  • Treatment of cough with folk remedies

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    Read in the article:
    • Cough: causes, symptoms, types
    • Treatment of cough at home: folk recipes
    • Prevention and helpful tips on how to avoid chronic cough

    Folk methods of cough cure: home recipes.

    Cough is one of the main symptoms of many pulmonary and cardiac diseases of mild or severe form.

    Before starting treatment, it is necessary to diagnose the cause of its appearance and only after that to resort to various health procedures.

    Cough: causes, symptoms, types ^

    Cough is a reflex reaction caused by inflammation of the respiratory tract, heart failure, or ingestion of various irritants.

    Its appearance is accompanied by the following diseases:

    • Cold, acute respiratory infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, laryngitis, tracheitis;
    • Bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, whooping cough;
    • Heart failure;
    • Smoking or allergy.

    Cough, depending on the cause of the appearance, can differ according to the following characteristics:

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    • By force - disruptive, accompanied by vomiting or a slight cough;
    • By timbre - barking, chest, husky, short, sonorous, muffled;
    • By the time of manifestation - morning, night or evening, spring - autumn;
    • The amount of discharge is wet( wet), dry;
    • By the nature of sputum - mucous, purulent, bloody;
    • For the cough, its following types are characteristic: dry, wet, barking, spastic, heart, chest, hoarse, allergic, chronic, whooping cough and the smoker's cough.

    Folk cough treatment consists of proven drugs, prescriptions and techniques that successfully combine with drug therapy. Antimicrobial, coughing, anti-inflammatory and restorative effect has the following effective folk remedies for cough:

    • Badger, goose fat;
    • Radish, onions, potatoes, milk, honey, cranberries, raspberries;
    • Medicinal herbs - licorice, coltsfoot, sage, mint, chamomile, fennel, plantain and other antitussive plants.

    Folk remedies for home treatment are used to make thermal compresses, inhalation procedures, internal medicinal decoctions and mixtures.

    Cough treatment in children

    Coughing in children most often occurs against the background of infectious or colds. In the absence of temperature, the child should be provided with abundant drinking and rest, put him mustard plasters and prepare the child not very hot milk with honey.

    It is advisable to treat a child with a medicament only if there is a deterioration in well-being.

    Treatment of cough by home remedies is accompanied by inhalation on the basis of plant components that moisturize and reduce irritation of the mucosa. As expectorants it is useful to use decoctions of mother-and-stepmother or licorice with the addition of honey.

    Cough treatment in pregnant women

    Regardless of the cause of the occurrence, cough during pregnancy is desirable to be treated under the supervision of a doctor.

    Most often, mucolytic drugs have contraindications for a future mother, so harmless folk techniques can effectively help at the initial stage of the disease.

    For inhalation and preparation of broths pregnant women can use milk, honey, radish, raspberry or rose hips, mother-and-stepmother and chamomile.

    Cough treatment at home: folk recipes ^

    Home remedies for cough: recipes.

    Treatment of chronic cough

    • In a glass of boiled milk, sprinkle two tablespoons.sage, boil again, strain, then take a hot milk broth for the night.
    • Mix by ch.l.honey, badger and vodka fat, then warm up the mixture, then rub in the foot before going to sleep, the back area( without touching the left side).

    Treatment of dry cough

    • Clear four bulbs, place them in 500 ml of milk, bring to a boil and cook until the onion is softened. After cooking, remove the onion from milk, add a little honey to the milk broth, take it every hour for a spoonful.
    • Badger fat mixed with honey( 2: 1) and take it overnight, without washing down.

    Treatment of wet( wet) cough

    • Mix the juice of aloe, lingonberry and honey in two tablespoons, after which for three meals take throughout the day.
    • Squeeze juice from one lemon, mix it with 6 tablespoons.honey, then use within a day.

    Treatment of a heart cough

    • Of five lemons squeeze the juice, connect it with 500 grams.honey lime or buckwheat and with 5 crushed garlic heads. Place the mixture in a jar and soak for 10 days in a dark cool place.
    • The medication received should be taken four times daily before meals on a teaspoonful.

    Treatment of chest cough

    • Equal parts of licorice root, mother-and-stepmother, violets and chamomile to mix, then st.l. Collect 40 minutes of pour a glass of boiling water, then drain and take during the day.
    • With goose fat rub the area of ​​the chest and back, from the top with a warm cloth and leave it overnight.

    Treatment of an allergic cough

    • honey with 0.2 gr.mummy in a glass of boiled hot milk and take it before going to bed.
    • Insist for an hour st.l.chamomile in a glass of boiling water, then strain, add honey and take after a meal in a hot form.

    Treatment of barking cough

    • Stir.mother-and-stepmother, st.l.psyllium, put them in a thermos, pour a half liter of boiling water for two hours, then take 1/3 cup before meals three times.
    • Add three drops of eucalyptus and fir oil in three liters of hot water, then inhalation for 15 minutes.

    Treatment of a smoker's cough

    • To a liter of melted goose fat, place 200 gr.chopped chamomile and boil for 10 minutes. Take the finished mixture should be for a month three times every day for a tablespoon.
    • Cut the large beets into small slices, place them in a jar, cover with sugar and wait until the juice is released. To treat a cough smoker should take this syrup for three tablespoons.everyday.

    Treatment of a night cough

    • Dilute in hot milk st.l.butter and use before bedtime. In addition, it is useful at night to put mustard plaster on the feet.
    • Prepare 100 ml of strong broth from the licorice root and during the day use, pre-connect with ch.l.honey.

    Treatment of chronic long-standing cough

    • Collect the medicinal product from equal parts of mint, thyme, plantain, calendula, coltsfoot, lungwort, linden, pine buds.
    • Three tablespoonsherbal collection to insist in 700 ml of boiling water for two hours, then strain and take to meals three times a day for 200-250 ml.

    Treating cough radish

    • In radish, remove the top part, make it a hollow, place there natural honey. After five hours, the juice will separate and mix with honey. The received medicine should be consumed throughout the day on a teaspoonful.
    • Clean the middle radish, cut into thin plates, sprinkle with sugar and leave for 6 hours. Isolated juice should be taken according to st.l.every hour.
    We also advise you to read the article Treatment of migraine with folk remedies.

    Prophylaxis and helpful advice on how to avoid chronic cough ^

    To ease the condition of a patient with chronic cough, as well as to eliminate it and further prevent its occurrence, there are a number of preventive measures:

    • Daily abundant drink - berry fruit drinks, mineral water, juices, decoctions with honey;
    • Combining the main treatment with folk practice;
    • Smoking cessation;
    • Regularly humidifying and ventilating rooms;
    • Timely treatment of infectious, cardiac, catarrhal diseases;
    • Providing the body with vitaminized nutrition;
    • Application of hardening procedures;
    • Strengthening immunity;
    • No contact with the allergen causing allergic reactions - animals, dust, plants, flowers, household chemicals and others.