
How to find out who will be a girl or boy - Glamius

  • How to find out who will be a girl or boy - Glamius

    "I gave birth to a queen in the night, not a son, not a daughter. .." As soon as two test strips appear, the woman begins to torment the question: who is living in the "tower"?A boy or a girl? Funny and cute parents guess, to engage in this exciting game interesting and the next of kin, and friends and neighbors.

    Medicine of the twenty-first century can, starting from 15-16 weeks, quite accurately determine the sex of the future baby. Although at such a small age, because of the location of the embryo, it is difficult to predict what "dignity" he has hidden, so mistakes are possible: the fruit will turn its back and, embarrassed, does not want to "open";then the child will firmly cross his legs, then the girl will have swelling of the labia and the place will look like a scrotum. .. In general, there are a lot of subtleties in this matter, and the doctor can make a mistake. In the second trimester, screening at week 22-24 can confirm or disprove the hypothesis. The fetus becomes more mobile at this time, with a certain persistence of the ultrasound probe you can find the right angle of the image and find out the sex of the future crumbs. The same is to be done in the third trimester.

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    To determine the gender of twins is much more complicated. Although the timing of the appearance of the genitals is the same, from the 10th to the 15th week, but the chances to hide them are much greater. It is easier to identify heterosexual embryos: a boy and a girl, and same-sex - for some reason they always hide for each other.

    Who and when determines the sex of the future baby

    The boy's or girl's chromosomes

    is programmed by the future father at the time of conception. It is a well-known fact that the human chromosome set is 23 pairs - 46 chromosomes. Twenty-two of them are the same, and the 23rd may be different. In women, it is the XX-chromosome, and for men it is XY.The nuclei of the cells of the human body contain 46 chromosomes, 23 of which are inherited from the mother, and the other 23 from the father. The core of the female egg cell stably has 23 identical chromosomes, and the spermatozoon is of two types: one carries the X chromosome in the set, and the other carries the Y-type. In the first case, after the fertilization, a girl will appear, and in the second a boy.

    How to uncover the mystery "Seven Seals"

    Divination about the field of the baby

    Before discovering who the girl or boy will be, scientifically with the help of ultrasound, numerous folk signs are used.

    "Granny in two said something guessed so. .." Someone believes the popular fortune-telling, and someone treats them condescendingly, as to the next entertainment. But these predictions always come true: sometimes in exactness, and sometimes vice versa, with the opposite result. The most entertaining way is considered the following method. Sheet of paper delineate the dividing line in half. In one column we write fortune-telling with the result "girl", in the other - "boy".Both results are divided by the number of "requests-fortune-telling", and the highest percentage will show us the preferred result.

    Classification will accept

    Signs that predict the floor

    Popular "guessers" can easily be divided into:

    1. Signs that are associated with the process of conception;
    2. Signs that characterize the appearance and behavior of the future mommy;
    3. Determination of the sex of the future infant by contours and proportions of the abdomen;
    4. Signs that are associated with the behavior and appearance of the future father;
    5. Alternative technique related to the use of improvised tools: needles, rings, keys, etc.)


    Fortune-telling fortunes

    The first group will include the statements:

    • If this mysterious act of love occurred before the day of ovulation, then we have to wait for the girl, and if the conception happened on the supposed day of egg release or after it - we wait for the boy. This thesis is often confirmed by doctors, since the spermatozoon with the Y-chromosome is more mobile, but does not live long, and his fellow X-chromosome is slow, but survives longer.
    • If your couple daily and actively likes to indulge in pleasures, then you can count on pink sweaters, and if breaks in this case for 2 or 3 days - then the blue. Physicians on this account only smile mysteriously.
    • If in the process of conception a great activity was shown by a partner, then we come up with a name for the girl, and if on the contrary - for the boy;
    • Who loves whom more? Signs say that if a husband loves his wife more, then boys are born more often, if the wife worries her betrothed, then - the girls.
    • If at the moment of conception the woman was liberated and experienced a powerful, enchanting orgasm, then, most likely, a little defender will be born;
    • Grandmothers can advise the use of a diet to conceive a boy. Its diet presupposes the predominance of meat and fish products, rice, potatoes, apricots and oranges.
    • For the girl's birth, healers will recommend milk dishes, eggs, the predominance of vegetables and fruits( apples, pears, strawberries, etc.).Chances to give birth to my mother's assistant will increase substantially.

