
How to get rid of the smell of sweat under your armpits

  • How to get rid of the smell of sweat under your armpits

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    Read in the article:
    • Armpits sweat heavily: the causes of unpleasant odor under the armpits
    • How to get rid of the odor of sweat under the armpits folk remedies: homemade prescriptions
    • Prevention and helpful tips on how to get rid of excessive armpit sweating

    Armpits sweat heavily: what to do, home recipesfrom the unpleasant odor of sweat

    Despite the fact that sweating is a natural physiological process, an unpleasant odor of sweat and wet spots under the armpits deliver great discomfort, Property in the Statement and snare.

    The human body is designed so that by means of sweating the cooling process takes place. There are several zones on the body that are characterized by increased sweating. At the moment we will talk about armpits.

    Armpits sweat heavily: causes odor under the armpits ^

    Many people complain that they have sweaty armpits even when it's cold. This has nothing to do with cooling the body, some internal disturbances and changes are involved here. Unfortunately, the use of deodorants does not always solve the problem of a repulsive "fragrance".

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    Excessive sweating is called "hyperhidrosis".To choose the most appropriate way to solve the problem, you need to find out why armpit sweats. The main reasons for the abundant sweating are:

    • pregnancy;
    • lactation;
    • disruption of the endocrine system;
    • Diabetes Mellitus;
    • bad habits, such as smoking or drinking alcohol;
    • is overweight;
    • improper power supply;
    • nerve strain;
    • benign or malignant formation;
    • use of certain drugs.

    But the appearance of copious sweating does not mean that it will be unpleasant for a person to smell. Freshly allocated sweat practically has no aroma. An unpleasant odor of sweat appears in the case of non-compliance with hygiene rules, because within half an hour in areas of increased sweating develops a lot of bacteria that produce stench.

    In addition, the appearance of the smell of sweat contributes to hormonal disorders, natural sexuality, menstruation or eating some spices, for example, onions or garlic.

    Unpleasant odor under the arms in the child: the causes of

    Baby sweating is no less common than the adult. If parents have noticed that their offspring emits an unpleasant odor, they should pay attention to simple rules of hygiene. The reasons for the smell of sweat in children are as follows:

    • too high temperature in the room where the baby sleeps;
    • strong emotionality of the child;
    • imperfection of sweat glands( they start functioning from 3-4 months, but they work stably from 5-6 years);
    • deficiency in the body of vitamin D;
    • diseases, which are accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
    • enlarged lymph nodes;
    • taking certain medications;
    • disruptions in the endocrine system.

    How to get rid of the odor of sweat under the armpits with folk remedies: homemade recipes ^

    How to eliminate the smell of sweat under the armpits: folk remedies and prescriptions

    There are many ways by which you can eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat, but the most effective is the use of folk recipes.

    Tea mushroom from the unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits

    A tea fungus remedy helps to successfully eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat. Armpits are recommended to be thoroughly washed and dried, then wipe with tea mushroom infusion.

    • To make a teaspoon infusion, mark the mushroom in a liquid.
    • A month later they can begin to wipe the problem skin.

    Oak bark from the unpleasant odor of sweat under the arms

    • 5 tablespoons of oak bark, which can be purchased at the pharmacy, should be placed in an enamel pan and brewed with two cups of boiling water, put on low heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
    • Insist for 2 hours so that the water absorbs all the useful properties of the raw materials, then filter through a sieve and cool.
    • Sponge or a piece of cotton cloth should be soaked in a decoction and lubricated with an armpit after taking a shower, and then several times a day.
    • It is recommended to perform the procedure within 14 days.

    Vinegar from the unpleasant odor of sweat under the arms

    Apple cider vinegar is widely used to solve the problem of an unpleasant smell of sweat from underarms. Prepare the vinegar solution is quite simple:

    • Dilute 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in one liter of water.
    • Before going to bed after a shower, wipe dry the skin of the armpits.
    • Fabric or cotton wool should be soaked in a solution and wipe the skin with it.
    • You can not go to sleep until the vinegar is completely dry.

    Strong tea from the unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits

    Strongly brewed tea helps to reduce sweating of the armpits:

    • It is necessary to brew tea leaves and to insist the drink 15-20 minutes.
    • Wipe the skin under the armpit three times a day, moistening the cotton pad in a hard-boiled drink.

    Nutritional soda from an unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits

    To prepare an effective deodorant that disguises the unpleasant odor of the armpits, you use ordinary baking soda:

    • You need to pour a teaspoonful of soda into 200 ml of boiling water and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil to the soda solution.
    • Obtained means to wipe armpits 2-3 times a day for a month, using a cotton swab.

    Pharmacy chamomile from the unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits

    • One and a half tablespoons of dry chamomile color must be brewed with two cups of boiling water, then cool and pass through gauze.
    • Add the dessert spoon of baking soda to the liquid.
    • It is recommended to wipe the armpits with a solution twice a day.

    Peppermint from an unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits

    If axillary cavities are regularly wiped with peppermint decoction, you can forever forget the problem of excessive sweating and unpleasant odor.

    • For the preparation of medicinal infusion it is necessary 2 tbsp.dried mint leaves put in a thermos bottle and pour the raw material into 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist 12 hours and filter through a sieve.
    • You need to moisten the cotton disc in a medical fluid and wipe the skin under your arms.
    • When the skin dries, it should be smeared with infusion several times in the same way.
    • This procedure is recommended in the morning and evening for a month. After a week of using a mint remedy, sweating will decrease many times.

    Radish from the unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits

    Radish juice is very effective in the treatment of excessive sweating.

    • For the preparation of a medicinal product it is necessary to mix radish juice and glycerin in equal proportions.
    • The mixture should be rubbed into problem areas twice a day.
    • Before taking the procedure, it is advisable to take a shower.

    Lemon from the unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits

    Citric acid, contained in lemon juice, helps to kill bacteria that live in a sweaty environment.

    • To eliminate the unpleasant odor of sweat with lemon juice, you need to wipe your armpits.
    • Lemon juice can be mixed in equal proportions with baking soda.
    • It is advisable to pre-wash your armpits and wipe them dry.
    • Wipe the problem area until the odor of sweat is completely eliminated.

    No need to worry if, after using this method, the underarm skin becomes slightly lighter. In a short time, the color will be restored.

    Nutrition for elimination of hyperhidrosis

    Compliance with a diet in case of excessive sweating is a prerequisite for the successful elimination of the problem of an unpleasant odor of sweat. It is recommended to adhere to the following nutrition principles:

    • there are fewer products containing iodine( asparagus, veal, liver, broccoli);
    • include in the diet more strawberries, almonds, grapes;
    • use a sufficient amount of liquid;
    • cereals, milk and fish are indispensable products for controlling sweat secretion;
    • to reduce the consumption of coffee, replacing it with herbal tea;
    • is a product containing vitamins B, C, folic acid;
    • to limit the consumption of salted, smoked, sweet food and spices.
    We also recommend that you read the article How to get rid of bad breath.

    Prevention and useful advice on how to get rid of excessive sweating of the armpits ^

    To avoid the appearance of an unpleasant odor of sweat under the armpits, you must:

    • observe the basic rules of hygiene and regularly take a shower;
    • use deodorant and apply folk recipes;
    • wear clothes only from natural fabrics;
    • to control emotions, get rid of overvoltage;
    • eat right and lead an active lifestyle;
    • consult a doctor if home remedies for dealing with an unpleasant odor of sweat do not work.