  • Clinical manifestations of hematoma in pregnancy

    To date, all known hematomas on the body - soft tissue damage that occurs when falling or striking and represent a collection of blood under the skin.

    But few people know that there are still uterine hematomas that can form in the female body, directly in the uterus, during the gestation of the child. So, hematoma in pregnant women is a serious complication, in which blood begins to accumulate in a certain place of the uterus. More often this state begins to develop as a result of detachment of the fetal egg from the uterine wall, since blood is collected at the site of such detachment, forming a hematoma.

    Causes of hematoma formation in pregnancy

    Hematoma, which is formed in the uterus during gestation, often occurs against the background of weakness of the vessels of the placenta and uterus, which can be associated with changes in the general state of the woman's organism or with the development of certain disorders in metabolic processes. Among the main causes of uterine hematomas can be named the following:

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    • sharp fluctuations in blood pressure towards its increase;
    • severe toxicosis, especially when it develops during the last stages of pregnancy;
    • infectious and inflammatory lesions of the urogenital system of the woman;
    • severe stresses that a woman undergoes during pregnancy;
    • hormonal disorders;
    • abuse of a woman with alcoholic beverages during pregnancy;
    • defects in the development of the uterus;
    • autoimmune diseases, which are accompanied by violations of blood clotting and changes in the blood vessels of the mother's body and the placenta;
    • cause the formation of a hematoma during pregnancy can become a violation in the development of the fetal egg.

    General clinical manifestations of uterine hematoma

    Quite often, the hematoma grows to a considerable extent, but the woman does not even suspect about its existence. This violation can be accidentally diagnosed by ultrasound examination. Clinical manifestations of uterine hematoma depend on the form of this disorder:

    • is an easy form - the woman does not notice any disorders in her health, and the hematoma is manifested after the birth, since the placenta remains a trace from her. With mild forms of this pathology, births pass naturally, but with large hematomas during childbirth, significant bleeding can develop, therefore, a planned cesarean section is performed;
    • of moderate hematoma - such a hematoma makes itself felt during pregnancy in that there are certain complaints from the pregnant woman. She notes pain in the lower abdomen and minor spotting. I must say that when these symptoms occur, you should immediately go to the doctor, since such a hematoma during pregnancy may not manifest itself as a massive bleeding, but can negatively affect the fetus, disrupting its blood supply, metabolic processes, which indirectly affects the fetal heartbeat;
    • severe form - bruising accompanied by severe pain in the abdomen, a pregnant woman may lose consciousness due to a sharp drop in blood pressure, there are spotting. Symptoms of the disease may resemble the symptoms that arise when a threat of premature birth begins.

    In obstetric practice, there is the concept of retrochorial hematoma. Such a hematoma is a sign of the threat of termination of pregnancy. With this pathology, the blood accumulates behind the chorion( placenta) because of the emerging and progressive detachment of the fetal egg. This condition is quite common among expectant mothers and in most cases is manifested by pain in the lower abdomen of the pulling character, as well as the appearance of brown secretions from the genital tract of a woman.

    Retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy can occur with hormonal disorders, as well as with excessive physical exertion and exposure to harmful environmental factors, such as excessive noise or vibration. This type of hematomas are often observed in chronic endometrium and ingenious infantilism.

    Retrochorial hematoma predominantly manifests itself in the early stages of gestation and is detected with a planned ultrasound. Once the presence of this formation in the uterus has been established, appropriate therapy is being conducted to stop the growth of the hematoma, as it deforms the uterus and disrupts the normal nutrition of the fetus. If the treatment is not carried out, then this pregnancy is most often interrupted spontaneously, because the accumulation of blood increases the internal volume of the uterus and provokes an increase in the tone of the uterine musculature.

    Treatment of hematomas in pregnancy

    In the treatment of uterine hematomas recommended bed rest, which helps to ensure optimal physical activity, as well as emotional rest. Attention should be given to nutrition. It is necessary to exclude foods that increase peristalsis of the intestine. For the prevention of massive bleeding, it is recommended to take dicinone, vikasol and vitamin C, but only as directed by a doctor.

    Treatment of retrochorial hematoma during pregnancy is carried out in a hospital. In addition to the above funds can be prescribed antispasmodics( no-spa or papaverine).Vitaminotherapy with the inclusion of vitamin E and folic acid is also shown.

    For uterine hematomas, women should periodically take blood coagulation tests. For a better outflow of blood, it is recommended to lie with a raised pelvis( you can put a pillow or a folded blanket under the basin).And, of course, you can not have sex until the woman's condition is improved.
    Women are often interested in how much hematoma goes during pregnancy, but there are no clear time limits for this process.

    It all depends on the location of the hematoma, its size and individual characteristics of the body. If the pregnant woman is interested in the question of how hematoma goes during pregnancy, then it should be remembered that brown discharge indicates a resorption of this formation in the uterine cavity. If she develops a red color, you should immediately seek medical help, as this may indicate the onset of bleeding from the uterus.

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