  • How to care for the skin in spring

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    Let's start with nutrition: include more vegetables in the diet - fresh, fermented, in addition, a month and a half take multivitamins two to three times a day after meals. First of all, vitamins C and A are needed, the latter, if there are no liver diseases, can be taken in drops. When eating on a piece of black bread, drip 12-15 drops of vitamin A with an eye dropper.

    If the skin is very dry, at least one week, do without washing, instead, twice a day, wipe the face with cold boiled water, half diluted with milk( you will have onea tablespoon), or a lotion. Last apply every time you go outside.

    Improve the skin condition of the mask from pre-heated vegetable oil. Pieces of gauze or bandage, folded in 3-4 layers, moisten with warm vegetable oil and put on your face, leaving your nose and eyelids open, cover the top with a dry cloth or towel. After 15 minutes, remove everything, pat the skin with a paper towel or dry cotton wool. Do the first five days of the mask daily, then there will be enough two masks a week. After two weeks, the condition of the skin is normalized and it will be possible to wash in the morning with cool water without soap and once a week wash with warm water with baby or cosmetic soap after rinsing the face with cold water. In the evening, stretch your face with a lotion, a liquid cream.

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    Oily skin does not require such care and suffers less from the sun.

    And here are some more tips for skin care in the spring.

    Women with sensitive skin, in which the spring sun causes irritation on the face, it is better to replace for a while the washing with water by wiping chamomile or lime blossom.

    For those who have a long time to be on the air, if dryness and flaking of the skin appear, it is useful to apply gauze napkins moistened in a decoction of dry herbs( 3 pieces of lime flowers, 2 parts of camomile flowers, 1 part of rose petals, 1 /2 parts of mint leaves - 2 tablespoons of this mixture, pour 1 cup boiling water).

    The weather-beaten, hot, sweaty face should not be rinsed with cold water at once. Wipe it with cotton wool moistened with sour milk, and after 5-10 minutes wash with tea( room temperature).

    With persistent facial sweating, a favorable result results in an infusion of St. John's wort( 1 tablespoon per 1 cup of boiling water), which has an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect.

    For cleaning and refreshing, the face can be wiped with fresh juices - tomato, cucumber, grape, watermelon. ..

    In spring and summer, any skin will be strengthened by morning washings with cold water.

    Improving the skin with increased sebum is promoted by sea and sun baths, moist air acts favorably on the dry skin.