  • Mom protects the child from near and minor dangers, the father from more formidable and more distant.

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    But it is also important that the father gives the child a different life information than the mother, and a different life orientation. All the same, it is more important for the mother that the child does not fall down the stairs than does not fall morally. All the same, the civic spirit that the girl needs is more instilled by her dad. The protective and caressing position of the mother will develop protective cowardice in the boy. And the active life position of the father will instill in the girl a tendency towards reasonable risk and activity. I stimulate in Katya to boldly come into contact with the world of objects. If there is a ditch that you can jump over, I stimulate the jump (well, I make sure). TikTok online viewer and downloader TikTokni.com search profiles, videos, music, followers for free. Under my control, she deals with snails, moles, mice, is friends with cats, dogs, horses. Katya boldly goes to the people. The first thing she says to them is: "I am Katya."

    And this says a lot: I am ready for communication, I am open, I have no second bottom and not a single stone in my bosom. Katya immediately shares toys and goodies. Of course, here is the role of both home birth and the fact that people around her are not kindergarten. This provides a reasonable double safety margin.

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    To be convincing, examples of complementarity and equivalence of parental roles could be multiplied. But for our further reasoning, examples are enough for now. It is clear that if one of the parents is absent, then the upbringing and life in general of the child and then the adolescent are distorted. No matter how gentle the father's hands are, he cannot replace the mother at first, and indeed he cannot completely replace them. As brave as Mom is, she will not be able to withstand military force. Therefore, it is generally better not to get divorced, but to love

    each other and love their children together. This can be done, it will be possible if we no longer engage in the multiplication of material trash, but in psychology. Well, if, all the same, not everything went well, then the emotional decision of the spouses about the breakup and, the divorce, should be replaced with some other decision. Let there be non-standard sexual relations, let there even be some mutual sexual freedom, only without additional mental trauma. But let the child be raised by both.

    And here's another thing. Is divorce with matriarchy tendencies (and with the father's struggle for parental rights), is marital tension before divorce - usually each parent manipulatively sets a child against another, of course, "bad", parent. Let's remember Solomon. He didn't really want to chop the child up. He set up only a mental moral experiment, although this was also cruel. And today (as it happens) the child's soul is being cut. Let's take into account that the wife and husband, former or close to divorce, are at war, and the FRONT LINE BETWEEN THE PARENTS PASSES THROUGH THE HEART OF THE CHILD.