  • Nail fungus on legs: treatment at home, folk remedies

    One of the most common diseases to date can be called a fungus on the legs.

    In most of its cases, fungal lesions of the feet do not pose a threat to the life of the patient, but they provoke a lot of unpleasant sensations.

    This disease occurs in about one in five people on Earth. The disease is caused by the defeat of the human foot and nail fungus called "red trichophyton."Sometimes to the colonies of the trichophyton settle mold fungi and candida, known as a milkmaid.

    As a result of the disease, toxic toxins accumulate in the human body, which appear during the reproduction and growth of pathogenic fungi. These substances with blood flow are carried throughout the body, thereby worsening the metabolism and increasing the sensitivity of the organism to various negative external factors of influence.

    Medicine knows a lot of reasons that trigger mycosis of feet. Among the main ones, we will outline the following:

    • injuries on the legs, abrasions, potholes and cuts. They can occur after cosmetic procedures or injuries due to wearing shoes.
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    • irregularity of hygienic foot care.
    • weakness of immunity.
    • use of antibiotics and other drugs in treatment.
    • excessive sweating of the foot.
    If at least one of the above factors is present, this immediately increases the likelihood of infection with the fungus. However, you can avoid infection if you follow the rules of prevention, which we will talk about a little later.

    Nail fungus on the legs: photo

    This is how the fungus of the nails on the legs looks, if it is not treated.

    How can I get a fungus?

    Fungus, as many may assume, appears not only because of decreased immunity. Undoubtedly, the reduced functions of the body's defenses provoke this disease, but are not the main factor in the development of fungal disease.

    First of all, a fungus infects a sick person. To catch the disease you can( in more than 30% of cases) from your relative. Scales of a patient's skin, falling into slippers, or other means of everyday use, infect the skin of another person. The probability of infection when using washcloths, sponges, rugs and other items of daily use is high.

    With the same frequency you can catch fungi in places of congestion: on the beach, in the sauna and in the bath. After all, if there is such a factor as increased humidity, the possibility of infection increases several times. Naturally, catching a fungus is very simple!

    There is also a high risk of infection with fungal spores in any places where people walk without shoes. This is not surprising, since spores withstand high and low temperatures, and are also able to persist for several months in the beach sand. If someone from your home is sick with foot fungus, care should be taken to ensure that you do not have any wounds or abrasions on your skin, as infection occurs with microtrauma.

    If you wear shoes for someone, dispose of it urgently. Even if the person who gave you his shoes does not suffer from fungus, perhaps he is the carrier of pathogenic microflora. This is likely with normal functioning immunity.

    Where the wound is located - between the fingers, on the nails, on the heels - there is an infection. If a person is absolutely healthy, the fungus can begin to manifest as a strong peeling of the feet. Look closely and listen to yourself, perhaps it's time to take action!

    Symptoms of nail fungus on the legs

    In general, infection with the fungus usually begins with the fact that the patient feels dry and flaking feet. Also, itching and redness may be worrisome. However, the symptoms are quite diverse. The disease can begin with an inconspicuous peeling between the folds.

    With increased sweating, there are places of diaper rash. It is also possible the appearance of itchy vesicles, possibly the appearance of corns.

    In addition, the shape and color of the nails often changes. Fungal spores begin to penetrate deeper into the nail plate. There are stripes, spots of a yellow shade, nails become cracked, brittle, lose color. Under the nail appears a crumbling mixture, there are voids.

    Sweat secretions under the influence of the fungus gain an unpleasant odor. If the patient has a serious degree of disease, mycosis interferes with normal movement, body temperature increases.

    If you see changes in the form of cracks, dryness and itching on your feet, it's time to take action! The specialist will be able to determine exactly what kind of fungus has struck your feet and how to deal with it. In the initial stages, gels and ointments can be used on their own. But if the fungus has already caught your nails, then it's time to urgently go to the dermatologist!

    Note that mycoses may become more complicated with psoriasis or eczema, which should even more motivate you to visit a doctor. In general, the manifestations of the disease depend on the type of mycosis.

