  • What are the features of a gastric gastric diet?

    Gastritis is an inflammatory lesion of the stomach, in most cases caused by the bacteria Helicobacter pylori. The development of this disease can be provoked by stress, malnutrition, smoking and alcoholism.

    The main complaints of patients are nausea, vomiting of diarrhea or constipation, as well as pain in the stomach that increases on an empty stomach or after eating. Given such clinical manifestations of this pathology, treatment should include antibiotics, drugs that regulate the acidity of gastric juice, as well as enveloping drugs that protect the gastric mucosa from hydrochloric acid.

    I must say that the diet for gastritis of the stomach is not in the last place. Thus, therapeutic nutrition can alleviate the course of the disease, as it protects the stomach from irritation with harmful foods, speeding up recovery.

    Gastritis occurs acutely or chronically. One of the most common types of acute illness is its catarrhal form, which in most cases has an alimentary origin and is characterized by minimal damage to the mucosa, so it can be eliminated after a few days. Diet with catarrhal gastritis should be gentle and promote rapid recovery of the mucosa.

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    Food depends on the severity of the course and form of the disease. So, in acute form patients should adhere to a strict diet, during the period of the abatement of pathological manifestations the diet can be somewhat expanded. Diet with stomach gastritis also depends on acidity.

    If it is increased, then the diet should be directed to reduce the secretory function, if gastritis is accompanied by atrophy of the mucosa, then the patient's diet is made in such a way that the glands work. It should be noted that with any kind of gastritis patients are forbidden to drink alcohol, a lot of fried, fatty and spicy food, and you can not smoke.

    Nutrition for superficial gastritis

    Superficial gastritis is one of the types of chronic form of the disease that is characterized by a change in the secretory activity of the glands of the stomach and inflammation of its mucous membrane. Clinically, this disease manifests itself as common symptoms that are characteristic of gastritis. Dietotherapy of this form depends on the state of acidity of the stomach.

    A variety of chronic surface gastritis is its antral form, in which the antral part of the stomach is affected. Since this is characterized by an increase in acidity, the diet with antral gastritis should include general recommendations for reducing the secretory activity of the stomach.

    With increased acidity, it is necessary to exclude carbonated drinks, coffee, cabbage, sausages, other products that stimulate the secretion of gastric juice. Do not eat mushrooms, fried meat, bread coarsely. Patients should remember that the dishes should not be too hot or cold, they should be taken only in a warm form. Products that fry in oil, as well as all spices also exclude.

    Low-fat varieties of meat and fish are allowed, it is useful to eat vegetables cooked on steam or in grated form, it is allowed to eat berry purees, jelly and non-acid compotes. Diet for gastritis patients of this kind also include different types of cereals, especially useful for eating oatmeal, rice and semolina. Dairy products( in the form of milk and fresh cheese) are also allowed.

    It is worth noting that you should not use seasonings or a significant amount of salt, there is preferably often, in small portions. It is necessary to increase the amount of protein products. An important recommendation in the diet of this gastritis is the use of alkaline mineral water an hour before eating.

    Features of a diet for certain types of the disease

    Chronic gastritis can combine several forms of percolation. Diet with mixed gastritis, accompanied by a low acidity, should be directed to the protection of the gastric mucosa, and stimulation of the secretion of gastric juice, so it is recommended to eat foods that stimulate the glandular glands - drinking water, meat broths, black bread, spices, salt, allfried, marinated or smoked. It should be remembered that the abuse of these products can only do harm, so when sharpening gastritis, they should be avoided.

    It is allowed to drink soft tea, water with lemon juice and sugar. Of the food in the menu include white breadcrumbs, boiled meat and fish, pasta, vegetable purees, sweet berries, steam cutlets and cereals, pea and vegetable soup.

    Only after the inflammation process has subsided and pain is reduced, it is possible to gradually introduce more boiled broths, herring, marinated cucumbers, caviar into the diet of patients. You are allowed to eat fried foods( without breading).It stimulates the secretory activity of the stomach kvass.

    It should be remembered that it is forbidden to abuse grapes, cabbage, hot dishes. You can not eat spicy foods, fresh bread, fatty meat, raisins, prunes or other products with coarse fiber. When erosions form on the mucosa, they speak of an erosive form of chronic gastritis.

    The diet with erosive gastritis is general in nature and includes recommendations that are given in other types of mucosal damage, but all products must be in liquid and ground form. If ulcers form on the gastric mucosa, it is a peptic ulcer. Diet in the ulcerative form is aimed at eliminating the mechanical and thermal irritation of the stomach, so the products must be cooked on steam, rubbed and not used in hot form.

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