  • Kidney stones: symptoms, treatment and the causes of education

    The most popular disease of the urinary tract, as well as the kidneys, is a urolithiasis, also called urolithiasis.

    As a result of this disease, concrements of different volume and structure are formed, both in one and at once in two kidneys. As doctors say, at a time in both kidneys appear stones in a third of all cases.

    Nephrolithiasis is relevant at any age, however, in childhood, kidney stones are less common. Female sex is subject to illness less than men, but women often have complex in form and structure concrements.

    The appearance of stones occurs due to the precipitation and crystallization of salts, and the stones can be of different nature and structure, differ in shape. The amount of concrements varies from 2 millimeters( sand) to several centimeters.

    By volume, the stones are round, angular and flat, and also occur in the form of corals, the most complex and dangerous formations. Such stones fill the entire cup and the tubular part of the kidney, which is fraught with serious consequences. Concrements can be single or multiple.
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    Reasons for the formation of kidney stones

    In women and men, the main reasons for the formation of kidney stones are many, the development of urolithiasis is affected by heredity, lifestyle, living conditions, poor compliance with hygiene rules. Since one of the causes of the disease is chronic inflammation of the kidneys, the probability of urolithiasis in the underdeveloped countries increases due to poor medical care and low living standards.

    In developed countries, the main cause of the disease is inactivity, alcohol abuse, malnutrition, addiction to fried, spicy food, excessive consumption of meat.

    Concrements do not appear instantaneously, they grow months and years. A favorable condition for the growth of stones is an increased concentration of protein and salts in the urine, and this is always associated with impaired renal function.

    At the very beginning there are concrements of small volumes( protein origin), which become the framework, where the stones form. In the case where the stones are very small, they go out on their own with the flow of urine. When the concrement is fixed in the kidney, later new deposits of salts are attached to it. The stone subsequently reaches a large volume( up to several centimeters).

    Types of kidney stones:

    • oxalate and calcium;
    • phosphate;
    • urate( based on uric acid);
    • cystine( based on protein);
    • concrements consisting of magnesium;
    • mixed.
    The shape is determined by the composition of the stones. Calcium calculi are flat and smooth, and urate stones, on the contrary, are acute. Stones pose a serious threat to human health and life, as kidney failure, kidney abscess, chronic pyelonephritis can develop.

    Reasons for the formation of kidney stones:

    • chronic infectious diseases of the kidneys( pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis);
    • hereditary factor;
    • sedentary lifestyle;
    • abuse of protein food - meat and fish;
    • endocrine disorders, as a result of which calcium metabolism is impaired;
    • diseases of the digestive system;
    • lack of sunlight;
    • geographical factor. In hot areas sweating intensifies and the concentration of salts in urine and blood increases;
    • defects of the urinary tract congenital( abnormal structure of the kidneys and ureter);
    • insufficient urine outflow due to prostate adenoma or other diseases;
    • diabetes mellitus.
    The formation of calculi in the kidneys is affected by the transferred injuries and fractures of the bones, as a result of which calcium metabolism is disturbed.

    Symptoms of kidney stones in women and men

    Kidney stones are usually accompanied by severe pain in the side or lower back. Pain syndrome radiates into the bladder or genitals.

    In rare cases, the patient does not feel symptoms, and learns about the existence of stones only when examining ultrasound or radiography.

    Symptoms of urolithiasis in men and women have similar symptoms:

    1. 1) Sharp pain in the lower back, and also after exercise, prolonged walking, drinking water;
    2. 2) Problems with normal urination. There is a delay in urine or frequent urination;
    3. 3) Appearance in the urine of blood. This may be a sign not only of kidney stones, but also of diseases such as glomerulonephritis, a tumor of the bladder or kidneys;
    4. 4) Urolithiasis often appears in conjunction with an inflammatory process in the kidney, which is a sign of fever, chills, and dull back pain. Urinalysis indicates the presence of leukocytes.
    Against the background of urolithiasis, the outflow of urine can stop completely. If for a long time( up to 2-3 hours) the patient has no urge to urinate, this is a signal that the stones blocked the duct from the kidneys.

    With the slightest discomfort, consultation with the urologist is absolutely necessary to avoid complications.

    Treatment of kidney stones

    If there is discomfort or pain in the side or lower back, the urologist appoints a series of examinations. First of all, the level of leukocytes in urine and blood is determined to establish the infectious process.

    The patient must pass a general analysis of urine and blood, sowing on bacteria, a biochemical blood test. Ultrasound and radiography are performed. To establish the nature of the stone in the kidneys, research is carried out on the structure of stones, urography, radioisotope diagnostics.

    The correct diagnosis gives a chance to choose an adequate treatment of kidney stones, which is divided into two types - conservative and surgical. In many respects, the tactics of treatment depend on the size and structure of the stone, the age and health of the patient. If the stone in the kidney does not have sharp corners, can be crushed, then choose a conservative treatment, including special pills that break stones, antibiotics, antispasmodics. Along with medicines, warm baths, diathermy, electric procedures are prescribed.

    To anesthetize the process of crushing and emptying the stone, blockade is performed with the help of analgesics and drugs that reduce the stress of the muscular wall. Kidney stones less than 5 mm in size are successfully excreted from the body. As the tablets for crushing stones, use kanefron, urolesan, phytolysin, uroston, avisan.

    Treatment options:

    • ultrasonic or laser crushing of stones;
    • kidney lithotripsy;
    • operation - percutaneous nephrolithotripsy is used for stone sizes of more than 1 cm.
    Stone crushing allows to remove them when urinating and improve the condition of the body.

    How to treat kidney stones with folk remedies is a grass half-fallen, field horsetail, bearberry, which help to effectively remove inflammation, improve blood circulation in the kidneys and remove sand and stones.

    Complications of

    The launched urolithiasis in men and women gives a number of complications. There is an inflammatory process that is fraught with chronic pyelonephritis or kidney failure.

    Often the patient does not feel signs of illness, if one kidney is blocked, and the other copes with its functions. Then an abscess in the diseased kidney is possible and an operation to remove it is inevitable.

    Prophylaxis for the formation of kidney stones

    If there is a tendency to urolithiasis, constant monitoring by the urologist, taking diuretics or folk remedies, moderate physical activity is required.

    In summertime it is recommended to use melons, birch sap, fruits. In winter, it is necessary to use a decoction of dogrose, dried fruits, and viburnum. A healthy lifestyle, good nutrition and drinking regime will help to resist the disease. Be always healthy!

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