  • Different mixtures

    What is a milk formula. There is nothing mysterious in the mixture. It's really a mixture of cow's milk with water and sugar.(Sometimes the doctor does not recommend adding sugar.) Water and sugar are added to make the mixture look more like mother's milk. You can use both concentrated, and whole pasteurized, and powdered milk. Each species has its own advantages. Different types of sugar are used. Usually it is granulated sugar, corn sugar, cane sugar and a mixture of dextrin and maltose.

    Not only children but also bacteria thrive on milk - that's why you need to sterilize milk and utensils very carefully. If you cooked the mixture on Tuesday and several bacteria got there, bacteria will incredibly multiply to the environment when the baby is eating, especially if the mixture was not in the refrigerator. Boiling the mixture makes it easier to digest.

    The doctor will tell you what kind of milk to use, given the needs of the child and the availability of milk. Next for the general information are listed the most frequently used types of milk.

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    Concentrated milk. Concentrated milk is stored in cans, about half of the water is removed from it.(Do not mix with condensed milk, in which there is a very high percentage of sugar and which is not suitable for babies.) The concentrated milk has several advantages. It has already been thoroughly sterilized during cooking, so when you open the jar, there are no bacteria in it. In most areas it is cheaper than fresh. In an unopened can, it can be stored indefinitely without a refrigerator. It is the same, wherever you buy it, so the child, if you carry it, do not need to Get used to another milk. It is digested a little easier than fresh, and rarely causes allergy such as diathesis.

    When you list all these advantages, listeners start to think why someone uses fresh milk. In general, this is a matter of habit and taste. Some older children and many adults, those who are accustomed to fresh milk, do not like the taste of concentrated milk. But babies like it, and they rarely object to it. There is no reason why children should not drink concentrated milk for several years.

    Because concentrated milk is twice as fresh as food, it is always diluted with an equal amount of water. In our country, vitamin D. is added to concentrated milk.

    There are many varieties of concentrated milk. All about the same composition. You do not have to worry if you have to switch from one grade to another.

    Modified concentrated and powdered milk. Several varieties of concentrated and powdered milk with special brand names have been modified in such a way as to be closer in composition to breast milk, and now many doctors usually recommend this kind of milk. In all these varieties sugar is added( so the mother does not have to do this), and in some the amount of protein is reduced. Such varieties should be used on the advice of a doctor and diluted in accordance with the instructions.

    Pasteurized milk. If you are going to prepare a mixture for the child not from concentrated, but from fresh milk, it is desirable that it be pasteurized. When pasteurized, milk before bottling is heated to kill bacteria.

    Homogenized milk is pasteurized milk, in which the fat droplets are broken into very small parts;such milk is easier to digest. Cream does not float on the surface, but remains mixed with milk. Homogenized milk is useful for those children who can not easily digest conventional milk. It has less foam, and it is very convenient, if you often clog your nipple.

    Pasteurized milk with vitamin D is available in some areas.

    Raw milk is not pasteurized. This milk is directly from the cow. It should be boiled for five minutes, not only for babies, but for children of any age.

    Boiling kills bacteria that cause dysentery, sore throat, tuberculosis and other infections. Raw milk from cows of Guernsey and Jernian breeds contains more fat than regular commercial milk, and can upset the baby's stomach. If you moved to a village and buy very high-fat milk, you need to remove the cream from it, so that it looks like the usual available for sale.

    Whole milk is an expression that is used when talking about preparing a mixture. This means that a normal amount of fat is distributed in the milk. To get whole milk, you need to shake a bottle of pasteurized milk, if it is not homogenized, to mix the cream with the rest of the milk. This is done before preparing the mixture. If you leave the cream on top and use only the top of the bottle, you get a too fat mixture. On the other hand, if you use milk from a bottle, from which the cream is already removed, you will get a mixture that is not nutritious enough. Homogenized milk should not be shaken, because there is no cream in it.

