
Treatment of external hemorrhoids folk, conservative and operative methods

  • Treatment of external hemorrhoids folk, conservative and operative methods

    Hemorrhoids can manifest as an independent disease, and be a symptom in the pathology of internal organs. With hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum increase.

    Treatment of external hemorrhoids presents certain difficulties due to a false idea of ​​the "shame" of this disease. In fact, the disease occurs in almost 80% of women during pregnancy, and 75% of adults are familiar with hemorrhoids not by hearsay.

    Patients are concerned about itching and burning, the sensation of a foreign body in the anus, bleeding that sometimes occurs during defecation, and pain. It is necessary to know that all the symptoms of external hemorrhoids can be manifested when the disease worsens.

    The mistake of many people is that without the necessary knowledge they are treated independently without resorting to the services of a proctologist and refer to a specialist when the disease is in the last stage.

    If you consult a doctor at an early stage of the disease or just for a prophylactic examination, if you notice one of the described symptoms, then conservative treatment is used. In the late stage and with complications, only surgical treatment is used. If you read this article to the end, probably, the fear of proctologists will pass, because we will answer the question about how to treat external hemorrhoids.

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    Conservative methods for the treatment of hemorrhoids

    The word "conservative" means the use of dosage forms, not implying surgical intervention. This method of treatment of external hemorrhoids can be used at all stages of the disease, but will have different success. If in the early stages of the disease conservative methods of treatment can be the main and successful, then at a later stage they are only auxiliary.

    Treatment of external hemorrhoids should include the rules of a healthy lifestyle and the elimination of those causes that could cause the disease:

    • Compliance with the diet, without using spicy, spicy, smoked, fried foods.
    • Refusal from the use of alcoholic drinks.
    • Refusal of heavy physical labor and lifting weights.
    • More to move, walk, swim, that is, lead a lively lifestyle.
    • Elimination of chronic constipation.

    After the causative factors have been eliminated, external means can be used, among which there are combined preparations for the treatment of external hemorrhoids for external use. These include ointments, creams, gels, which have both anti-inflammatory, resorptive, anti-edematous and analgesic effect.

    All these remedies eliminate the symptoms of the disease. What ointments are most often used and how to choose the best remedy for external hemorrhoids? Before choosing an ointment, you must carefully read the spectrum of its action, which is indicated on the package. Below are brief descriptions of the most popular means:

    • Heparin ointment - it rightfully owns the epithet "the best remedy for external hemorrhoids".It contains heparin, which is an anticoagulant, which has a resolving and anti-inflammatory effect. Can be used even in pregnancy and in the postpartum period.
    • Proctosan - well removes itching, burning, unpleasant and painful sensations. Ointment contains bismuth, due to which it has hemostatic effect.
    • Troxevasin is an effective remedy for external hemorrhoids, quickly removes inflammation and strengthens the walls of blood vessels. A good remedy for wet wounds, after the use of the wound quickly tightened.
    • Relief - contains the fat of the liver of the shark, which is a good immunomodulator, thanks to which the initial stages of the disease are well treatable.
    • Hepatrombin - has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also dissolves blood clots in veins.
    • Proctosedil - contains hydrocortisone, therefore it has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also relieves itching and burning.

    Operative therapy

    Currently, there are several minimally invasive, non-surgical techniques for removing external hemorrhoids. So as not to leave fear and questions, how to get rid of external hemorrhoids, consider all options. They are quite safe, done very quickly, and most importantly, they give good results in treatment. But all these techniques are shown only in the early stages of the disease.

    • Skeleotherapy - an enlarged vein is injected with a sclerosing drug that "glues" the vein and thus reduces it.
    • Ligation - is proximal when the artery that feeds the hemorrhoidal node is sutured, and with the help of latex rings, which are thrown onto the knot and tighten it. Each method has its own peculiarities, technique of carrying out, it can be used both for internal and external nodes. As a result of ligation, the node loses its power through the blood vessel, as a result of which it dries out on its own and disappears 7-10 days after the procedure.
    • Infrared coagulation - is used if the enlarged veins can not be bandaged. The enlarged veins are coagulated by the device, as a result of which the blood supply of the vein is impaired and its reduction occurs.

    If the stage of hemorrhoids is the last, and the main symptoms are associated with inflammation and thrombosis of the veins, complete excision of the hemorrhoids is indicated. Such an operation is called hemorrhoidectomy.

    To avoid such an operation and complications, all those who have external nodes, it is better to seek help early, because the risk of minimally invasive procedures is minimal, the procedure takes no more than an hour, and it is not necessary to lie in the hospital.

    Folk remedies for external hemorrhoids

    Many people ask the question: is it possible to cure hemorrhoids on their own, at home, using folk remedies? We answer this question: you can eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, eliminating pain, spotting, swelling and so on, but the hemorrhoids themselves will not disappear anywhere. Folk remedies for external hemorrhoids are a good help for those who lead a healthy lifestyle, cope with constipation, eat regularly and regularly.

    In this case, the treatment of external hemorrhoids by folk remedies takes a little time, and their regular use will not lead to complications or a smooth flow from the initial stage of the disease to the late one.

    Traditional medicine recipes include astringent, hemostatic, anti-inflammatory ingredients on a plant basis, from which tinctures for oral administration and local lotions are made. These can be aspen bark, yarrow, thorn prickly, alder, horse sorrel, raw potatoes, bark and berries of mountain ash and other medicinal plants.

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