  • Hygiene and prevention of vision

    Most eye diseases are caused by overexertion. The over-strained state of the eye muscles interferes with the circulation of blood in the eyes and, therefore, hinders their nutrition and excretion of waste. If you do work that inevitably entails constant focusing on related subjects, then this leads to overexertion. That is why it is very important to protect the eyesight from looking at a subject that is at the same distance from us, and more often, for a few seconds, to break away from work and look afar is a very valuable habit of life. It is especially important to do such breaks often when reading and writing. By doing this we will maintain the elasticity of the eye muscles necessary to maintain a good vision for the entire period of our life here. When you do a job that requires attention - type, write, read, sew, etc., even if you watch TV( although this activity does not suit yoga, not only as a way of transmitting time, but also in terms of interest)do not forget to take a short break from time to time, that is, to look at the distant object, thereby changing the focus of the eyes. Then, for a few moments, rub your palms against each other and easily, effortlessly, for a minute, attach them to the closed eyes, in order to completely block them from the light.

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    We remind you that a normal eye likes to work and is greedy to vision. Do not allow yourself to be embarrassed by imaginary reasoning about eye fatigue in the process of work: the eye is not tired by the work itself, but by the fact that they work in the wrong mode. After a full-blooded working day, it is advisable to go to the exhibition of paintings in the evening, enjoy reading books or watching a film. The lack of work for the eyes would be stress, exhausting them.

    According to the generally accepted vision of , it is important to protect the eyes from a wide variety of influences that can not always be avoided and which people then obey, and with the unpleasant feeling that they are spoiling their eyesight. The light is bright or dim, sharp fluctuations in the level of illumination, artificial lighting, reading in transport, lying down and, finally, the fine print have long been considered and, to the shame of medicine, continue to be considered extremely harmful to the eyes. Written literally mountains of literature about the allegedly terrible and pernicious impact of these factors on vision. But in reality, such representations are directly opposed to the true state of things. It's not just unfavorable circumstances in and of themselves, but how to treat them, and that should be able to watch .

    In reality, the reason for the damage of sight in such cases is not unfavorable conditions, but the unnecessary race for vision that we are undertaking, the conviction we have been taught since childhood that the more we try, the more we will succeed. A vision at one distance should not be any more difficult than a vision on the other. All we need is the to keep the eyes in a soft, relaxed and moving condition.

    You, who can not read without glasses, need to relax the body, nerves and eyes, then learn to relax the four straight muscles of the eye and, finally, increase the strength and stamina of the two oblique muscles of the eye to such an extent that they can keep the eyeball elongated in its axisall the time while you are reading. Do you want to know how to do this? First of all, prepare your eyes for this: do solarization and paddling. Then sit in good light, best in the sun, the rays of which should fall over your shoulder, and practice looking at a large font from a distance where you have difficulty. Apply a central fixation.

    If in the mind or subconscious mind nests the thought that an impact is harmful to the eyes, then it accordingly causes mental stress, which, as we found out, inevitably leads to tension and eye strain. Continuing to look in this state, a person, of course, actually spoils his sight. When such an idea is not present in the mind, the tension of the psyche does not occur and the eyes are used correctly. But when the eyes are correctly used, visual work under unfavorable conditions not only does not spoil the eye, but also brings them real benefits, because in order to see in such conditions, a greater degree of relaxation is required than under favorable conditions.

    However, at first, the conditions in question can cause a feeling of inconvenience even among people with healthy prenia, but a careful reading of the facts will show that these conditions cause serious inconvenience only to people with poor eyesight. However, even if they begin to apply the central fixation, they will quickly get used to and will be able to benefit greatly from them.