    Half-dissolving milk, the in which some of the cream has been removed, is recommended by some doctors for feeding premature babies until they reach two and a half kilograms of weight because such milk is easier to digest( skim milk , from which all the cream is removed,is too low-nutrition for feeding premature babies).

    Banks with powdered semisolted milk can be bought in a store or pharmacy. Most varieties of powdered milk are diluted in a ratio of 60 g of water per one tablespoon( without top) of milk powder( check with the label).

    Some dairy farms sell half-scrapped pasteurized milk in bottles. Or you can buy pasteurized whole milk and remove half of the cream with a special spoon( a round measuring spoon with a cup at right angles to the handle).

    Removed milk( for diarrhea sufferers). Skim milk or half-skimmed milk is often prescribed for patients with diarrhea, because milk, in which there is no cream, is easier to digest.

    You can buy powdered milk powder from banks in a store or pharmacy. Most varieties are diluted in a ratio of 60 g of water to one tablespoon of powder( check with the label).Some farms sell pasteurized skimmed milk.

    When diluting the powdered milk powder for a child with diarrhea, use only half the amount of powder: one tablespoon per 120 g of water.

    Powdered milk. Whole powdered milk is useful if you are traveling with a child or are in a place where there is no concentrated or pure fresh milk. You can take a large stock with you, and it will not weigh much. It is more expensive than fresh and concentrated milk. It is bred, mixing one tablespoon of powder with 60 g of water. If your child needs a mixture of 300 g concentrated milk, 600 g pods and two tablespoons of granulated sugar, you take 10 tablespoons of milk powder, mix them with!) 00 grams of water and two tablespoons of sugar.

    Boil the required amount of water and dissolve sugar in it. When the water has cooled to body temperature, pour the milk powder and stir with a sterilized fork or egg whisk.

    After the can is opened, powdered milk should be kept in the refrigerator.

    We talked about powdered whole milk. There are other varieties of powdered milk in which the proportions are changed. Such milk can only be used under medical supervision.

    Butter. The milk is milk. It can be prepared in two ways. On a commercial farm or in a hospital, special microorganisms are placed in pasteurized milk. These microorganisms produce lactic acid, from which milk sour.

    Another method is the addition of chemical lactic acid to pasteurized or concentrated milk. It can be done at home.

    Some children learn sour milk more easily than usual. Doctors often prescribe it to children with abdominal pain, or to those who are often vomited, or who are prone to diarrhea. Some doctors prescribe it in general to all children. It prevents the growth of pathogenic bacteria and therefore is safer than fresh. The ratio of milk, water and sugar is the same as when preparing a conventional mixture.

    Making sour milk at home is somewhat inconvenient. Three important conditions are necessary: ​​it is necessary to cool milk and water well, to oxidize milk very gradually and then not to overheat the milk after oxidation. Boil the milk separately, refrigerate and refrigerate. In another saucepan, boil the water with sugar, also cool and refrigerate. Then add one teaspoon of lactic acid to the water with sugar.(The total amount of the mixture is from 700 to 900 g. If the mixture is less, use proportionately smaller quantities.) Now, very gradually pour water with acid into the milk, constantly mixing while doing this. If someone helps you, pour water and mix the egg whisk together. You need to ensure that the acid is not collected in one part of the milk, because it produces large hard lumps that will not pass through the nipple. That's why you first add acid to the water so that it dissolves well before it enters the milk. If the recipe for your mixture consists only of milk with sugar, without water, I would still dissolve lactic acid in 30-60 g of water before adding it to the milk.

    When you warm the bottle with sour milk for the baby, do not do it quickly and do not bring it to high temperature.: Warm in a saucepan with warm water. If you have cooked the yogurt correctly, the lumps will be shallow and will pass through the opening of the usual nipple. If necessary, widen the hole.

    In large cities you can buy ready-made yogurt. Usually it is more expensive than milk. In the pharmacy you can buy it in powder form. To use the powder when preparing the mixture, add, as usual, water and milk.

    Artificial milk for children who are allergic to regular milk is made from products such as soy flour and sugar. For such milk, you need a teat with a large hole.