lost. The walking of such dogs on a leash is also not pleasant, as they are constantly pulling themselves, all the time, trying to take them away.

    The dog mostly lives from eight to sixteen years old. Therefore, care should be taken to ensure that the years lived together were joyful for you and for your dog. To do this, it is necessary to teach correct behavior and commands.

    The most important thing a dog should know is

    First of all, when you take a dog, you need to teach it the basic, that is, its name, or as it is called - the nickname. What name to your puppy is purely your personal affair, but if you get a thoroughbred puppy, then most likely his name will be already mentioned in his documents, that's it worth sticking to. In the event that you give a new name to the puppy, or come up completely by yourself, then in this case, it is worth remembering that the best option when the name is short, and in its composition there is a letter "p".

    The case is that the dog will remember this nickname well and will easily respond to it. In the next stage, you need to teach the dog to eat only at home, and not take food from hand, since you can meet not very friendly people who can simply poison the dog. In addition, in the event that the dog will get used to eating at home, it will not gnaw anything that does not get in the street. Also the main rule is wearing a collar, leash and muzzle when you go to the face for a walk.

    At other times the dog can do without them. In the case when you have your house and accordingly the site, then the dog can walk around without these things, but while she leaves the boundaries of your site, she should calmly react to the collar, leash and muzzle, not to remove them. The fact is that in our time it has become necessary to walk the dog on a leash and in a muzzle, as the attacks of walking dogs on people have become frequent.

    What commands should a dog know?

    Under all circumstances, your dog should understand your commands. Naturally, there is no need to train her with all kinds of teams, unless she, of course, participates in exhibitions. But there are a number of elementary commands that a dog should know directly.

    The first command is the command "next".A dog is not always and not everywhere you can run, jump, and play. Because of this, sometimes it is necessary to balance the emotions of the dog with a similar team, in which the dog will stay close to you and at the same time understand that it is not possible to move away from you for some time. The second necessary command is the command "to me", which is often quite often combined with the first. But this is not so. It's one thing when a dog will just run up to you and run away, but it's quite another thing when she keeps close to you until you give her permission to take a walk.

    Naturally, the dog can be taught to stay close to you and through the team "to me", it all depends on your desire and the dog's coach. Of course, you need to understand that the training and training of dogs should be done by you, but under the strict guidance of a professional trainer. To ensure that the dog has learned to approach you, it should be trained on a leash, tempting with a delicacy. You should never hit a dog while training, otherwise it will just start to be afraid of you.

    You should become friends with your dog, but with all this you need to stay more important.

    The necessary command is also the "fu" command. Many dogs are always ready to protect their master, but in some cases, the dog can begin to react violently and to drunken people, to small children, to loud cries, so the dog should understand the command "fu", which means - it is impossible not to touch. This also applies directly to garbage and to food on the street. Even in those cases when the dog is not set up negatively, but is just about sniffing, you still tell her "fu", for reinsurance, it's still an animal and for its logic can not be answered.

    Education and training

    In the case when you have independently taken up the education of your four-legged friend, the most important thing in this difficult matter is to start right. It should be noted that in the first place, you need to master the general training. In the process of general training, the dog develops skills that discipline her, make it possible to control the behavior of the dog and in the process of its daily circulation and applying it in the service.

    In addition, general disciplinary skills are the basis for developing a complex of conditioned reflexes for a special purpose in dogs. So, if later you want a well-mannered well-bred dog, you still have to start with a general training.

    The best result will be achieved if the development of useful reflexes starts from the puppy's age.

    During the development of conditioned reflexes in puppies and in adult dogs, the same methods of training are used, but taking into account age characteristics. Puppies, like children, they are more mobile, their body is not yet strong, therefore, in working with them, food irritants and light mechanical influences are most often used. If possible, resort to imitative methods. It is worth noting that many actions of puppies can be accustomed to during the games.

    Rules that will help in developing general disciplinary skills:
    1. First of all, you need to establish the right relationship( contact) with the dog. From the first days of training, it is skilful to use unconditional and conditioned stimuli.
    2. As conditional( signal) stimuli, it is recommended to use sound( verbal) commands and gestures common in clubs of official dog breeding.

