How to treat anemia. Best practices
Anemia is a fairly serious disease that, if not treated correctly, can lead to the development of oxygen deficiency or hypoxia, which affects all organs and tissues.
Symptoms of the disease can and do not feel, but people often feel constantly tired, even in the morning. Any action, whether it is a walk or a job, is given to him with difficulty.
People with anemia often have dizziness and difficulty breathing. It seems that nothing bothers and does not hurt, but it's impossible to live. After the examination, the doctor should identify her exact cause, determine how to treat anemia and prescribe the appropriate treatment.
The causes of anemia are quite diverse:
- Insufficiency of iron in the body.
- Blood loss due to surgery, injuries, stomach ulcers, bladder, polyps in the intestines and other causes.
- Chronic renal failure, as a consequence of a chronic disease.
- Deficiency of folic acid or vitamin B12 in the body.
- Infection, inflammation in the body.
Strong and prolonged bleeding often leads to chronic anemia. With the exception of iron in hemoglobin, all parts of red blood cells are restored quickly. Therefore, blood loss causes anemia due to depletion of iron stores in the body, which develops despite the fact that while in the intestine the absorption of iron contained in the food increases. Most bleeding occurs in the uterus( for example, because of menstruation or tumors) and the gastrointestinal tract( ulcers, hemorrhoids, tumors).
Given the level of hemoglobin, the disease anemia is divided into severe, moderate and mild anemia. Iron deficiency anemia of mild degree is characterized by hemoglobin concentration below the norm( more than 90 g / l).
With anemia of moderate degree, the hemoglobin content is less than 90 g / l, but also more than 70 g / l, and at a severe degree of iron deficiency anemia the hemoglobin concentration is below 70 g / l. At the same time, clinical signs of anemia do not always correspond to the severity of anemia according to laboratory criteria. Therefore, the so-called classification of anemia is proposed in terms of the severity of clinical symptoms. Usually latent anemia is asymptomatic, it is classified as mild.
Seropovidocellular anemia
In hereditary forms, when the structure of the hemoglobin protein is broken and when it acquires a particular crystalline structure, there is a so-called sickle cell disease( hemoglobin S).Erythrocytes in this case have a crescent shape, for which the anemia received such a name.
A similar disorder is inherited in an autosomal recessive type, in which approximately hemoglobin S and hemoglobin A are present in approximately equal amounts in the erythrocytes. In this case, the symptoms in the carriers under normal conditions hardly ever occur, and sickle erythrocytes are accidentally found in a laboratory blood test. Symptoms often occur with hypoxia( physical activity) or severe dehydration of the body.
Hypochromic anemia
There is a so-called hypochromic anemia - a common name for all forms of anemia, in which the blood color index is below the value of 0.8.
Causes of the disease may be iron deficiency anemia, chronic lead poisoning or various thalassemia, hypovitaminosis B6, as well as chronic inflammatory diseases that disrupt the exchange of iron.
Anemia of the extremities
With worsening of blood circulation in the limbs of the body, there is a so-called anemia of the hands or feet. Inflow of blood decreases, hands are numb, tissues do not receive the necessary amount of nutrients and oxygen, and therefore there is a shortage of blood supply to organs. Very often limb anemia occurs as a result of vascular trauma, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, skin inflammation or iron deficiency in the body.
In the appearance of this disease, an important role is played by age, innate and professional factors: osteochondrosis, peculiarities of the structure of humeral weave, hypertrophy of muscles in athletes and people engaged in heavy physical exertion.
Anemia of the extremities is characterized by increased sensitivity to cold, rapid fatigue, numbness of the hands. Anemia of the legs is accompanied by periodic sharp pains, heaviness in the legs when walking, cold in the extremities.
If the time to start treatment of such a disease, the probability of full recovery is high. Treatment of limb anemia should be complex, depending on the location and severity of the lesion. How to treat the anemia of the extremities is decided by the doctor, prescribing the appropriate course of treatment.