
Money signs and wealth: the most common people's money superstitions on the days of the week

  • Money signs and wealth: the most common people's money superstitions on the days of the week

    Money, as you know, like an account, and they do not tolerate a disregard for themselves. From the very first appearance of money, people gave them a mystical meaning, noticing how money signs and wealth interact. Over the centuries, a huge number of signs, superstitions and traditions associated with money.

    Signs for money on the new moon

    There are a lot of traditions associated with the growing moon and money. It is believed that the money signs on the new moon make your money grow, like the moon in the sky.

    Let's consider some of them.

    1. When the young month has risen, it is necessary to shake a purse to make money ring, or grab a coin. You can also do it when the first thunder rattles.

    2. On the young moon, you should count all the money that you have, including copecks. You need to do this by placing yourself so that the new moon sees your savings.

    3. On that evening, when there are three days left until the full moon, you need to put a large bill under the tablecloth to attract money into the house. In general, it is good for the wealth in the house to keep some money under the tablecloth.

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    Folk superstitions about money

    You should always keep a broom in the house or yard with a panicle up.

    Bad sign - spend money on the day of receipt of wages. All money, up to trifles, are obliged to spend the night at home, and then you can spend. It is believed, if you break this rule, for a whole month there will be a lack of money.

    You can not leave a purse empty, even if at least one penny, but stay in it.

    Money likes to be recounted, count your money, even when you were given change, count it before you put it in your wallet.

    In a purse always money should lie neatly, evenly, not crumpled and not bent in half. Denominations of one denomination side by side, in one pile, then bills of another denomination and so on. Still money of the different states should not be put together. If you want to put them in one purse, then at least arrange them in different cells.

    Always give back the debts only in the morning.

    To avoid poverty, never give alms to money that you received as a change after buying salt or bread.

    Often popular monetary superstitions are connected with hands. Of course, because a person takes money with his hands, counts, while it is believed that the money is part of the energy of this person.

    The left hand is the taker, the right hand is the giver. This means that you need to take money with your left hand, and give it with your right hand. And then the money will always go to you.

    Do not take money from someone else's hands, if you need, for example, to take a change from the seller, take them better from the counter.

    Never sweep the crumbs off the table with your bare palm, otherwise you will always live in poverty.

    Be sure to serve the poor, but never touch their hands.

    In the morning, on the day of the Old New Year, that is, on January 14, it is necessary to conduct an uncomplicated rite. When you wash your hands, then soap them not with soap, but with coins: they believe that after this year the money will stick to your hands.

    Money rites for the days of the week

    People believe that every day of the week has a certain strength, and is intended for certain activities. Some days of the week contribute to enrichment, and some, on the contrary, can lead to financial difficulties. Therefore, there are a number of beliefs:

    Twice a week, Tuesday and Friday, you need to cut your nails on your hands and feet, this rite helps enrich.

    The day of Clean Thursday is a great force, on the week before Easter. If you wash your face with water that contains gold and silver money or items made of these metals, then you will have enough money for a whole year.

    Another sign of Pure Thursday: if you count all the money that you have before sunrise on this day, you will always live in prosperity.

    This is only a small part of the rites and accepts associated with money. Some unreservedly believe in them and try to strictly follow them, some consider them just stupid superstitions. But if you carefully read some rituals and signs, you can see that they call for order and responsibility, and people who have such qualities are able to earn money. A selection of videos on the topic of the article