  • Microsporia: photos, symptoms and treatment in humans

    Microsporia( ringworm) is a skin disease characterized by high contagiosity.

    This pathological process can affect not only the skin of the trunk, but also the hair, as well as nail plates.

    Localization of microsporia on the scalp is predominantly seen in children. Microsporia with a prolonged or mild course can pass by itself, when the child passes into the phase of puberty.

    Children are more likely to suffer from adults, among adults, this disease is most common in young women.

    Causes of microsporia

    The source of infection in microsporia are animals( most often cats and dogs).However, for this pathology there is also an anthroponotic path of spreading - from a sick person to a healthy one.

    In the latter case, it is a rusty microsporium, which is transmitted by contact with a sick person or household items used by him.

    The causative agents of the disease are both anthropophilic and zoophilic fungi. The first should include Microsporum audouinii, Microsporum ferrugineum.
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    The most common pathogens of the second group are the fungi Microsporum canis. The epidemiological significance of a fungus such as Microsporum gypseum is small, but there are also cases of infection with it.

    The factors predisposing to the development of this disease are:

    • a decrease in immunoresistance;
    • children's age( before the puberty period);
    • deficiency of the system of lysozyme, properdin, complement;
    • defective functioning of sweat and sebaceous glands;
    • local neuromuscular disorders;
    • microtrauma on the skin;
    • violation of proliferative processes of the skin;
    • beriberi and deficiency in the body of certain micro- and macro elements.

    Symptoms of microsporia in humans

    The clinical symptoms of both anthroponotic and zooanthroponous microsporia are similar and have a number of symptoms that allow one to suspect the disease in humans.

    Characteristic features of microsporia in humans are:

    1. 1) Erythematous spots of various diameters( from 0.5 cm to 7 cm);
    2. 2) Foci of defeat have clearly defined boundaries and are more often round or oval;
    3. 3) The warts of the lesion are covered with small asbestos-like scales;
    4. 4) Small foci of the pathological process tend to merge, forming a sufficiently massive affected surface;
    5. 5) Scales and crusts form in the center of the spots, and on the periphery are located vesicles and papules;
    6. 6) At the edge of the patch gradually forms a towering continuous roller, which is a cluster of small sizes of bubbles, nodules and crusts;
    7. 7) A small number of lesions( usually no more than three);
    8. 8) Inside the ring of lesion, a new ring can be formed( symptom "ring in the ring");
    9. 9) The preferred places for localization of microspores on the skin are: skin of the face, neck, shoulders, forearms. Much less likely to be affected by the palms and feet. If we are talking about the microsporia of the scalp, the pathological process is most often found on the parietal and temporal areas;
    10. 10) Moderate itching;
    11. 11) Hair loss in the localization of the pathological process on the scalp( with a brow occurs most often at a level of 3-8 cm from the root of the hair);
    12. 12) The formation of a clearly visible white and gray coupling around the base of the hair, which is clearly visible to the naked eye;
    13. 13) The bases of broken hair can be easily pulled out with tweezers;
    14. 14) If you smooth the broken hair, then they do not restore their former position( unlike healthy ones);
    15. 15) Swelling and hyperemia of the skin in the affected area;
    16. 16) When the disease is suppurative, the skin in the lesion becomes bluish-burgundy and soft nodes are formed on its surface, covered with numerous small pustules.
    Symptoms of microsporia appear 5-7 days after infection with zoonotic pathogens or 1-1.5 months later, when it comes to anthroponous pathogens.

    Diagnosis of microsporia

    The basis for the diagnosis of microsporia is based on 3 main research methods:

    1. 1) Microscopic examination - allows you to establish a specific genus of the fungus. The test material is flakes taken from the affected parts of the skin and hair from the lesion. This technique reveals the filament of mycelium of the fungus( they have a specific crimp shape), as well as a large number of spores on the hair;
    2. 2) Luminescent method - allows to determine the presence of the pathogen, the area of ​​the affected surface, and evaluate the effectiveness of the therapy. In addition, a specific source of infection can be established using Wood's lamp;
    3. 3) Sowing of scales taken from affected areas of skin and hair on specialized media;
    4. 4) It is shown that such research methods as: general blood and urine analysis, as well as biochemical blood analysis.

    Treatment of microsporia

    The basis of etiopathogenetic treatment of microsporia is antifungal therapy.

    As modern effective antifungal agents are: Clotrimazole, Terbinafine, Isoconazole, Cyclopyrox. To treat microsporia, localized on the scalp, the drugs of choice are Griseofulvin and Terbinafine.

    In order for the active ingredient of the antifungal drug to act as quickly and efficiently as possible, the crusts formed should be removed. For this purpose, it is recommended to use bandages with salicylic vaseline( 2%) or to treat lesions with olive or vegetable oils.

    To reduce the inflammatory process, the use of ointments, gels, creams with a glucocorticosteroid component( Travocort - a combined drug) is indicated. In case of secondary infection, medications with antibiotics and antiseptics are prescribed( 10% Hinozol).

    When microsporia smooth skin with a lesion of gun hair or microsporia of the scalp of a limited nature, shaving of the hair is shown once a week. Complete pharmacological and clinical cure is assessed by the resolution of clinical symptoms, the absence of green glow when irradiated with a Wood luminescent lamp, as well as by the results of the last negative microscopic studies, which must be performed three times with an interval of 5 days( of particular importance with microsporia of the scalp).

    See also: how to treat ringworm in humans.

    Prevention of disease

    The main measure of prevention of microsporia is the earliest possible identification, isolation and adequate treatment of a sick person. Things that belong to the patient microsporia must undergo thorough disinfection without fail.

    In addition, it is necessary to conduct a survey of people who have been in close contact with a sick person or animal. Animals suspected of ringworm should be examined by a veterinarian.

    In view of the fact that animals without visible clinical signs of disease can serve as a carrier and a potential source of infection, hands should be thoroughly washed after each contact with them.

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