How to save money? How to learn to save money?"All the secrets. Interesting articles, useful advice and tips.
Method 2. Plan costs. [/ B] Make a list of necessary payments and purchases: payment of credit, waste on food, clothing, household goods, utilities. Compare the planned expenditure with your income, determine what you can save( reduce or exclude certain expenses, especially for secondary articles of the family budget).Thus, you will know where money goes, regulate their flow, directing to more necessary and excluding less necessary expenses.
[b] Method 3. If you want to know how to save money, never take them on loan.[/ b] Make it your own principle. A person who lives on a debt can not correlate his incomes and expenses, he always lives with an eye to the fact that it is necessary to repay the debt owed. There is no question of planning a family budget in this case. If you still took the money in debt - pay back as soon as possible.
By the way, [b] to give money in debt is also not recommended [/ b].Shirt-guy, ready to give the last penny to help a friend( a friend, colleague at work) is, unfortunately, not the person who knows how to properly manage money.
Method 4. After receiving a salary, go straight home [/ b], without going on the road to the shops or to the market. A purse full of money is the source of a great temptation to immediately spend it. Arriving home, think about what you will spend this money( see method number 2).The next day the euphoria of the "rich man" will pass, and you will be able to spend some money with the mind, and the remaining amount will be properly distributed for the whole month. From the same rule, it can be concluded that [b] carrying large amounts of money at all is not worth [/ b] - for the same savings of the latter.
[b] Method 5. Approach with a mind to buy too cheap goods [/ b], goods at promotional and wholesale prices, things with a sale. Such proposals have two sides of the coin. On the one hand, at various sales and in the framework of the stocks of stocks, one can really get quite good things - even if last season or with an inconspicuous marriage. But it is not uncommon for cases when more unpleasant things are hidden behind the cheapness: overdue goods( as a rule, this concerns foodstuffs - that's not what you are saving on), or a poor quality product, or something you do not need in a hurry, bought only because ofthat it was given to you "almost for nothing."
[b] Method 6. Start the piggy bank.[/ b] Yes, yes, the most common piggy bank. Dump in it all the small things for a month - and you will be surprised at what a decent amount can get in the end. We do not promise to get rich on this - but the amount for a monthly metro journey "to find" in the piggy bank after 30 days is quite real. And this is also a lot, especially in times of crisis!
Method 7. Store money on a bank card.[/ b] Significantly more is the temptation to spend cash than the money on the card( while you get to the ATM to remove them, you can change your mind about making this or that purchase).
Get a bank account and save some money for a deposit. If the salary is already charged to you on the card - this will make it even easier for you, in this case you just need not take a certain amount of money, leaving them on a "rainy day" or hoarding for a large purchase. How much money to "store" is a personal matter for everyone, experts recommend starting with 10% of salary, gradually( improving in how to save money) increasing this amount.
[b] Method 8. Save on bad habits.[/ b] If you are puzzled by the question of how to save money, you can start by fighting your bad habits. Quit smoking and drinking often, stop eating in "eateries" - cook yourself, if possible, replace the trips by car with bicycling - so you will not only be able to save money, but also significantly improve your health.
[b] Method 9. Use discount cards [/ b] - yours and friends. Discount cards are more relevant than ever in a crisis. In this matter it is good to "cooperate" with friends and acquaintances. For example, you have a significant discount at a hardware store, your cousin has a clothes store, and a friend has a furniture store. Use each other's cards - and saving money will become tangible.
Method 10. Set the meters [/ b] to gas, water and other utilities. It is proved that the payment for the meter, rather than the average price, allows you to reduce up to 30% of payment for utilities. Also, do not forget [b] to save energy and water [/ b]: do not abuse the waiting mode of technology( TV, DVD player), turn on the light only in the room you are in; use energy-saving lamps of good quality;including water, do not open the tap to the end and do not allow water to flow just like that, "without action".
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question of how to save money, everyone uses those methods that are optimal for him. But it is not superfluous to choose for yourself at least a couple of ways to save money, learn how to save money - and the result will not be long in coming.
The crisis forced many people to seriously think about reviewing the family budget. I had to "tighten my belts", in some way refusing to myself, to postpone the planned purchases for an indefinite time, to seek additional ways to save money. Unfortunately, not everyone is able to reasonably treat money, spending them only on the most necessary things. How to learn to save money?
Method 1. Record all purchases.[/ b] Starting with the smallest and ending with large acquisitions. Many, having squandered a month's salary in three days, are getting their hands up: where did all the money go? In order not to ask such a question and find an additional way of saving money, and it's worth starting a habit at the end of each day to scrupulously write down what money was spent on. From the received list it is necessary to delete unnecessary purchases or those purchases without which it would be possible to do( that is not the first necessity).It is advisable to keep such records for a month or two - and then calculate how much money is spent on unnecessary things, and in the future avoid such purchases.