  • Uzi kidney during pregnancy: how to prepare for the study

    During pregnancy, it is extremely important to monitor the functioning of all organs and systems to avoid complications that may occur due to increased strain on the body during this period.

    A large burden on the kidney system during pregnancy is due to the fact that the mother's body must take the products of the vital activity of both her and the child. In late pregnancy, the work of the urinary system can complicate increased uterine pressure on the organs of this system. If there is a chronic disease of the kidneys and urinary tract, then during pregnancy it worsens, as immunity decreases, hormonal changes occur, which greatly affects the work of already weakened organs. Therefore, often there is a need for examination, and in addition to planned tests, it is very important to carry out ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy.

    This method of examination allows you to accurately and painlessly diagnose the state and structure of the kidneys, kidney tissues, determine their size, location, and see the internal pathological processes. This procedure is painless and most accurately determines the condition of the kidneys. Even when clinical analyzes do not confirm the presence of a pathological focus in the kidneys, ultrasound can be reliably confirmed its presence.

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    Indications for renal ultrasound in pregnancy and preparation for

    study. Ultrasound of kidneys during pregnancy is usually prescribed according to the following indications:

    • Detection of abnormalities in urine analysis( protein, increased number of leukocytes, bacteria, appearance of red blood cells).
    • Chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary organs( for example, nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis).
    • Disorders of urination.
    • Change in blood pressure.
    • Hormonal disorders.
    • Severe edema.
    • Pain in the lumbar region.

    Regarding the preparatory measures, the preparation for ultrasound of kidneys during pregnancy is necessary to ensure good conductivity of ultrasound. For this study, it is important that there are no gases in the intestine that will interfere with its conduct. Therefore, the preparation for this research is to get rid of the gases. For this, three days before the survey, it is necessary to remove from the reception all products that promote gas generation: potatoes, legumes, dairy products, cabbage, fruit, black bread, sweet foods. These days, it is necessary to take enterosorbents that reduce the amount of gases emitting them outside, for example, espumizane or activated carbon.

    Dinner on the eve of the examination should be early and easy. Before the examination you can eat. More detailed recommendations on the preparation for ultrasound is given by the doctor before sending for the study.

    This is important! Kidney ultrasound is done in the supine and standing position. The gel is applied to the kidney area, and the organs are viewed with the help of the sensor. During the study, you will need to roll over on your side, hold your breath at the doctor's request. The whole procedure is absolutely painless and takes no more than 15-20 minutes.

    Diseases that can be detected during ultrasound


    In this disease, stones form in the kidneys. It is associated with eating habits and metabolic disorders. This disease leads to kidney colic, a violation of urination. Using ultrasound determine the number of stones, size, type, shape.

    Chronic or acute pyelonephritis

    This is an inflammation of the kidneys, accompanied by temperature, a violation of urination, pain in the lower back. Ultrasound can reveal a violation of the structure of the tissue, enlargement of the pelvis.

    Kidney of the kidney. This is a cavity filled with liquid. Polycystic kidney disease can lead to kidney failure. When examining ultrasound, it is easy to detect the presence of cysts, size and quantity.

    Congenital malformations of renal vessels

    This defect in the blood vessels leads to a disruption in the blood supply of the urine-forming organs, which is fraught with the development of renal failure. You can determine the state of the vessels with the help of ultrasound-doplerography.


    This is the displacement of the kidney( omission).It leads to difficulty in passing the urine. It promotes the development of pyelonephritis. Stagnation of urine can lead to hydronephrosis. The ultrasound will show how many centimeters the kidney is lowered.


    The tumor can be benign or malignant. On ultrasound, the tumor is visualized by a tissue focus of a more dense structure. Similar results of ultrasound should be reliably confirmed by other methods of examinations.

    The effect of kidney ultrasound on pregnancy and fetal

    Some women are anti-ultrasound of the kidneys during pregnancy, fearing a negative effect on the fetus. However, it is worth noting that there has been no official research on the effect of ultrasound on the baby, but during the existence of ultrasound, there has never been a single fact of its negative impact on pregnancy or fetal development.

    A more likely danger to the mother and child is unresolved abnormalities in the urinary system. If, according to the doctor's indications, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound of the kidneys, one should not refuse, perhaps it will prevent serious consequences of the pathological process. Kidney disease during pregnancy develops sometimes swiftly and poses a real threat to the mother and fetus, so at the slightest suspicion of a violation of their work, you need to see a doctor and do an ultrasound.

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