
The main causes of nausea after eating and in the morning

  • The main causes of nausea after eating and in the morning

    Nausea is a reaction that occurs due to irritation of the digestive system. In that part of the brain that is responsible for the emetic process, a signal is received about unwanted food or microbes, and immediately, according to the dictation, the salivary glands are activated. The esophagus, however, is accepted to shrink briskly. In this way, the body creates conditions for purifying the stomach and restrains the appetite.

    6 main reasons why nausea in a person appears

    Vomiting and nausea are not always a simple protective reaction of the digestive system. Also their appearance is connected, maybe:

    1. With balance in the center of the inner ear. For example, with motion sickness, the fluid of the inner ear fluctuates in rhythm to the external swaying, and the human eyes are concentrated only on one object. This imbalance of signals induces the formation of stress hormones that cause muscle contraction of the stomach and ultimately - nausea.

    2. Headache with migraine attacks, also leads to vomiting and nausea, which can be associated with the signal imbalance of the vegetative system.
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    3. Powerful stress and a bad smell, also generate a hormonal release of adrenaline, which stimulates muscle contraction.

    4. The change in hormone levels in the first three months of pregnancy is the main cause of morning sickness.

    5. Frequent attacks of nausea are a sign of severe diseases of the digestive system, gallstones, gastroenteritis, ulcers and colitis, and yet it is accompanied by other symptoms and pain.

    6. With a heart attack, you can also feel a vomiting attack.

    Other causes of nausea

    Nausea has a huge number of causes. They may be abstract, say nausea, caused by emotional disorders .But they can exist absolutely specific and specific, in particular, in the first 3 months of pregnancy .Nausea often precedes vomiting. You can even say that vomiting is a frequent ending to nausea.

    Nausea with or without vomiting, with Meniere's disease - common ear diseases, seasickness, migraine, painful menstruation, headache, ovarian cyst, menopause. Nausea can be a reaction of the body to a medicinal massive therapy.

    After eating, nausea may occur due to most diseases. After eating, nausea appears as the result of some gastric diseases, with the presence of heartburn and abdominal pain. If there are problems with the liver or gallbladder , there is nausea already eating with a feeling of bitterness in the mouth, as well as pain in the hypochondrium on the right side. Infection of the intestine, usually, is detected by the cause of nausea about 1 hour after a meal, and hypothyroidism - unpleasant persistent feelings, both before meals and after.

    The most frequent and simple explanation for the nausea that has arisen - the day before , a low-quality or expired food .In this case, such an organism reaction is protective, in which the signal for poor quality food is sent to the part of the brain responsible for the emetic process, and the salivary glands activate.

    Upon receipt of such a signal in the brain, the esophagus begins to contract. And the body forms such conditions, under which the stomach could be cleansed. But such a symptom may mean other problems in the body, of which specialists Vse-Sekrety.ru will be told below.

    Gastric problems. Most people suffer from functional stomach diseases. This means that the stomach performs its own functions, incorrectly. A vivid example of such a disease is a violation of the motility of the stomach. With this pathology, it becomes too sensitive. If you eat something smoked, spicy, fat, then the nausea starts almost immediately. An increase in this disease can be facilitated by systematic lack of sleep, fatigue and irregular meals. There is another disease when the stomach does not react to food. It is called gastric atony. This is also its functional violation. What should be done? In such cases, take better medications that normalize peristalsis - Cerucal, Motilium. If after a meal the seizures recur, urgently need to contact the gastroenterologist.

    Just as culprits can be and medication is , which is taken by a person. Many drugs can be irritants for the gastrointestinal tract. So, for example, pain medication can cause nausea. The possibility of nausea is worse with an increase in the dose of analgesics used. Also can irritate the stomach preparations containing iron, hormonal contraceptives.

    A woman during pregnancy has a period when it can be sick of anything - for example, from her favorite perfume or the smells of spices. Everyone knows about a possible early toxicosis, most with horror await its first manifestations. But sometimes pregnancy proceeds without nausea. What determines if there is nausea or not? Why do women suffer from toxicosis?

    There are several possible answers. For example, our grandmothers say that according to observations, if the boy is expected, then it makes sicker. Nevertheless, the day of birth comes, and this sign comes true to the contrary.

    Much more serious is the case with theories of scientists - they rely on the facts of research, all kinds of polls and tests. Very interesting moments were found out by scientists from Canada - babies of mothers who experienced toxicosis during their bearing, eventually become intellectuals. From the point of view of researchers, hormones that can positively influence the development of intelligence in a child cause nausea. Most scientists believe that the appearance of nausea is tightly related to the protection of the growing fetus from the negative substances that enter the body of the baby through the food consumed by the mother.

    Because in the first months of pregnancy the basic organs and systems of the baby are formed, and through toxemia, the mother's body, is protected from miscarriage. But the most potential cause is an increase in the hormonal level in a woman during pregnancy. By the way, emotional stresses and experiences only increase these phenomena. Vomiting and nausea reduce the hormonal level, which the child does not need, tearing away all the useless, and leaving only the most necessary.