    In a dog, the conditioned reflex is produced much more quickly and is more durable when training with a contrast method, when the conditioned stimulus( command, gesture) is reinforced first by a mechanical stimulus( leash action or pushing by hand), and then the action should be encouraged by delicacy. Mechanical stimuli, in turn, encourage the dog to perform the actions that the trainer desires from you, that is, you.

    But you should not abuse this method, because you can break contact with the dog. In other words, do not forcefully push, otherwise it can be offended and irritated.

    In order for a delicacy to cause a dog the desire to get another portion and make it perform the required actions, it must be hungry or in a half-starved state. Therefore, you should practice with the dog 2 times a day before feeding or 3-4 hours after feeding, in the morning and in the evening.

    In terms of duration, such activities should not exceed two hours, and the number of receptions that are performed in one session, directly depends on the period of training and the degree of preparedness and efficiency of the dog. It is not necessary to load your pet by learning new techniques until the old ones are fixed.

    At the first stages of training in one session, you can repeat 2-3 sessions, in the future, as soon as conditioned reflexes are developed, the number of receptions and the number of their repetitions should be increased directly. Methods for developing new conditioned reflexes must be performed at the beginning of the session.

    After each procedure for the development of a new conditioned reflex is performed, it is necessary to take breaks for 2-3 minutes, using this time directly for the walking of the dog, and also giving it this time as a free time.

    How much it is necessary to do the repetition of each reception during one lesson depends directly on how difficult the actions performed by the dog, as well as its performance and the peculiarity of its processes of excitation and inhibition. Thus, these methods with food reinforcement can be performed up to 15-20 times, but as for the direct mechanical action, which causes an unpleasant feeling in the dog, this method can be applied up to 5-10 times. This is explained in turn by the fact that the dog is interested in getting a treat( food) and is less tired, as for the mechanical effect, here, on the contrary, it tries to avoid it and quickly tires.

    During the training of a dog, it is rather important to be able to use leashes, short and long. Leash allows you to discipline the dog, and also allows you to timely suspend its unwanted actions. To the stage of running a dog without a leash, it is necessary to approach gradually, as the conditioned conditioned reflexes become consolidated.

    As an exception to this rule, we can call the stroking of the dog as a mechanical stimulus, which is directly pleasing to it and contributes to the formation of conditioned reflexes.

    To keep the dog, as well as for its direct training, it is necessary to have an individual set of special equipment, namely: a collar, a strict collar, a short and long leash, a muzzle, various sports items, a bag for items and a bag for delicacies. In addition, communicating with the dog, and in the classroom, the trainer must have a treat with him, it can be small pieces of sausage, meat, cheese and other types of food that the dog likes.

    On the areas intended for sports training, means of training of group use are used: training suits, obstacle course, special sleeves, starting pistol, etc.

    For direct dog training and daily care, it is desirable to have suitable clothing that will be comfortable for various activities with the dog, as well as one that will be easy to clean when contaminated. In the summer, it can be sportswear, but in the cool season - a jacket or quilted jacket.

    Having a dog, do not forget that you should follow the rules of hygiene. After every communication with the dog, you should always wash your hands well, you can not let it jump on yourself, grab your hands, legs, and even let it lick your face.

    In the case when a novice trainer needs consultations, he can get them from experienced specialists.

    As mentioned earlier, in the initial period, it is necessary to select sites for classes, these should be places where there are no distracting stimuli: far from roads, trails, places of intensive movement of people, grazing places, etc.

    As the techniques are being developed, strong conditioned reflexes must be formed, and the conditions for training must also become more complicated: the number and strength of external stimuli increase, etc.

    Before starting training, it is necessary to carefully plan the work plan: what methods should be performed, how many times and in what order should it be done and repeated. At the first stage of training it is necessary to use delicacies more often, and then try to use it as rarely as possible, while replacing the stroking hand movements and exclamations with "good".Give a treat with your right hand.

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    Dogs, very smart animals, they even feel the mood of their master, can to some extent provide psychological support. No wonder they say that a dog is a friend of a person, it is always there and is always ready to stand for your protection.