  • Teenage pregnancy

    Of the sexually active girls, only one third uses effective contraception, another third - less effective( as an interrupted act) and a third does not use anything at all. According to the results of a survey of schoolgirls, 5% of girls faced the problem of unwanted pregnancy. In Russia, the pregnancy is interrupted annually by approximately 40,000 adolescents under the age of 17 years.

    The fact of pregnancy is often realized with delay. The first reaction is shame, fear, confusion, shock. Some of this plunges into a state of despair, while others urge to hope for a "miracle."For a family, teenage pregnancy is always a drama. It is very important that next to the girl in this period was at least one adult, whom she trusts.

    Very painful is the issue of choice - the preservation or termination of pregnancy. Abortion for many is a serious mental trauma and fraught with complications for future reproductive function.

    Both boys and girls need to know how to protect themselves from pregnancy. Almost every third girl who entered into sexual life, learned about the methods of protection only from her partner. It is known that in the family or at school she did not have the slightest chance to get acquainted with the necessary information.

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    Quite typical phenomenon for teenagers is hyper-role behavior, that is, the desire of boys to demonstrate the maximum in their view of masculinity, which for them is associated with aggression and domination over persons of the opposite sex. The stereotype of a "real man" who always and everywhere has to act and act from a position of strength, conquer and subjugate women, is often cultivated in the youth environment. In normative cases, the aggressive component of sexuality in adolescents is limited to cynical conversations, vivid fantasies, especially at the height of excitement during masturbation. Among the boys, one in four pointed to erotic fantasies, in which he pictured himself as a rapist. In early adolescence, there are attacks on girls of their own age, during which they limit themselves to feeling their breasts and genitals through their clothes. In a survey of Moscow and St. Petersburg schoolchildren in 1993, 24% of girls and 11% of boys said they had experienced sexual coercion in their relationships with peers. Often, violence leads teenagers and a lack of understanding of the differences in male and female sexuality.

    Finally, a large group is atypical sexual contacts, reflecting the experimentation of adolescents with their own sexuality in the way of cognition and discipline of biological needs. In adolescence, transient( transient) sexual deviations are either perceived as play, fun, something secondary and of little significance, or( in the next stage) cause feelings of guilt and fear, which is a sufficient barrier to repeated actions.

    It can be argued that in adolescents, the majority of abnormalities in sexual behavior are caused by a period of youthful hypersexuality, limiting contact with the opposite sex and the inability to implement the emerging sexual need in a socially acceptable way, as well as experimenting with one's own sexuality. They are only a relatively short stage of psychosexual development on the path to the emergence of mature sexuality, when the method of trial and error specifies and consolidates erotic preferences.