    The eyes were created precisely to react to light, and nevertheless experts, as well as ordinary people, express various fears about its impact on the eyesight. Therefore, extraordinary precautionary measures are taken everywhere to soften the natural or artificial light and to avoid that it beats directly into the eyes. Meanwhile, the theoretical basis on which this

    is based universal photophobia is very shaky. The facts show that strong light never causes permanent visual disturbances, and not light, but darkness is dangerous to the eyes. A normal eye loves the sun and bright light, literally blooming under them, becoming strong, healthy and relaxed when perceiving the brightness of light without resistance to it. The prolonged absence of light always impairs vision and can cause serious inflammation. But when there are actual eye diseases, people are often forced to stay in dark rooms or with bandages before their eyes for weeks, months and years. Nothing can be more evil than this.

    We remind you: do not abuse the dark, so-called solar, glasses. Sunglasses can be worn solely in order to protect the eyes from overly of strong light, but such lighting conditions are extremely rare and may have nothing to do with people living in cities or in the countryside, but for polar explorers, climbers, etc. The human eye is sufficiently protected from ordinary sunlight, except when it is reflected by snow, water or sand.

    It is believed that a sudden change of lighting is especially harmful to the eye, but no experimental evidence to support this theory was found. Unexpected oscillations of light undoubtedly cause many people a feeling of inconvenience. However, as shown by surveys, these fluctuations were not only far from damaging the eyesight, but were also useful for him. People with poor eyesight experience significant inconveniences, which are manifested in the deterioration of vision from changes in the intensity of illumination. But this condition of low vision is always temporary, and if the eye is constantly in such conditions, then the sight derives only benefit from it. Therefore, such types of training can be recommended, such as reading alternately in bright and dim light or moving from a dark room to a well-lit one, and vice versa. Even such rapid and strong fluctuations of light as occur during the demonstration of movies, in the long run, are only useful for any eyes. We fully imagine what a surge of resentment among orthodox oculists can cause such a statement, but we can not do anything - the truth is more expensive, and therefore we declare that for those who restore their vision, the cinema( and even to a certain extent the telecasts) representa real workout for the eyes. Movies to the eyes are useful, as they contribute to their movement and vibration of the retinal nerves. As you know, while watching the average length of a full-length tape on the screen is about 195 000 frames, creating the corresponding tiny images in each eye of the viewer. Imagine how quickly the nerves of the retina vibrate, in order to catch all this and follow all the events. We remind you once again: when the eyes move, they see - a condition that is perfectly respected in the cinema. A close look, which is a factor in reducing visual perception, is absolutely impossible. Therefore, our advice to people with poor eyesight: more often go to the cinemas and apply a central fixation there. You will quickly get used to the flickering light, and any other lighting will become less annoying later.

    Equally unfounded is the general fear of reading or doing fine work in the dim light. While the light is bright enough to see without the feeling of inconvenience, this practice is harmless and can only be useful.

    It is believed, as we said above, that reading is one of the inevitable evils of civilization. At the same time, it is commonly claimed that, while avoiding small print and making sure to read only under favorable conditions, the destructive effects of

    reading can be minimized. In this regard, extensive research has been done to establish how different types of font affect the eyesight of schoolchildren, and detailed rules have been developed regarding the size and shape of the font, its color, the distance between letters and lines, and the length of the lines.

    It can be understood that books with small print can bore children, but there is no reason to suppose that such font is harmful to their eyes( nor for any other eyes).On the contrary, reading a small font, when one could avoid discomfort, always confirmed its usefulness. And it is the book with a very large font( and just such books are intended for children) spoils the eyes and worsens the eyesight, because the large font is much harder to read. After all, to see any letter or word, the nerves of the retina should completely bypass this letter and only then, bypassing other letters, compose a word from them. But all this, as you can understand, is a very difficult matter: here, when reading one word with your eyes, the same work is done, that in the case of a smaller font - when reading the whole sentence. Thus, the meaning of a phrase printed in large print is more difficult to grasp than phrases with a small font, because in the first case, the perception of information is not at the level of the syntagma, as in the second, but at the level of the word, and reading is too tedious work. Therefore, dealing with small print is much easier. Therefore, if they want children to better and more easily perceive what they have written, then children's books and textbooks should in no case be typed in large letters.

    Remember also this rule: try to avoid badly typed texts, because reading fuzzy, smeared letters causes tension of the eyes and psyche. States should impose high fines on publishers that allow themselves to produce such kind of printed products.

