  • Warts on the legs - treatment is!

    Warts are an easy form of benign tumors that can appear on almost any part of the body.

    Below are warts on the legs, treatment in adults and children, causes and factors contributing to the development of the disease. Among all types of skin lesions, perhaps the most unpleasant are the leg formations( plantar).

    Sprains on the skin of the feet are capable of delivering many problems to those who suffer from this disease. So, for example, a wart on the toe of a person who often wears tight shoes can cause discomfort and even pain, which will undoubtedly affect the quality of life of the patient.

    Reasons for the emergence of

    Not everyone knows that warts are an infectious disease. Infection, as a rule, occurs during a visit to such public places as, for example, a sauna or a swimming pool.

    In such places people often are without shoes. In addition, the moist environment contributes to the development of the disease, because the human papilloma virus, which is the cause of the disease, easily penetrates into the human body through the moisture-softened epidermal cells.

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    It is very likely to build up on the skin using common hygiene products or footwear. At the same time, warts on the feet can appear as a result of wearing uncomfortable or tight shoes.

    The time interval between the entry of the papilloma virus into the body and the appearance of the skin growth is usually several months( and even years).

    Warts on the legs may disappear within 2 to 3 years on their own without any treatment. However, if the number of growths begins to increase rapidly, they begin to cause discomfort and pain, it is necessary to seek advice from a specialist.

    It should be remembered that getting rid of several warts is much easier than from a whole group of skin lesions.

    Treatment of a malaise on the legs

    How to remove a wart on the leg? Plantar plants are considered to be one of the most difficult to treat skin outgrowths, since they can for a long time not succumb to therapeutic manipulations. That is why the fight against this disease requires perseverance, patience and often repeated repetition of a procedure.

    Among the methods of treatment of this disease are the following:

    1. Electrocoagulation. This method consists in the mechanical removal( cutting) of the wart by means of a thin steel wire. An electric current passes through the wire, which helps stop the bleeding. This procedure is performed using local anesthesia.
    2. Laser coagulation. The essence of this technique is the layer-by-layer removal of the build-up by means of a laser. Like the procedure of electrocoagulation, laser removal is performed using local anesthesia. After carrying out this procedure for a certain time, the patient must limit himself in walking.
    3. Cryodestruction( freezing with liquid nitrogen).Nitrogen is applied to the wart site with a cotton swab or a special applicator. The duration of the procedure is about half a minute. Under the influence of nitrogen, the wart thickens, a blister forms in its place, which eventually disappears.
    4. Treatment with cantharidin solution. Cantharidin is a non-protein poison, extracted from the hemolymph of sarcoma beetles. This substance is mixed with salicylic acid and applied to the problem area of ​​the skin. As a result of the action of the mixture, the process of dying off the tissue that forms the build-up takes place. Healing of the skin takes from one to two weeks.
    5. Application of imiquimod. Imiquimod is a very effective remedy for warts. This drug stimulates the production of the human body cytokines - proteins of the immune system that neutralize the virus of the papilloma.

    Traditional recipes

    In addition to the traditional methods of treating plantar warts described above, there are a number of methods offered by folk medicine.

    Folk remedies for warts include:

    • rubbing the place of affection with raw garlic until the disappearance of the disease;
    • lubrication of the growths with a solution of celandine 2 times a day for 3 weeks;
    • chalking.

    Folk remedies can produce a good result in the fight against plantar warts. However, it should be remembered that they are, in fact, benign tumors, and you should always be extremely cautious, doing their own treatment.

    Treatment of plantar warts in children

    It is only natural that this ailment on the legs can appear not only in an adult, but also in a child. Do they require a special approach to their treatment on their feet?

    In principle, for treatment in this case, methods of both traditional and non-traditional medicine are suitable. However, it should be noted that parents, as a rule, still have to lead their child to a check-up to a specialist, rather than to choose the treatment themselves.

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