
How to lose weight in the abdomen - lose weight in the stomach at home

  • How to lose weight in the abdomen - lose weight in the stomach at home

    Fragile wasp waist has long been considered the standard of female attractiveness. About a beautiful figure for sure every woman dreams, every man wants to see his chosen one easy and refined. But how to achieve a high ideal, how to lose weight in the abdominal area, without resorting to the services of pharmaceuticals and plastic surgery? After all, the latter are wildly expensive and also very unsafe - appearance appearance, and health is more expensive. Magazines and TV shows are full of exposures of harmful pills for burning a kilo that can cripple, drive mad, or even kill gullible ladies, and you do not have to talk about the risks of any operation.

    The solution of the problem is a soft complex approach aimed at the gradual elimination of the root cause of excess fatty formations. In some cases, it is a wrong meal, in others - a lack of movement, in the third - the combination of both factors. While the cause is active, there is no point in fighting the consequences, unpleasant thickening in the figure will come back again and again, turning our lives into a constant struggle against relapses. So, it is better to forget about specialized clinics and medicines( unless, of course, the completeness is a consequence of a real disease, for example, diabetes or thyroid pathologies) and instead of chasing after an instant result, to normalize your own diet and increase physical exertion.

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    Healthy food

    The answer to the question of how to lose weight in the abdominal area, mainly lies in the right diet. But it is not necessary to see in such a strict limitation of the amount of food eaten and, moreover, a complete refusal to eat. Such tactics almost always lead to a breakdown: a frightened organism begins to fear hunger and store the necessary substances for future use, forcing us to absorb more and more food. The result is pitiable - after a slight decrease, there is a progressive increase in the weight indices, and it is very difficult to return at least to the former dimensions.

    This useful diet does not mean self-indulgence, but a balanced, balanced approach to nutrition. We are talking about the exclusion from the diet of high-calorie, difficult to assimilate products, such as fatty meat, sausages, lard, sweets, baked goods. They provoke the appearance of extra kilos. Do not lean on fried( try to cook or cook for a couple).It is also necessary to reduce the consumption of potatoes( give preference to cereal cereal), butter, margarine, sour cream and salt.

    Ideal plate

    What should come to replace? First, vegetables, greens and fruits, which will give the body vitamins and fiber. Secondly, a variety of cereals( oatmeal, millet, rice, buckwheat) and sprouted wheat are the source of all the same fiber and carbohydrates, the moderate use of which is necessary to replenish vital energy. Thirdly, lean meat, eggs and fish - without a normal protein, normal life is impossible. Regarding the proportions, there is the so-called model of the ideal dish of the daily ration - conditionally divide it into 4 equal sectors, filling them with vegetables( 1), protein food( 2), cereals( 3) and fruits( 4), respectively. And do not forget about water - 2 liters per day should be drunk by all means.

    About sour-milk products, the conversation is separate. If you are thinking how to lose weight in the abdomen, they must be present on your table necessarily. Prefer to give kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt with a low level of fat. Using them every day a month or two in a row( but not a mono-diet!), You optimize the metabolism and bring your weight to the desired parameters.

    An important step on the way to a thin waist is a fractional food. Try not to eat 2-3, but 5-6 times a day, breaking the entire volume of food into small portions. That is, eat as much as usual, but not immediately, but in parts. So the body will better learn useful substances and, having got used to regular receipt of provisions, will cease to create fatty stocks. In the morning, use heavier foods, before noon you can even afford something harmful-tasty( for example, chocolate, a bun), but not to abuse, so that all food has time to escape into physical energy. Evening food should be easy and not later than 2 hours before bedtime.

    Physical activity

    Along with healthy nutrition, physical activity is no less important for weight loss in the abdominal area. Naturally, not any loads will be useful, but only those that train the press, strengthen the upper, lower and oblique abdominal muscles. The options are as follows:

    1. Fitness classes on special simulators. The main advantage - the opportunity to get advice from the coach. He will professionally evaluate your potential and will tell you what is right for you.
    2. An Oriental dance. Studying under the guidance of a choreographer or performing belly dancing on a video course, you will provide an excellent tone to the muscles of this area and, in addition, work out your posture, gait, become more sexual.
    3. Hoop for slimness of the stomach Sports lessons with a hoop. Twisting it for 15-30 minutes each day( the duration depends on the starting physical training), you will evaluate the positive dynamics in a month. Just do not experiment with the weighted models of this device( why do you need extra bruises?), Choose the usual lightweight designs.
    4. Gymnastics for the press. It's about physical exercises that activate the abdominal muscles without using any improvised means. For example, in a lying position, push the feet as close as possible to the buttocks, pre-bending your knees. Fix the position of the lower part of the body, and raise the upper one so that the hands located behind the head, elbows, can touch the knees. Another pattern of training - lying flat, raise your legs vertically to the body.

    Whatever variant of training you choose, remember that sports activities and healthy food will become a beautiful figure only on the condition of regular practice and a good psychological attitude. You must believe in what you do, believe in yourself, and then the result will surpass all your dreams.