    Behavior of the future mommy

    Changing the taste in pregnancy

    The age-old experience of observing the habits of pregnant women of different ages and peoples became the basis for creating a "code":

    • Severe toxicosis testifies to the conception of a male infant, this is confirmed by physicians.
    • On the hands, on the face or on the legs appear visible black hairs - also endocrinologists confirm - most likely, a boy will appear.
    • If the future mother is prettier, cleansed and acquired a toned facial skin tone, tremendous health and shine radiate her hair - expect a tomboy.
    • If the limbs of a pregnant woman are more often cold than before conception, we are waiting for the boy. Does the pregnant woman suffer from hot flushes? Most likely, waiting for the girl.
    • Areoles( circles) near the nipples have significantly darkened, and the breast has greatly increased and "poured" - the pregnancy will end with the birth of the boy.
    • Pregnant sleeps on the left side - to the boy, and on the right - to the girl.
    • In pregnant women, the urine is mostly of light straw color, and in pregnant women it is usually a darker shade.
    • Getting up in the morning is always only with the left foot, the pregnant woman will be born a boy. Stretching his hands, shows them the back side - to the boy, and shows his hands - let him prepare bows. Rises from the position sitting on the floor and leans on the left hand - wears a boy.
    • If you often have a headache, a little boy will be born.

    Belly shape

    Divination by the shape of the abdomen

    Despite scientific methods, doctors also sometimes like to tell fortunes:

    • The protruding sharp abdomen is a "cucumber", which is practically not visible from the back - to the boy. Wide, round and low stomach "pumpkin" - to the girl.
    • The abdomen of the pregnant woman is more visually "shifted" to the right side and the axis on the navel's line and the pubic area is also to the right of the abdomen center - the tomban will be born. If all the signs are to the left - we will cradle the princess.
    • In boys, the heartbeat occurs at 140 beats per minute, and in girls - 126.
    • If the fetus turns sideways to the apparatus and does not see its organs, experienced midwives will carefully look at the mouth: if it is open, then this is a girl."Chat" girls even in my mother's tummy.
    • The baby is struggling and pushing, the bully in the mother's belly? If the blows come from the liver( on the right side) - a girl, on the bladder, closer to the left - to the boy.
    • Do bald boys are born more often? However, they say that this is so.
    Determining the sex of a child
    • If a man often experiences stressful situations, is a workaholic, loves steam rooms, wears tight underwear - let him prepare to cherish his daughter. Doctors say that these factors negatively affect the mobility of spermatozoa, so they are dominated exclusively by the XX-"girl's" chromosomes.
    • Thread the light thread into the wedding ring, needle or other pendulum. Sit on a horizontal surface and hold a vertical plumb over the tummy. A ring or needle describes a circle - predicts the birth of a daughter, swings in a straight line - you will please the kid with the designers and typewriters.
    • Take the pregnant big key on the table by the ring - the heir of the fishing rods and the future footballer will be born, for the basis of the key( the long part) - to the mother's assistant.
    • Calculation for the renewal of vital energy - the blood of the father and mother. In women, it is updated every three years, for men - every four years. Operations, childbirth or donor blood donation update blood regardless of schedule. By the date of birth of a woman we add a number that is a multiple of three, for a man - a multiple of four. If during this time there was an unforeseen update, we begin the countdown from it. We stop at the date of conception. What kind of blood was "fresh", that sex will be in the child.
    • The age of the future mummy. Determine how much mom full years. Then remember the date of conception( approximate month).

    Father, his appearance and behavior

    Divination by appearance of a man
    • Do bald boys are born more often? However, they say that this is so.
    • If a man often experiences stressful situations, is a workaholic, likes steam rooms, wears tight underwear - let him prepare to cherish his daughter. Doctors say that these factors negatively affect the mobility of spermatozoa, so they are dominated exclusively by the XX-"girl's" chromosomes.

    Alternative divinations

    Calculation of the sex of the child

    If the mother is an even number of years, then for the "odd" months of conception, she will have boys( in January, March, May, and so on).And in the remaining months - girls.

    If the mother has an "odd" age, heirs should wait for "even" months of conception.

    Another way: To the age of the mother at the moment of conception, we add the ordinal number of the month of this happy event and one more. Is there an even number in your answer? There will be a girl, an odd boy.(If you are 23 years old, and the conception occurred in March, then 23 + 3 + 1 = 27 - the son.)

    Parents, by and large, need a strong healthy child. Before you find out who will be: a girl or boy, ask yourself: will you love this child more or less depending on sex? Experienced parents will always say that it is unlikely. Therefore, you can entertain yourself with popular fortune-telling in the first and the third pregnancy, realizing that fate will still give you an amazing surprise!