  • Extra bottle with a pacifier.

    If necessary, an extra bottle can be given daily during the morning or afternoon feeding, at 10, at 2 or 6 o'clock.(If there is no night feeding, the mother will not be able to miss the morning six-hour and evening 10-hour feeding, because the breasts are too full for 12 hours, and this long interval can affect milk production.)

    If the mother plans to take the baby from the breast in betweentwo and seven months, you need to give at least twice a week a bottle, even if enough milk. The reason is that children during this period are so used to the breast that they refuse to take a bottle of milk, and great efforts will be required to train them. Up to two months a child is rarely so stubborn. And after seven months it can immediately be accustomed to a cup.

    Sometimes it is recommended that all children who are breastfed give a bottle of the mixture once or twice a week, even if the mother is going to transfer it immediately to drink from the cup. This is done on the basis of the theory that a mother may for some unexpected reason stop feeding. Here, you yourself should make a choice between the extra time and labor and the risk that you will suddenly have to wean the child

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    from the breast.

    The doctor will give you the composition of one serving of the mixture. If there is no way to consult a doctor, use the following recipe: 120 g of pasteurized whole milk( shake the bottle if you do not have homogenized milk), 60 g of water( take a little more water, as some of it evaporates), two teaspoons) of granulated sugar. Mix, bring to a boil, boil for three minutes on low heat, pour into a sterilized bottle of

    . You should get about 180 g of the mixture. Let the child drink as much as he likes. A small child will not drink everything. For a child weighing 5 kg, this portion is sufficient. But if it turns out not enough, take 180 grams of milk, 2 teaspoons of sugar and no water( except for what you add in terms of evaporation).

    For most families it is more convenient to make one single bottle of a mixture of pasteurized, rather than concentrated milk, because in that case only a small part of the can is used. However, if you do not have pasteurized milk or if you can use the rest of concentrated milk for other purposes, concentrated milk may seem more convenient for you. You can buy it in small two hundred-pot jars. To make 180 g of the mixture, take 60 g of concentrated milk, 120 grams of water, another 30-60 g of water per evaporation, 2 teaspoons of sugar without top. Bring to a boil and simmer for three minutes. A more nutritious mixture - 90 g of concentrated milk and 90 g of water, 2 teaspoons of sugar.