  • Games that develop the perception of quality values

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    If a child of three years is offered a choice of two items of different sizes, for example a large and small apple, then not every baby who knows his pleasant taste will choose the one that is more. Hence, at this age, many children do not yet realize the magnitude of objects and do not distinguish it as an important distinctive feature. Such qualities of magnitude as length, width, height, or do not differ at all by the kids, or are perceived vaguely and unconsciously. And if someone takes them into account, they are all denoted by the same words - "big" and "small", which, of course, does not reflect the specific features of these spatial features.

    Meanwhile, a clear perception and assessment of the correlated qualities of magnitude have an extremely important practical and cognitive significance. Without a special adjustment to the perception of the magnitude, the selection of its various spatial parameters, the correct idea of ​​objects can not be successfully formed, and consequently, practical actions with them are hampered. Without a clear representation of the magnitude of the subject it is impossible to depict it or use it in constructive activity.

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    Already in the younger preschool age it is necessary to develop in children the ability to perceive the value of objects by comparing them along the length, width, height. After all, it is during these years that the child awakens interest in the objective environment, the desire to actively act with objects and manage them.

    In pedagogical practice, acquaintance with the quality of the value, as a rule, is carried out in the classroom using common gaming techniques.

    In addition to these techniques, we offer games aimed at developing a clear and conscious perception of the magnitude and its attributes.

    In most of the games offered, folk toys are used - pyramids, nesting dolls, liner bowls and other wooden toys, individual parts and parts of which differ only in size. These toys seem to be specially created for children to teach them to distinguish the size of objects. The decoration and didactic value of these toys, the accuracy of the gradations of the magnitude of different details can be envied by any modern manual. It is not for nothing that these wonderful toys have received the deserved recognition of teachers as classical didactic material and "a genuine national gift to young children"( FN Bleher).These toys are taught to compare and measure objects in height, width, and sometimes in different spatial dimensions simultaneously. With the help of an adult in the proposed games, the child learns rational methods of comparative evaluation of the value( imposition and application of objects).

    Games are given in a certain sequence, which must be observed. The first game( "What do matryoshka dolls do?") Draws children's attention to the overall size of objects, making their value a significant sign. In further games, children learn to distinguish the value by imposing( "We'll disassemble and collect", "Come to the meadow", etc.), so they form a search image of the value that helps them in the game "One, two, three - look!»Find an object on the idea of ​​its magnitude. In the last games of this section, children learn to compare and distinguish between different parameters of a value and denote them in words. This establishes a relationship between the image and the word denoting the given quality, which contributes to a more distinct, conscious perception of the magnitude of the object.

    The goal of all these games in the younger group is to isolate the value as a significant feature of the subject and to develop the ability to establish pronounced differences in height, length and width.

    Most games are played in small groups or individually. But some of them can be conducted by the whole group with the participation and under supervision of an adult.