    1. 1) The vesicular type. In this case, the lesion begins at the bottom of the foot. There are small swellings and blisters with fluid. This type of mycosis is characterized by an additional attachment of bacterial pathogens.
    2. 2) Membrane type. The disease is characterized by a localization between the little finger and the penultimate toe of the foot. On the skin, scales and cracks are visible, perhaps even more obvious damage to the skin when attaching a bacterial infection.
    3. 3) Moccasin-like type. Mycosis begins with the heel and sole of the foot. It is manifested by pain and thickening of the skin, cracks occur.
    Often fungal infection goes further, spreads to the nails. They can crumble, change color, thicken, and eventually fall completely off the nail bed. Since the fungal infection for our body is foreign, in response to it, immunity is able to react with allergy.

    In order not to bring your body to such a state and before the need to remove nails by the operating method, in time, contact a specialist. He will tell you what to cure the fungus of the nails on the feet of the house, and pick up the most suitable drugs. Remember that doctors are our friends and helpers, the main thing is to find a competent specialist!

    Treatment of nail fungus on the legs

    You can cope with mycosis at home using special means. For this, medications should be consumed at the prescribed dosage and continuously.

    The pulse-therapy method is currently used. The therapy of fungal disease should be implemented as soon as possible using antimycotic drugs in bulk dosages. This requires long pauses between the treatment courses being implemented.

    Nail fungus on legs is treated at home using local ointments, lacquers, films. It is based on fungicidal drugs, but they are not always effective.

    For the successful treatment of foot fungal infection, the fungus pathogen, the type of skin, and the degree of pathology should be determined. Otherwise, even the most expensive therapy with drugs can not give a result.

    Different parts of the foot need their own preparations. Medicines with high fat content are well suited for dry skin, the sole is better treated with ointment, and lubricate with interdigital intervals with suspensions.

    To cure a fungus on the nails of is possible with the help of varnishes. Also, mycosis on the feet and nails is treated with a special cream, but before that, it is necessary to remove the affected nail, since the whole nail does not allow the medication to enter the interior. Local medications are usually combined with systemic ones. This is necessary, because only in this way can a successful cure be achieved. The use of exclusively local drugs is possible at an early stage of the pathology, and also if systemic medicines are prohibited.

    If you notice less than 50% of fungal lesions on the skin of the nails, you can cope with the disease with the help of ointments. The most effective and inexpensive drugs are Amorolfin, Lamizil, Nizoral, Zalain, Candide. They are used twice a day in the morning and in the evening.

    When 2 weeks of treatment is over, you need to change the ointment to a similar effect, because it is likely that the ointment used by you in fungi appeared resistance. To grow a new nail, should use drugs for a long period, up to 1 year. If the foot fungus and interdigital spaces have suffered from the fungus, treatment with ointments will last for 1 month.

    Systemic drugs such as Lamizil, Exodermil, Orungal, Griseofulvin, Mycositiset and Nizoral are suitable if more than 50% of the nail plate is affected by the fungus.

    The effectiveness of using these funds is very high. However, you need to apply them constantly under the supervision of a doctor, since many systemic remedies against the fungus are quite dangerous. They affect the stomach, liver, kidneys, intestines. Before the beginning of systemic treatment it is necessary to remove the affected nails in a conservative or surgical way. The first is more reliable and safe, since surgical intervention sometimes stimulates the further spread of the infection to other parts of the skin.

    Effective drugs for the treatment of nail fungus

    What else is to treat the nail fungus in addition to ointments and varnishes? If the disease you have for a long time, and is in a neglected stage, then without the use of special antifungal tablets it is unlikely to cure it( see treatment of the nail fungus neglected form).These are such inexpensive but effective drugs:

    • Fluconazole;
    • Terbinafine;
    • Itraconazole;
    • Ketoconazole.
    The price range for medicines varies, starts from 400 rubles and ends at 2700 rubles. The better to treat the fungus of the nails on the legs and what duration of therapy the doctor will be able to tell, since the preparations are large and each of them has certain contraindications.

