  • We will disassemble and assemble

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    Features of the game and its educational value. The proposed game teaches kids to distinguish and compare objects in size, that is, according to their extent in space. Mastering the methods of distinguishing and comparing objects in size, children either apply them to each other, or superimpose one on another. This is the teaching task of the game.

    Six to eight children participate in the game, They all act with one object and are united by a common goal - to disassemble and assemble the pyramid. Kids in turn perform the same actions. The common object and common actions unite them and bring them closer together.

    Receiving a ring from the pyramid and putting it on the rod, the child feels involved in the overall activity. At the same time he gives his ring, knowing that the toy, buying his own.the initial appearance, will again be dismantled and everything will start again. Briefness and repetition of game actions in the unchanged form are like to kids. The child knows what his peers will do and what his peers will do, which means that he is more aware of his activities.

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    In addition, the transformation of the appearance of toys that occur before the eyes of the child and with his active participation, give him new impressions of the transformation of the pyramid and suggest a change in the appearance of the same object.

    This very simple game-fun brings joy to kids. Therefore, all the efforts that they have to apply( waiting for their turn, comparing the rings in size, the implementation of the rules of the game), are easy, without tension.

    Play material, Pyramid monochrome( preferably with yellow rings).The number of rings, the pyramid must correspond to the number of participants in the game.

    Description of the game and the techniques of its conduct. Inviting children to sit at a common table and taking his place after him, the educator draws attention to the new pyramid. He passes his hands down the pyramid, showing how his hands gradually move apart as he approaches the base of the toy."It's because," explains the teacher, "that the rings on top are very small, then - more, and below - the largest. Try to touch and see. "He moves the pyramid from child to child so that everyone can hold his hands from top to bottom, feel and see the difference in the size of the rings. Pyramid returns to the teacher, and he pays attention to how this toy is arranged.

    "Look, what is this?- the teacher asks, pointing to the cap and taking it off.- This is a cap, but what is this? That's right, the ring( removes the upper ring).What is it - big or small? That's right, this ring is the smallest. "The tutor draws the ring close to the cap and removes the following."This is also a ringlet. What is it, the same as the first, or a little more? "- he again turns to children. The teacher puts one ring on the other so that everyone sees, and together with the children notes that one ring is smaller, and another is bigger. So in turn, all rings are removed from the stick and compared by overlapping each other and applying.

    When all the rings are laid out in order on the table, the teacher draws the children's attention to the fact that the pyramid has a stick, and below it is a stand. This is also a ring, but it is the largest and can not be removed."All the rings know their place on the stick," he says, collecting the pyramid, and begins the game again.

    Having pushed the pyramid to one of the seated children, the teacher addresses him as if on behalf of the toy: "Serezha, take off my cap and put it in the middle of the table."Then he offers the kid to move the pyramid to one of the peers and say the same words, that is, to name the child and say: "Take off my smallest ring".Next, the next child moves the pyramid to a peer. So gradually the toy is disassembled, and the empty wand returns to the tutor. The second part of the game begins.

    Before each child on the table lie rings, and the tutor - a stick."I'm tired of sticking alone, and she called all the rings home. Who has my biggest ring? "- the teacher asks from the face of the wand. One of the children responds: "I have!" All participants in the game check whether he answered correctly and, if correct, the teacher brings a wand to the kid and says: "Give my biggest ring!" The child puts the ring on his wand and togetherwith everyone asks the same question: "Who now has the biggest ring of my?" So gradually all the rings and the cap are assembled and put on a stick. You can start the game again.

    Rules of the game.

    1. Children's actions are performed in turn. Before you take or give a ring, you must say the right words.

    2. When the pyramid is disassembled, the child can move the wand to whom he wants.

    3. When the pyramid is assembled, it is possible to move the wand only to the one who has the largest ring and who himself said this.

    Tips for the educator. The most important thing in this game is to enthrall the children with its content and the joint solution of the problem. It is important to arouse their interest in this time-boring toy, show how you can play with it all together.

    If the child has lost interest in the game after the pyramid is collected, ask him to do.do something else and call someone else in his place.

    Pyramid must receive a permanent place in the group so that children can play with it independently: either individually, or by picking up three or four partners. Such an initiative should be encouraged. Help the children organize themselves, choose the facilitator, remind the rules of the game and the right words. After an independent game, the pyramid should be put in place.