    A very small font is a means of relieving stress, since it can not be read with the naked eye unless the eyes are relaxed( the effort in this case is not successful).The dimmer the light at which you can read such a font, and the closer you can keep it to the eyes, the more useful, because the more relaxation you will achieve. This way it is possible to reduce severe pain in the eyes for a few minutes and even immediately. The reason is that it is impossible to read the fine print in low light and close to the eyes, if not to relax them at the same time. At the same time, a large font can be read in good light and with a normal reading distance, although the eyes may well be in tension. When you can read a small font under adverse conditions, reading a normal font under normal conditions is greatly facilitated.

    When myopia is useful, it is the attempt to see the fine print, because myopia always decreases when viewing close objects. This sometimes counteracts the tendency to strain when looking at distant objects, always leading to the onset of myopia. Some miopics find it useful to try to see so small a font that it can not even be read. If it does not work out right away, in a few days you will still succeed. Do not exert effort. Only relaxation, only a light sight will bring success. Bright solar lighting will be of great help here. It will also be useful in this case, when reading, to tear off the reading from the material being read and to cast quick glances away from it, focusing on nothing to relax the arbitrary and involuntary muscles of the eyes. Those who often have to lecture are taught to look at the audience more often. Quick glances aside are always helpful. Make them familiar. People who want to keep their eyesight are often advised not to read in transport. But since life in modern conditions is such that many people are simply forced to spend much of their time in transport, and since too many of them do not have any other time to read at all, it is useless to hope that they will ever give up this practice. Fortunately, the theory of the harmfulness of such practices is not supported by facts. When the object in question( in this case a book or magazine) is removed from the eyes due to constant tremors and shocks, it approaches them, then it deviates to the sides, and the eyes all the time turn to the right, left, up, down, catching the slipping text,then at first there is always a tension with a simultaneous deterioration of vision. But this is always temporary, and ultimately, according to Dr. Bates, vision as a result of this practice only improves.

    In the same way, it is usually said that seriously hurting the eyesight is the habit of reading lying on your back, because the position of the book changes constantly with respect to the eyes, and the light on it in this case for some reason must always not fall enough. Probably, there is no other visual habit, with which doctors would struggle so hard, as with lying reading. There are many plausible reasons for its alleged harmfulness. Nevertheless, this reading provision turned out to be so enticing that, probably, very few people, except for the author of these lines and several other pedants, could keep from him, fearing consequences. And yet this abstention was of no use to the author at one time. Therefore, today he is pleased to associate with Bates and his supporters and to report that these consequences are more useful than harmful. And we argue that along with reading under other difficult conditions it would be good to learn to read lying. The ability to do this improves as you train. It should be borne in mind that in a vertical position with good lighting, when the light falls behind the top of the left shoulder, a person can read, even if his eyes are in considerable strain. But lying, in the unfavorable light and inclined position of the page to the eyes, a person can not read unless he relaxes. That's why many like to read a few minutes before going to bed. Anyone who learns to read lying without discomfort should not, apparently, experience any difficulty with reading and under normal conditions.

    The fact that visual work under difficult conditions is an excellent mental training is a fact. First time the psyche can be put out of balance by an unfavorable environment, but in the future it gets used to it. Mental control in this case, and so, and vision improve. Advising people not to use their eyes under unfavorable conditions is like telling a person who has been forced to lie for several weeks in bed and has trouble walking, so that he refrains from walking. Of course, in both cases care is needed. As for a long time in bed on recovery, one should not immediately run a marathon distance, and a person with visual impairment should not try to look without blinking at the sun at noon. But just as a recovered person can gradually develop his strength until the marathon stops scare him, and eyes with visual impairment

    can be trained until it becomes possible to neglect( not only without fear, but also withbenefit) by all the rules that under the name of "vision hygiene" we allowed doctors to scare themselves for so long. As one of the possible ways to heal both myopia and hyperopia, we can also offer such an exercise.