    Treatment of nail fungus on legs with folk remedies

    We list the most effective folk recipes that are easy to use at home:

    1. 1) Washing powder. According to the reviews, the method is effective, since there are many alkalis in the powder, in which fungi do not survive. For the procedure, dissolve 100 grams of powder in hot water. Steam your feet with this compound until the symptoms disappear. Then continue the treatment for three days. Usually it is enough 10 days until full recovery.
    2. 2) Garlic. Cut the denticles in half, soak it in salt and rub the sore spot. In addition, you can use garlic gruel for compresses and grindings, applying it to places with a fungus.
    3. 3) Ammonia alcohol. Add in one glass of water a tablespoon of pharmacial ammonia. Next, take a cotton cloth, wet it into a solution and wrap the foot for the night in the form of a compress.
    4. 4) Soda. Normal soda prevents the spread of infection. Take soda, dilute it with water, and gruel, which you get, attach to the affected places for up to 20 minutes. After that, wash off your feet with warm water, powder powder.
    5. 5) Boric acid. Get your feet well. Then sprinkle dry foot with the powder of this acid. Wear socks overnight. Repeat this procedure about 8-10 times.
    6. 6) Mixture of iodine, glycerin, acetic essence and boiled water. All this is mixed in a ratio of 1: 2( water).With a mixture, rub the stuck legs overnight. Repeat about ten times.
    7. 7) Alcohol. If you are concerned about the initial stage of the fungus between the fingers, put the cotton swabs in interdigital intervals for the night for 14 days.
    8. 8) Onions. Ordinary onions help to cope with the fungus. Apply the gruel of their this vegetable to the affected places.
    9. 9) Herbs. It will take a little chamomile, mint, sage, nettle. Dry herbs thoroughly and cover in a sock. Socks with content change daily. In summer, it is better to use fresh inflorescences.
    Look also, than to treat the nail fungus on the hands.


    Do not you want to get sick of this unpleasant ailment? Then you should follow the safety rules.

    1. 1) Do not expose yourself to danger and walk barefoot on infected surfaces. Using a shower in the pool, dormitory, in the gym, be sure to wear rubber slippers. Also for prevention, you can use an antifungal nail polish loceril, which has a fungistatic and fungicidal effect.
    2. 2) Damaged skin or nails on the legs - this is a great danger of infection. Therefore, cancel the pools and saunas until the skin is restored. When you are in contact with unknown surfaces, and you start scratching the lesions, treat them with ointment from the fungus.
    3. 3) Get only quality, comfortable shoes made of leather, suede, fabric. One should not press or squeeze your feet.
    4. 4) Tools for manicure, pedicure, and careful handling. Do not use other people's socks, stockings, slippers, towels.
    5. 5) Every day, change pantyhose, socks, stockings. All these household items should be made from natural raw materials.
    6. 6) The legs must be washed 2 times a day - morning and evening. After you have washed them, be sure to wipe dry with a clean cloth. You can use a dryer to dry the interdigital spaces.
    7. 7) As the fungus is particularly evident with reduced immunity, monitor your overall health. Eat enough vitamins and minerals, eat fresh fruits, berries and vegetables in summer, and in the spring and winter you can fill the deficiency of nutrients with pharmacy vitamins. Such drugs as perfexyl and vitrum will strengthen your immunity. Perhaps the doctor will recommend the use of immunomodulating drugs.
    8. 8) Mycosis occurs with diabetes mellitus, varicose veins. Having passed the diagnosis, it is important to eliminate the underlying disease. Then, and cure mycosis foot will be much easier.
    9. 9) Did you feel the first signs of mycosis - the itching and flaking of the skin on the feet? Take action! It is enough to use such a drug as "Chistostop-Fort".In the initial stage of the disease, he will get rid of peeling and itching, remove erosion and wound. In addition, the drug restores the normal protective barrier of the skin.
    So that the disease does not overtake you, remember: the fungus multiplies perfectly in a warm and humid environment!

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