  • How is the electronic pregnancy test done?

    Modern manufacturers of pregnancy tests produce highly sensitive products with great accuracy. When using the latest developments, which include an electronic device, women are given the opportunity to achieve the accuracy of laboratory diagnostics of pregnancy at home.

    Despite this, approximately 25% of all women using home pregnancy tests do not correctly assess the fact. Usually embarrasses the intensity of staining the strip. The reagent often applied to the test cassette is taken as a positive result.

    Electronic test

    An electronic pregnancy test will help avoid such misunderstandings. A two-fold interpretation of the results is simply impossible. If pregnancy is - the test will display a "+" sign on the display, if not, then "-" and no intermediate options and doubts.

    Another advantage of these test systems is that during the chemical reaction and processing of the results, the monitor shows an hourglass. After 3 minutes, the result is output, which will not change with time, than other systems that change the color of the test strip as they dry out can not boast.

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    The test result will remain on the display for 24 hours. The electronic pregnancy test is very popular in Russia: clearblue . Reliability of the results is 99% on the first day of the monthly delay. Although studies have shown that he is able to recognize chorionic gonadotropin in the urine about 4 days before the proposed menstruation.

    When conducting an early diagnosis it is recommended that you buy an electronic pregnancy test and double-check the results in a few days.

    These technological advances are quite expensive compared to the rest of the tests.

    The average price of an electronic test fluctuates around 750 rubles.
    However, modern manufacturers of home pregnancy diagnosis systems seemed to have jumped themselves and created a reusable electronic test.

    This idea was dictated by the desire of millions of women to look again and again with a sinking heart to the long-awaited inscription "pregnant" or "+".And it is possible and hope that the negative result will nevertheless be replaced by a positive one. Wide distribution of the novelty has not yet received due to its high cost. Having paid this price, the customer will receive a reliable result and the opportunity will be convinced in him as many times as she wishes.

    Device device

    Processing of information occurs digitally, after which the result is displayed on the computer to which the test system is connected via a USB connector. The test itself looks like a conventional drive, into which a removable disposable cartridge is built in.

    It is with him and all the usual manipulations are carried out for obtaining test material. In the test kit is supplied 20 cartridges. Producers prepared a pleasant bonus for women in the form of calculating the expected date of birth in case of pregnancy or when receiving a negative result - a forecast of favorable days for conception. This is achieved by determining the level of luteinizing hormone and the classical chorionic gonadotropin.

    By the same principle, the digital test also works: clearblue. Reusable test systems are designed to make the exciting diagnostic stage more comfortable, avoiding multiple trips to the pharmacy for routine tests.

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